Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1507: picture

Chapter 1507 Picture

"what happened?"

Ji Huo and Nian Qi couldn't help asking Su Zimo's look different.

Su Zimo said slowly: "Night Spirit!"


The two extremely shocked their hearts, exclaiming.

This speculation is a bit bold.

But if you think about it, it is not impossible!

If Yeling is alive, on the continent, he would have searched for Su Zimo.

He is most likely to appear in Kunlun Market!

Because, this land has inextricable relations with Yeling!

This is the home of Yeling!

Ye Ling's ancestors are buried on this land!

Moreover, with the night spirit's combat power, if he returned here, he would not be anonymous.

Yeling becomes a hegemon of a party, and it is very possible to fight against the master of Kunlun!

"What are you waiting for!"

Nian Qi said in a deep voice: "Now let's go out and fight with Yeling!"

"No hurry."

Su Zimo looked calm and said, "First, this is just my speculation, and it has not been determined. Second, even if the rebellious leader is really night spirit, we are not in a hurry."

Jihuo nodded and said, "The Lord of Kunlun will personally lead a large army to discuss it tomorrow, which means that the situation over there should be in a stalemate, and the night spirit can sustain it.

"We stay here, and we can control the actions of the Lord of Kunlun. It is more useful than killing them now!"

"No hurry, you'll know the truth tomorrow."

Su Zimo said quietly.


The three stayed awake all night.

In the early morning of the second day, the three of them came to the altar early.

The army of the Kunlun ethnic group has not left. They are here for a night and the whole army is ready to go!

About half an hour later, the Lord of Kunlun and three white-robed gods descended on the altar.

"You tribe."

The Lord of Kunlun looked around and exclaimed: "I just received the news that the rebellion was defeated. My army of Kunlun has captured the rebellious nest!"

"Today, there are not many rebellions left, and they are guarding Killing God Canyon!"

The Lord of Kunlun shook his arm and shouted, "Follow me, kill the rebellion and set foot on the canyon!"

"Kill the rebellion and set foot on the canyon!"

"Kill the rebellion and set foot on the canyon!"

The Kunlun tribe below burst out into a roar, which is appalling!

The Lord of Kunlun pressed his hands in two hands and said, "Clan members, the guests I invited will also arrive at Kunlun Market today! At that time, we will join hands with them, pinching them from end to end, and we will surely be able to kill all the rebellions and kill them in the Gods Canyon. ! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Kunlun army roared and roared.

The Lord of Kunlun also said: "At that time, these guests will help us break the Kunlun enchantment, and we can leave this place and return to the sky!"

"At that time, we can step into Mahayana and realize the magical power!"

"At that time, we could break free from the constraints of heaven and earth, and Shouyuan skyrocketed!"

"At that time, we could dominate one side of the continent, instead of being trapped in this ruin, and be anonymous!"

Below the Kunlun tribe, howling bursts of excitement.

I have to say that the words of the Lord of Kunlun are very contagious.

But from beginning to end, Su Zimo was expressionless.

He was a little curious, who was the guest in Kunlun's mouth?


Will the Protoss come to Kunlun Market?

"set off!"

The master of Kunlun waved his hand.

Tens of thousands of Kunlun army troops got up and sat on a huge soul boat and sailed towards the west, murderous!

The Lord of Kunlun, the three Protoss, the three Su Zimo, and the remaining four commanders are all on the most massive warship.

The crowd stood on the bow deck, standing up against the wind.

"How can rebellion be distinguished from our Kunlun Army?"

Su Zimo asked suddenly.

"Extremely easy."

The Lord of Kunlun laughed: "My Kunlun tribe is tied with a gray ribbon around their waists, and those rebellious are purple-gold ribbons!"

"As long as you remember, anyone who sees a purple-gold ribbon will have no amnesty!"

Su Zimo nodded.

After a pause, Su Zimo asked again, "What is this rebellious leader? It seems that this skull seems quite prestigious and can gather a large army to confront you."

"Ha ha."

The Lord of Kunlun sneered: "A beast who came back from the outside is nothing but his bloodline and the prestige left by his grandparents!"

"Following him are some stubborn old stubborn!"

There was a gleam of cold light in the depths of Su Zimo's eyes.

It was almost certain in his mind that the so-called rebellious leader was the night spirit!

Thinking of seeing Yeling, Su Zimo's heart suddenly became hot.

To him, nothing is more important than the night spirit!

The army galloped with all its strength.

About an hour later, you can see the countless dead bones piled up on the ruins of the wilderness, and the blood flowed into the river.

Some bodies have purple gold ribbons tied around their waists.

Some are tied with gray ribbons.

It can be speculated that this is the first battlefield between the two sides!

The battlefield spread all the way.

The corpses were everywhere, more and more dense, showing the fierce battle!

Not long after, not far ahead, you can see a huge palace. Above the main hall, it has been broken and broken, leaving only four walls still standing there.

"Here is the rebellious old nest!"

The Lord of Kunlun pointed out the dilapidated palace, smiled, and said, "However, it has been completely captured by my army!"

Su Zimo's eyes were slightly condensed.

On the wall of that dilapidated palace, he saw a picture that was lifelike and seemed to depict something.

"what is that?"

Su Zimo pointed at the picture on the wall and asked suddenly.

The Lord of Kunlun glanced casually and pouted, "It's just old things. The war about the ancient times has long passed."

"The Battle of the Ancients?"

Su Zimo said, "I'll go and see."

"You are free, but you are the new army leader, don't stay too long, we are waiting for you in Killing Gods Canyon!" The Lord of Kunlun urged.

He was not worried about the three Su Zimo running away.

In this Kunlun market, no one can escape his control!

Su Zimo jumped out of the warship when he was in shape.

Jihuo and Nianqi followed behind.

The Kunlun army's warships cruising past the palace, galloping westward.

Su Zimo stepped on the bones, stepped on the ruins, and came to the entrance of the palace with a pause.

He had a hunch.

This palace is likely to reveal the real secret of the Archean War!

Su Zimo took a deep breath and stepped into the palace, looking at the first picture on the left.

The first picture is very simple. It draws a long, deep valley.

At the end of the gorge stood a huge cave. The cave was surging with colorful luster, and it was unpredictable. Several figures came out of this colorful luminous cave.

(End of this chapter)

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