Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1508: God's Continent

Chapter 1508: God's Continent

"This canyon ..."

Nianqi tilted her head slightly and whispered, "I heard that the Lord of Kunlun mentioned a gorge called Killing Gorge, is there?


Extreme nodded.

The eyes of the three of them fell on the bodies of several people who came out from the cave of colorful light.

The characteristics of these people are too obvious!

Blond, tall and handsome!


The three looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

This picture is very simple and unremarkable, so I painted these things.

But below this picture, there are four small prints.

Su Zimo whispered subconsciously: "Continent of God."

"What do you mean?"

Jihuo and Nianqi both frowned slightly, and their faces were puzzled.

"Continent of God ..."

Su Zimo murmured again, went forward, and looked at the second picture.

This picture, the style of painting changes suddenly!

It is still in this canyon, but in this canyon, it is stained red with blood, and many corpses are stacked in the canyon!

And these corpses are all protoss!

On top of these protoss corpses, there are two horrible monsters standing, snarling loudly in the direction of the colorful cave!

Even if it is just a picture, the three can still feel the horror of the monster, as if they can scare people through the wall!

In the eyes of the three, they all showed shocking colors!

Because this creepy monster looks exactly the same as Ye Ling's body, but it has a much larger body!

It is purple all over and slim.

All over the body is golden, and the body is extremely strong!

This is an ancient taboo-oh!

And, these are two puppets!

One male and one female!

Extremely stunned, after a while, he exclaimed: "Oh my God, in the ancient times, the taboo family had two puppets!"

At the end of the gorge, in the cave with its colorful flashes, the Protoss is still rushing out.

One by one, the protosss walked out of the cave and rushed towards the two puppets!

The picture freezes.

This picture is lifelike. The three stood in front of this picture, as if going back in time, back to the ancient times, and saw the battle immersively!

However, in the eyes of the three, there are still countless confusions.

Su Zimo's eyes looked down.

Beneath this picture, four small characters are still written-Protoss Invasion!

Seeing these four words, Nianqi was shocked!

Su Zimo and Jihuo were also on the spot.

They turned back subconsciously again, looking at the first picture.

Linking the two pictures reveals too much information!

After a brief silence, Jiuhuo tried to say, "Does the so-called God's Continent exist as a continent?"

"should be."

Su Zimo nodded: "The universe is vast and boundless. There is no such thing as a world like the world of continent."

In other words, the Protoss is not a creature on the continent at all!

But real outsiders!

In this way, there are many things that can be explained clearly.

The blood of the Protoss, the exercises, and the races on the continent are vastly different.

After the blood of the Protoss is awakened, a blood vein vision can be born!

The records left by the exquisite fairy are that the archaic era was the eight fierce clan, and did not include the protoss, precisely because the protoss did not appear on the continent at first!

The protoss that Su Zimo killed in the town of Kunlunxun, the strange text in the storage bag is the protoss!

The world in the memory of that Protoss man should be the continent of God!

Jiuhuo looked at the cave with colorful lights in the second picture, and condensed, "In this case, this cave should be the tunnel that connects the land of heaven and the land of God!"

"Through this, the Protoss can enter the heavens!"

Su Zimo nodded and continued to look down.

In the third picture, there is still the deep canyon, but the calm is restored again.

Amaranth and Jinyi nestled together, sitting above the canyon.

In the arms of two crickets, lies an egg quietly!

At the other end of the gorge, there are some protoss going away with their backs in a hurry.

Beneath the third picture, there are still four words written on it—the orthodox child.

Extremely fiercely said, "It looks like this Ziyan gave birth to a son, this Jinyi took care of it day and night, seized the opportunity by some protoss, passed through this valley, and entered the sky."

Su Zimo nodded.

Through these pictures, it is easy to connect some things that happened in the ancient times.

The three continued on, looking towards the fourth picture.

The fourth picture, the canyon is finally missing.

There are many creatures painted on it. In addition to the protoss, there are the dragon and the dais, and the remaining eight fierce races are all there!

Not only that, there are two more horrible monsters in the fourth picture, the breath is almost the same as the god!

Taboo Dragon Phoenix!

Taboo Kun Peng!

Many fierce tribes gathered, and some of the protoss stood in the middle, and seemed to be talking to the surrounding fierce ancestors, Long Huang and Kun Peng.

The four words under the fourth picture-Protestant provocation.

Seeing here, even if the three do not have to continue to look, many things can be figured out.

In the ancient times, perhaps the oracles did kill and kill themselves, and were indeed arrogant.

But the real cause of the Taigu War is because of the Protoss!

Protoss invasion, this is the invasion of another civilization. If it cannot be resisted, all the civilizations on the continent will disappear, and all races will be enslaved by the protoss!

The oracle realized the horror of this matter, so they stood in Kunlun and blocked the protoss.

However, due to the birth of the god, the protoss came into the sky while they were empty, and encouraged the other two taboos, the eight fierce tribes, to fight against the gods, which triggered the earth-shattering ancient war!

Nian Qi's face was a little pale.

In any case, the blood of the Protoss is flowing in her body after all.

She never imagined that she was her ancestor, which caused the largest catastrophe in the desolate continent, indirectly killing the three taboos and countless races!

Fifth picture.

The scene has moved to the Kunlun Mountains.

The male Jin Ye is guarding on the top of Kunlun Mountain, and His Majesty is standing with four heads of monsters and a terrifying monster!

Your Majesty the Four-Headed Beast, and this myriad creature race!

Many races are on the side of oracles!

Su Zimo's eyes condensed slightly, and fell under the deities, among the four monsters and one monster.

This monster is very special.

Sheep face, eyes under armpits, tiger-toothed human hands, black body all over, a large mouth is extremely scary, almost to the back of his head, as if can eat billions of souls!

"I know!"

Su Zimo pointed at the monster, and suddenly said, "The Lord of Kunlun should be the grandmother! This grandma is the ancestor of the master of Kunlun!"

I am extremely greedy and eat everything.

It is rumored that even if the crickets start ruthlessly, even the major fierce families dare to eat!

Moreover, the appetite of ravioli is extremely large.

Even the ferocious food of the dragon and the dais cannot compare with it!

Even in the archaic era, the savage names of the crickets were not weaker than those of the major fiends, only because the number of crickets was scarce, otherwise, they would definitely be listed as one of the fiendish ones!

(End of this chapter)

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