Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1505: New domination

Chapter 1505: New Commander

Su Zimo looked cold.

The Lord of Kunlun is not Yeling, which means that the Hooked Commander in front of him has nothing to do with Yeling, so he has no scruples!

"You want to kill me?"

Su Zimo stretched out his palm and grabbed at Hou Xuan's head!

Every hair on Gou Xuan's head is a gray poisonous snake, densely packed, shocking, no way to start!

"act recklessly!"

Gou Xuan sneered at seeing Su Zimo dare to use flesh and blood to grab.

But in an instant, the look of Hou Xuan changed!

Just when Su Zimo's palm was about to fall on top of his head, suddenly, in his palm, there was a burst of extreme sword energy!


Swords of anger erupted, and the gray snake on his head was cut off instantly, and blood mist blasted!

Hou Xuan changed his color in horror, his body retreated, and escaped from the strangulation of Jianqi.

Hook mysterious blood surges, the body shape is transformed in a blink of an eye, but it is a pure blood beast!

It was just that his huge body had just been transformed, and Su Zimo had already come forward, his palm fell on his snake head, and he pressed it **** the ground!


Before Hou Xuan could react, Su Zimo pressed the snake head on the altar!

This altar is also indestructible without knowing what natural treasures are used to build it.

The hook snake's head smashed on it, the altar was intact, but the hook snake was smashed beyond recognition and the skull was broken!


The Lord of Kunlun opened his eyes, and there was a stun in his eyes.

You know, to be able to become the leader of his ten armies, it must be carefully screened, the strongest of the half-ancestors is eligible!

Among the ten leaders, Hou Xuan's combat power, although not the strongest, also ranked in the top five.

What's more, this blue shirt monk is just a fit.

And Hou Xuan is a half-ancestor!

The moment the two sides fought, it turned out that Hou Xuan was defeated!

There was an uproar below the altar!

In the hearts of the Kunlun people, the status of the major leaders is second only to the existence of the Lord of Kunlun. Each of them is unchallengeable and invincible.

But I did not expect that their leader was actually suppressed by an outsider!

This is not over yet!

Gou Xuan tried to get up, Su Zimo didn't give him a chance, stepped forward, stepped on the foot of Gou Xuan's head!


The whole altar is shaking!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Hou Xuan, one of the top ten leaders of the Kunlun tribe, was crushed by Su Zimo's foot, and the Yuanshen died, and his death was gone!

Up and down the altar, suddenly fell into silence!

No one expected that this would be the result.

As a semi-ancestor strong, Hou Xuan was not able to show half of his combat power, and he was trampled to death by Su Zimo.

Gou Xuan never thought that Su Zimo dared to do it!

He even did not expect that, under the eyes of all, in the Kunlun market, in front of the Lord of Kunlun, Su Zimo dared to kill him directly!

"Foreigner, you look for death!"



The four leaders below reacted, one after the other, transfiguring themselves, bursting out roar, descended on the altar and surrounded Su Zimo in the middle!

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The many Kunlun people below also gradually calmed down, blood was flowing in their eyes, and bursts of roar burst out.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Just then, someone patted his palm.

The hustle and bustle of the altar soon disappeared!

In the eyes of the four leaders, the figure also trembled, flashing fear and slowly retreating.

In Kunlun Market, only one person has such prestige!

On the dragon chair, the master of Kunlun patted his palm, nodded slightly, and said, "It's cruel enough, absolutely enough, strong enough! I like it!"

After a short pause, the Lord of Kunlun suddenly asked: "You are the barbaric?"


Su Zimo said.

"How did you get in from the continent?"

The Lord of Kunlun asked again: "There is a Kunlun enchantment here. Normally, you cannot enter at all!"

"Originally we were really blocked, but for no reason later, a node suddenly flashed on this enchantment, and we seized this opportunity to enter this Kunlun market along this node."

Su Zimo was well prepared, and naturally he would not speak out about the exquisite secret.


The Lord of Kunlun remained expressionless and asked, "Where is this node?"

Su Zimo casually pointed in one direction and said, "Even if it is not useful to search for the past now, that node has already disappeared."

"you're lying!"

The eyes of the Lord of Kunlun suddenly burst into prosperity and burst out with evil rays!

As soon as the words fell, the Lord of Kunlun had disappeared on that dragon chair!

It's too fast!

Jihuo and Nianqi haven't been able to respond yet, a breath of evil and horror has already arrived in front of them!

"Be careful!"

Su Zimo drank aloud and took it all away. He pushed Jiu Huo and Nian Qi aside, his blood burst out, and the sound of the tide broke out in his body!

boom! boom! boom!

Jiuhuo and Nianqi just stood still, the Lord of Kunlun and Su Zimo have already fought!

The two figures staggered on the altar, hit fast, but between a few breaths, the two sides hit at least a hundred punches!

The blood of the Lord of Kunlun also spurred blood to the tide!

"This Kunlun master is strong!"

Extreme fire secretly startled.

Although Su Zimo did not explode all the power, but in the melee, he can fight against Su Zimo to this point, and there are very few strong ones!

At least he and Nianqi are by no means opponents of the Kunlun master!


The two fight against each other again, one touch at a time!


The Lord of Kunlun suddenly laughed in the sky, a big mouth, almost reached the back of his head, exposed criss-crossed fangs, horrifying infiltration!

"Happy, happy!"

The Lord of Kunlun laughed loudly, not seeing any anger on his face.

Su Zimo looked indifferent, but looked at the Lord of Kunlun quietly.

"Wanwu, why did you come to my Kunlun Market?"

Asked the Lord of Kunlun.

Su Zimo said: "I heard that there are many natural treasures in this place. We want to practice in Kunlun Market for a period of time, and use the treasures here to improve it."

"it is good!"

Kunlun's main path: "All the treasures in Kunlun Market are under my control! I can provide them to you as long as you need!"


Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, and he asked, "What conditions?"

The Lord of Kunlun slowly said: "Houxuan is dead, you are the new leader of the army! I want you to go with me to kill the traitors in Kunlun Market!"

Below the altar, there was a stir.

No one expected that Hou Xuan died. The Kunlun Lord not only did not avenge Hou Xuan, but also killed outsiders from Hou Xuan and directly promoted to become the army leader!

"I don't see the body, I don't look at the calendar, I just look at the ability!"

Kunlun's master said: "The position of commander, the capable one! Even if you are an outsider, I will reuse it!"

"Master, what can you do about the feud of Hyun?"

A Kunlun tribe could not help but stand up.

"Don't you agree with my decision?"

Kunlun's Lord looked slightly.


The Kunlun tribe trembled with great power, and he was afraid to continue.

"Then you die."

The master of Kunlun suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge suction force burst out. This Kunlun tribe could not resist it completely, and was swallowed by the master of Kunlun!

Two more, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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