Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1542: Dissipate

Chapter 1542: Dissipation Against the Scales

Although Long Cang killed the two Protoss powerfully, it had little effect on the current situation.

Even if he transformed the body of the five-pronged dragon, he is still not qualified to intervene in the battle between the ancestors!

Two barbaric ancestors, two ancestors and gods have sacrificed their magical powers, and the dragon and phoenix are still calm and can't see any fear.

Stepping into the Mahayana realm and realizing the rebirth of blood is indeed difficult to fall.

But it is difficult to fall, it does not mean that you can't kill!

Otherwise, the human race will not fall many ancestors in these years.

Even the Mahayana ancestor, Yuan Shen is absolutely fatal.

Once the Yuanshen is gone, the soul is gone, even if the physical body is kept intact, it means that the body is dead and the consciousness is dissipated.

There is another way.

It is the destruction of every inch of the Mahayana ancestor's vitality, not even a drop of blood, even if the ancestor Yuanshen is intact, he cannot reshape the body.

The Mahayana ancestor who lost his physical body had a sharply reduced combat force, and it was much easier to kill it.

Dragon Phoenix looked cold.

The Mahayana ancestor's blood rebirth can't scare him!

He has a mystery that can directly kill the Primordial God!

Inverse scale!

Seeing the two old ancestors of the barbarians and the two ancestors rushed up, Long Huang's eyes flickered, the huge consciousness continued to condense and compress, and a disturbing consciousness wave pervaded!

At the heart of the dragon's real body, a palm-sized red-red scale slowly floated out, crescent-shaped, looking plain.

But this dragon scale appeared, and the whole world seemed to tremble!

Space seems to freeze!

Coming down!

Dragon Phoenix really believes that even if the four fierce ancestors would not be wiped out by the inverse scales, the Yuanshen would be severely hit. At that time, he would have the absolute upper hand and form crushing!

The look of the two barbaric ancestors changed!

But there was no fear on the faces of the two ancestors, but an incredible expression appeared!

"how is this possible!"

The two patriarchs of the barbarians were shocked.

The barbarian young master also widened his eyes, watching this scene incredibly.

After the inverse scales emerged, beyond the expectations of the real dragon and phoenix, the ancestors of the four fierce ancestors stopped, but they did not condense the element mystery to confront them.

The two great ancestors frowned slightly, his expression vacillated.


Dragon Phoenix was really shocked, eyes narrowed.

Under his gaze, the inverse scales had just condensed, but they quickly disintegrated and disappeared in an instant!


The middle-aged ancestor Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, laughing and laughing: "Long Mo, you are really stupid. To release the meta-mysticism in the territory of the barbarians is to humiliate yourself!"

The nine fierce tribes, each with different strengths and areas of expertise, are different.

The weakness of each fierce tribe is also different.

Like the Wu tribe, the physical blood is the weakest of the nine fierce tribes, and it is not much different from the ordinary human race.

But in the cultivation and perception of Yuanshen, the witch is the strongest!

But the barbarians are just the opposite.

The barbarians have a very strong physical body, and even the practice of pure body is more than that of the dragon and protoss.

However, the practice of the barbarians on Yuanshen is the weakest among the nine fierce clans.

In the War of the Ancients and the War of the Ancients, few of the strong in the same rank could hurt or seriously damage the physical body of the barbarians.

But in the two wars, many barbarians still fell.

The physical bodies of these barbarians, most of them intact, are falling under the elemental mystery!

Therefore, in the territory of the barbarians, the magical powers of the ancient barbarians existed, and the metamystic art could not be condensed at all.

In the territory of the barbarians, you can use spells, magical powers, or physical blood, but you cannot release meta mystery!

In fact, Long Huang Zhen's body can condense the inverse scales, which has surprised the two great ancestors.

You know, in the barbarian territory, there is the magical power of the ancient barbarian, let alone the release of meta-mysticism, even cohesion is impossible!

And just before, the inverse scale is really condensed out.

However, he still couldn't resist the magical power left by the ancient barbarians and quickly disintegrated.

Long Huang really turned her mind and body, and soon realized this.

This change is a bit beyond his control!


The middle-aged ancestor shouted loudly, the ghost of the **** shook, his body was full of light, he turned the huge sword, and rushed again!

The old man also shook his figure, and with the help of the magical power that the **** of heaven came, he suddenly came up, picked up the dragon cane, and smashed his head to cover his face!

Two barbaric ancestors also rushed up.

Long Phoenix can feel it, but the barbarians still have scruples, and they are restrained, and they have never sacrificed magic weapons.

But even so, the four ancestors used magical powers and the power that erupted was still terrifying enough to kill him!

Too late to think about it, the Dragons really urged the Yuanshen, and in the sea, a spirit tortoise appeared on the surface, roaring in the sky.


The Dragons sang softly.

His eyebrows burst out with a divine light, condensing in the air without leaving!


The magical power that shakes the heavens and the earth comes!

In front of the real body of the Dragon clan, a huge stone shield emerged, rough and ancient, with a winding groove pattern carved on it, mysterious and mysterious.

This stone shield is like an ancient turtle shell.

The gully on this tortoise shell has all shone, sending out mysterious mysterious brilliance!

A talented supernatural power in the Great Wild Demon King's Secret-Shield of the Spirit Turtle!

This is also the real defense of Dragon Phoenix, the most powerful defense method!

Almost as soon as the Shield of the Turtle condensed, the attacks of the four fierce ancestors came down!

when! when!

The giant swords and dragon canes of the two great ancestors fell on the shield of the tortoise almost indiscriminately!

boom! boom!

The fists of the two savage ancestors also fell on the shield of the tortoise, and a loud noise broke out!

The picture seems to freeze!

After a short stagnation, a faint halo erupted on the shield of the tortoise.


Broken Shield of the Turtle!

Great swords and leading crutches bounced off.

The two ancestors of the barbarians also took a step back!

Dragon Phoenix was even more miserable. His body fell quickly, and he slammed into the ground. The sand and stones splashed and the dust was rolling!


Long Huangzhen coughed up blood, and there was a severe pain all over his body.

After the four fierce ancestors worshipped the magical power, their strength skyrocketed.

This supernatural power is too strong!

Although the shield of the tortoise resists most of the magical power, it still pours into the body, causing a great impact on his physical body!

"Little Lord!"

Long Cang and others exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"do not come!"

Long Phoenix's voice sounded, with an unquestionable tone.

Long Cang and others quickly stopped their figures.

The dragons also knew that if they rushed forward, they could only bring a burden to Long Phoenix's real body, but it was just a burden.

Long Cang fumbled a messenger from the storage bag and shred it instantly.

This rune turned into a stream of light, galloping towards the barren deserted hall.


This streamer had not yet flew out of the barren deserted hall, but was caught by a huge palm, instantly crushed!

The figure of the barbaric young master was revealed.

Add more tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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