Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1506: Rebellious leader

Chapter 1506: Rebellious Leader

The audience was silent!

The hustle and bustle of the just calmed down.

Click! Click!

There was a sound of biting bones in the mouth of the Lord of Kunlun, which was creepy!

The scarlet blood slowly leaked out along the teeth of the Lord of Kunlun. The Lord of Kunlun licked his lips and swallowed the blood!

The eyes of all Kunlun people looking at the Lord of Kunlun were full of fear.

Su Zimo remained calm.

He wasn't interested in what position of leader and annihilation of traitors.

But he thought for a moment that this was not bad, and he could take this opportunity to learn more about the Kunlun Market and find out the truth about the ancient war!

"Desolate, what do you think?"

Kunlun asked slowly.

"no problem."

Su Zimo nodded, his eyes turned, and landed on the protoss in white robes not far away, asking seemingly casually: "These are ..."

"These are my guests at Kunlun Market, and they are my helpers."

The Lord of Kunlun was also extremely cautious and did not say the identities of these people.

"It seems that these traitors in Kunlun Market are still quite tricky. You can't even suppress it. You have to find a helper?" Su Zimo raised an eyebrow slightly.

The Lord of Kunlun chuckled and said, "It's just a small character. It's just that the rebellious leader can't deal with it. When you see him, you will know."

After a short pause, the Lord of Kunlun said with a smile: "Desolation, it's not that I despise you. If you fight alone, you may not be the opponent of a rebellious leader."

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it."

Su Zimo said lightly.

The Lord of Kunlun was obviously trying to excite him. Su Zimo said expectation, but his heart was unmoved.

"When are we leaving?"

Su Zimo asked.

"Tomorrow morning, I will lead the army and personally conquer the rebellion!"

Kunlun said: "Today, you can just rest for a day.

Come, take the Aruba leader to the palace to rest, take the most beautiful demon girl in my palace, and reward the Arama leader! "The master of Kunlun waved his hand.

"No need."

Su Zimo waved his hand.

The three followed a Kunlun tribe down the altar, walked towards a palace, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"This desolate frontier is full of determination. It is not easy to control the decisive decision. Are you really planning to bring him down?"

A white robe protoss approached the Lord of Kunlun and asked suddenly.

The Lord of Kunlun gave a small smile, and said, "This man is not weak in combat. It is a pity to kill him. It is better to use him to deal with that beast!"

"When this battle is over, it will be his death!"

The Lord of Kunlun licked his lips, his eyes showed greed, and said, "I smelled extremely powerful fresh blood on his body! The flesh and blood of this person must be a tonic!"

"Be careful, don't pinch your teeth."

Another protoss laughed.

"Ha ha."

The Lord of Kunlun grinned, and said, "Relax, I just fought with him, I didn't use all my strength! Besides, aren't you still there, three outsiders, can't make any waves?"

A protoss suddenly said, "I'm worried about one thing."


The Lord of Kunlun looked up.

The protoss groaned: "That beast came back from Tianhuang, and these three outsiders also came from Tianhuang. What if they knew?"

The Lord of Kunlun laughed and said, "How can there be such a coincidence in the world! Even if they knew it, that beast could not support it for a long time. This wild animal is not a fool. If you know how to judge the situation, you know who to help!"

After a pause, the smile on Lord Kunlun's face closed, and he said in a cold voice: "If he really has any feelings, I will swallow him immediately!"


Kunlun Market in a palace.

Su Zimo sat on a bed with his knees on his knees, rubbing his brows with his fingers and thinking.

Jihuo and Nianqi searched around this palace and confirmed that there were no dangers or abnormalities before returning to Su Zimo's side.

Jihuo asked, "Zi Mo, what kind of rebellion do you really intend to help this Kunlun master? I think this Kunlun master is fierce and bloodthirsty, not a good kind!"

"I'm feeling it too."

Nianqi nodded and said: "This Kunlun master is moody and will kill his face at any time. Now he invites the son to become the leader. If the war ends, he will most likely turn his head against the son."


Su Zimo nodded, and said, "I have thought of what you are worried about. This Kunlun master can rule the Kunlun tribe, deter the Kunlun market, and the means are not weak. When he confronted me, he did not use all his strength."

"Of course, I also have reservations."

"Let's follow the situation first, stay alert, and when the time comes, we will respond to it."

"Okay, Zimo, since you are on guard, I won't worry about it." Ji Huo nodded.


Su Zimo suddenly asked: "What is the body of this Kunlun master you can sense?"

Both Jihuo and Nianqi shook their heads.

"Being able to stun the Quartet in Kunlun Market, his body should not be an ordinary monster." Su Zimo murmured softly.

"Can it be one of the murderers?"

Said Jihuo.

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "No! I was on the altar and used the gods to search again. There are no other fierce clans in Kunlun Market!"

"But strangely, why do protoss appear in Kunlun Market?"

Jihuo and Nianqi were also confused.

Moreover, the three protoss did not know Su Zimo.

In other words, the three protoss are unlikely to come from the continent!

But if they did n’t come from the sky, where did they come from?

Su Zimo's mind suddenly remembered what the storytelling old man had said. It seemed that in the ancient times, they were the eight fierce clans, and the gods were not among them.

The eight fierce races, the protoss, Kunlun, taboo, the war of the ancients ...

Su Zimo had a hunch that the Protoss must have played a very important role in the War of the Ancients!

Protoss is perhaps the key to revealing the truth of the Archean War!

"However, the power of this Kunlun master is really scary!"

Jiuhua sighed: "If it is not Mahayana ancestors and emperors, the power of this Kunlun master will be more terrifying than any super-sect of the heavens!"

"After all, it has been accumulated over the years." Nian Qi said.

"Unexpectedly, there is still rebellion in this Kunlun tribe."

Jiuhuo said, "It seems that the strength of the rebel army is not weak. It can make the Lord of Kunlun so active and motivate."

"I don't know what this rebel leader is, but he was able to contend with semi-ancestors like the Lord of Kunlun, making him so frightened."

He does not mean that.


Su Zimo's heart moved, a flash of light flashed through her mind, and thought of a possibility!

Could it be ...

(End of this chapter)

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