Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1531: Redemption (fourth more)

Chapter 1531 Redemption (Fourth)

Of course, the change of Su Zimo from this magical storm is not just that simple on the surface!

With this miraculous storm, Su Zimo really felt the power of miraculous!

Of course, it was only one day and one night that he could not understand the magical powers.

It is impossible to comprehend even a trace of magical power.

But this experience, this close contact with the magical power, has laid a perfect foundation for him to understand the magical power in the future!

Moreover, with the transformation of Qinglian's true body this day and night, Su Zimo's heart also rose a bit of comprehension.

Originally, he just thought that he was just lucky and had a good fortune.

Therefore, the magical storm touched by the sword of doom is a healing type of magical storm.

If it is a killing type magical storm, I am afraid that he will be torn to pieces by the magical storm in the first time, and his death will die!

However, Su Zimo felt the power of this supernatural power, and gradually came to understand.

Fortune Qinglian itself has given birth to a magical power!

I just don't know if it is a small magical power, a great magical power or a peerless magical power.

No matter what magical power, this magical power is bound to be healing!

Therefore, the forbidden area of ​​magical powers was touched by the sword of doom, but because of the existence of the forged green lotus, it caused a healing type magical power storm!

A drink and a peck are all set.

There is no chance, and he will come to himself for no reason.

Three more hours have passed.

The magical storm has completely dissipated.

Su Zimo opened his eyes and rose to his feet, feeling the powerful strength and vigorous vitality in his body, he could not help but scream!

Pinnacle of fit!

The pinnacle of Qipin Qinglian Real Body!

If he did not come to the Kunlun Market, Su Zimo would like to reach this state, this change, I do not know how many years to cultivate.

Moreover, Qinglian Zhenshen experienced the baptism of the magical storm. The blood rattan tribe on him, the power of the killing has long been turned into nothingness!

"Zimo, congratulations!"

Ji Huo came forward and said with a smile.

Su Zimo nodded his head and said, "It's also a misfortune, a blessing because of misfortune."

The battle of Xiehuo came down. Although there was no breakthrough in the realm of cultivation, the overall combat power was improved a lot.

This is the baptism of life and death.

Blood baptism!

Not many people have experienced such a war in spiritual practice!

Not many people can survive this tragic war!

Everyone who survives will have boundless future achievements!

This experience is the most precious wealth!

Su Zimo glanced around, always feeling as if something was missing, and suddenly frowned slightly and asked, "What about Nianqi?"

"Huh? I really didn't notice."

There was a flick of fire.

"over there!"

There are Kunlun eyes, shouting at the colorful caves in the distance.

Su Zimo and others turned and looked.

I saw Nianqi standing at the door of the colorful cave, looking directly at this side, Meimu stared at Su Zimo without blinking, showing deep resentment and attachment.

In the light of the sun, Su Zimo clearly saw the corners of Nianqi's eyes, rolling down two drops of glittering tears.

Su Zimo realized something vaguely, and quickly stepped forward, loudly: "Nian Qi, what are you doing, come back soon!"

Nian Qi shook her head without saying a word, but her eyes were completely clear.

"Nianqi, what's wrong with you?"

Jihuo also said aloud, "What's the matter, come down to discuss with us, why it's so dangerous to run there!"

"My son, I'm leaving."

After a while, Nian Qi said softly.

Su Zimo frowned, Shen said, "Nian Qi, if you still recognize me, please come back immediately, don't do stupid things!"

"I order you back!"

Su Zimo's tone became more severe.

He never spoke to Nianqi in such a tone.

Nian Qi followed him very early. Although he always used to be a maid, he never regarded Nian Qi as a maid.

Su Zimo regards Nian Qi as his loved ones, just as he treats his younger sister.

Nian Qi never disobeyed his wishes.

No matter what Su Zimo did or said, Nianqi didn't question at all, he did not hesitate to support and follow, without complaint.

"Son, I'm sorry."

Nianqi pursed her mouth, holding back the tears in her eyes, taking a deep breath, and said, "This time, I can't listen to you, I'm leaving."

Su Zimo was silent.

He knew that Nianqi's heart had been decided, and even if he tried to persuade him, I'm afraid it would be useless.

"Leave? Where is this girl, Nianqi?"

Jiuhuo was still a little confused, puzzled, and turned to look at Su Zimo and asked.

"Continent of God."

Su Zimo said slowly.


Jiuhuo was startled and startled.

Jihuo hurriedly asked, "What is she going there! Although she has the blood of the protoss, she knows nothing about the land of God!"

"Moreover, if she passed by the side of the continent, she would surely be attacked by the continent of God! Not to mention, only half of the blood of God is flowing in her body, the blood is impure, and the continent of God will not allow her at all ! "

Su Zimo did not answer extremely hot.

Others may not understand, but he understands Nianqi's intentions.

In fact, when they saw the eight pictures and learned the truth about the War of the Ancients, Nianqi was already abnormal.

Nian Qi often walks away, often with his head down, and dares not to look at Ye Ling.

The ancient war, although it has nothing to do with her.

But she felt guilty and blamed herself.

This guilt and self-blame reached its limit after the battle yesterday!

Nian Qi is an orphan, protoss abandoned.

It was not until I met Su Zimo that I found the feeling of a loved one.

But Nianqi was sensitive deep inside.

Nianqi doesn't know how to face Yeling in the future.

Although Ye Ling is not hostile to her, every time she sees her, she will definitely think of her parents' blood.

Nianqi also does not know how to face Su Zimo in the future.

The truth about the ancient war will be announced sooner or later.

At that time, Su Zimo's maid is a protoss and will inevitably attract countless criticisms.

She was afraid of bringing trouble to Su Zimo and was afraid of losing Su Zimo.

More importantly, Nianqi didn't know how to face herself.

Nian Qi is going to the land of God!

Even if the future is uncertain and extremely dangerous, she will also go.

She is going to face the continent of God alone!

She wanted to do something for Su Zimo, for the barren continent, for the war of Taikoo, and for the countless souls that fell in the battle of yesterday, to atone for the sin.

Perhaps this is also a redemption for myself!

Su Zimo and Nian Qi looked away.

Nian Qi didn't need to say more or explain, Su Zimo understood Nian Qi's heart.

"My son, I will not be with you in the future. You need to take good care of yourself."

Nian Qi softly said.

"it is good."

Su Zimo nodded.

"My son, don't worry, I will definitely come back!"

After a short pause, Nianqi thought about it and said, "If so, if I can't come back, don't worry about my son, maybe I ..."

"If you don't come back, I'll go to you!"

Su Zimo interrupted Nian Qi and said firmly.

Hearing this sentence, Nian Qi stared at Su Zimo madly, tears like springs.

Four more today, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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