Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1530: Blessed by misfortune (third)

Chapter 1530 Blessed by Disaster (Third)

Su Zimo's consciousness was a bit vague and groggy.

He vaguely sensed that something had happened to the dragon riding commander's body, and with a scream, there was no sound.

"How could this be?"

"What happened?"

"Did that Dragon Rider fall?"

Su Zimo's mind was confused.

The power of the Sword of Doom has broken through the defense of Fortune Lotus.

The body of the black-haired protoss was covered with the strange power of the black spider silk, and his breath of life was rapidly diminishing.

Fortune green lotus has also been motionless and weak.

At this moment, a tremendous amount of vitality poured into his body frantically, and he was constantly repairing his injury.

The dark and cold strange power of the sword of doom can't stop this huge vitality!

Su Zimo's black-haired protoss had already fallen into oblivion and would disappear at any time.

But in his knowledge of the sea, the black-haired Yuanshen gradually recovered again after being injected into this huge vitality instantly.

The black cobwebs on the lotus platform of nature have also gradually melted away.

The power of the Sword of Doom, under this vast vitality, is like the snow and ice encountering the sun and melting quietly.

Soon, the power of doom that had penetrated into Su Zimo's body was alleviated by this huge vitality!

The sword of doom pierced into his chest was being pulled out little by little, as if some force was pushing it!

Not long after.

With a bang, the artifact of this god's continent was pulled from Su Zimo's chest and dropped to the ground, silent.

This huge vitality, after the expulsion of the sword of doom, has not stopped the trend, and poured into Su Zimo's body like crazy.

Su Zimo's meridians, internal organs, and flesh, which had no vitality, were gradually stimulated by this huge vitality.

Su Zimo's consciousness also began to return.

It didn't take long for him to wake up.

"what happened?"

Su Zimo froze slightly and looked intently.

He found himself in a huge storm.

This storm contains a huge and rich vitality, vast like a sea, this vitality is pouring into his body continuously!

The wound on his body is healing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long before it became scarred and shedding.

No scars at the wound, smooth as jade!

The injuries in his body were also quickly repaired.

You know, in this battle, Qinglian's true body was almost abolished and broken, and it was only possible to repair it unless it was too ancient.

But now, this huge vitality pours into the body, and the effect seems to be more violent than Taikoo Shenquan!

"It's a magic storm!"

Su Zimo reacted quickly, what happened to him.

Dragon riding half-ancestor sacrifice the sword of doom.

Although the breath of Doom Sword itself is strong, it is not yet strong enough to touch the storm of magical powers.

But later, the dragon riding half-ancestors used the power of the sword of doom to pierce the sword of doom into his chest, and immediately caused a storm of magical powers!

The storytelling old man once said that the magical power storm was caused by the residual magical power.

Because of this, the power released by each magical storm is different.

If it is an attacking magical power that triggers a storm of magical powers, it will inevitably contain a terrible killing force, which can easily tear up the monk town.

And the storm of magical powers in front of him is obviously caused by a magical power of healing type!

It is not that there is no threat to healing magic storms.

As long as it is a supernatural power, the power is astonishing. The vastness is like a sea of ​​smoke.

Healing supernatural powers are full of vitality. They are constantly flowing into the dragon ancestors' semi-ancestors. The body of the dragon riddens's ancestors cannot bear such a huge vitality, so the physical body bursts and the body is dead!

The reason is very simple. Grass and vegetation need rainwater, but if the torrent floods down, all the vegetation will have only one end.

Simply put, Dragon Riding Commander is a huge vitality hidden in the storm of magical powers.

Su Zimo is still intact until now, precisely because of this vast and vast vitality, more than half of the strength of the sword of doom!

Su Zimo's physical body was broken and almost cut off vitality.

This vitality was injected, instead of failing to cause damage to Su Zimo, but let Qinglian's true body recover as before, and her injuries were healed!

Although the magical storm weakened a lot, there was still a huge vitality that continued to flow into Qinglian's real body.

Su Zimo's eyes burst into ecstasy.

If you change to someone else, the huge vitality remaining is enough to burst the flesh and fall on the spot.

But these vitality, for Qinglian Zhenshen, are rare opportunities to make up!

Su Zimo simply sat cross-legged in the miraculous storm, closed his eyes, began to absorb the huge vitality in the refining body, and practiced!

These vitality cannot be eaten by others.

But Qinglian really can swallow it all!

Over time, Su Zimo's Qinglian true body became more and more pure, and the Yuanshen became more condensed. The cultivation of the realm was slowly improving!

You should know that Su Zimo absorbed the refining and worry-free wood, and has just cultivated to the late stage of integration.

He wants to elevate to a small realm, step into the peak of the fit, and practice normally, perhaps for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

His Qipin Qinglian real body, want to break through to eight grades, but also in the foreseeable future.

But now, under the influence of yin and yang, this magical storm has come, and Qinglian's true body quickly transformed into a long one!

In the distance, Jihuo, Nianqi, Yeling and others watched this scene, finally reassuring.

The three looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Tears in laughter.

This is the joy of the rest of the life!

Many Kunlun people also widened their eyes and looked at this scene incredibly.

Can anyone survive the magic storm?

Yeling, Jihuo, and others did not go far, and stayed nearby, rested in place, nourished, and healed.

On the one hand, they worry about Su Zimo's safety.

On the other hand, they were also worried that any protoss would rush out of the colorful cave.

Fortunately, after the dragon leader fell, the land of the gods seemed to be aware of it, and no protoss entered the sky.

In an instant, day and night passed.

Relying on his strong ability to heal, Yeling has recovered a lot. He stood up first, and even if a protoss came in, he could kill him!

The rest of the Kunlun tribe is too far away.

Each face was pale and scarred, and he was still working hard to heal the wounds.

Jiuhuo and Nianqi's injuries were not healed, but they recovered a lot of energy and did not interfere with their actions.

The biggest change is Su Zimo!

One day and one night, the magical storm has almost disappeared.

And Su Zimo's cultivation for the realm, once again breaking through, has reached the peak of the fit realm!

His Qipin Qinglian real body has also been infinitely close to Bapin!

Of course, if you want to break through to the eight grades, it will take time to settle, and maybe what opportunities are needed.

You know, from ancient times to the present, only the ancient Buddha Emperor was able to conceive the good fortune green lotus to eight grades!

(End of this chapter)

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