Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1543: Ten Demon Kings (first)

Chapter 1543 The Ten Demon Kings (First)

"Very tiger!"

Long Cang's heart was furious, and he yelled, "What are you doing! If the young master died in your barren temple, you are ready to bear the anger of the dragon race!"

Hearing this sentence, in the eyes of the barbarian young master, there was a clear flash of dread.

The young master of the barbarians slightly shook his fist, and Shen said, "Long Cang, after all, your young master didn't talk about rules first. This is no wonder that our barbarians took the shot."

Having said that, the tone of the barbarian young master softened noticeably.

The barbarian master said, "Furthermore, even if you are now calling back to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, it will be too late. With the cooperation of the four fierce ancestors, Long Mo will not last that long."


The words did not fall, there was a loud noise on the battlefield!

However, it was the middle-aged ancestor **** and the old sacrifice who gave out magic weapons, chased them away, and chopped down fiercely toward the place where the dragon and Phoenix really fell!

The Great Sword reduced the ground of the Barren Hall into two halves.

The magic power of the dragon cane broke out, and it even smashed the ground into a large pit!

"the host!"

Gu Yun shouted sadly, his eyes were red, and he wanted to rush forward and fight desperately with the middle-aged ancestral **** and old grandma, but was dragged by Long Cang!

"Young Master is not dead!"

Long Cang whispered.

as expected!

I saw that in the huge pit on the ground, there was no real figure of Dragon and Phoenix. The shots of the two great ancestors were all missed!


Middle-aged ancestors and old grandpas changed slightly.


A slaughter of crickets came, and the figure of Dragon Phoenix really appeared behind Lao Lu, the five claws covered the sky, and he came towards Lao Lu!

"Be careful!"

The middle-aged ancestor shouted, turned the sword in his hand, and beheaded towards the real body of Dragon and Phoenix.

The two great barbarians also hid from behind.

Dragon Phoenix really frowned slightly, two huge pairs of feather wings fanning behind, the whole person turned into a red golden light, and disappeared in situ instantly!

It's too fast!

The attacks of the four fierce ancestors were all missed!

"Two pairs of wings?"

The four fierce ancestors stunned slightly.

They clearly saw that on the back of Dragon Phoenix, in addition to the pair of crimson wings, there were also a pair of larger golden wings.

The two pairs of wings flickered brightly and beautifully, without any flaws!

The second magical power in the Great Demon King's Secret-Speed!

In recent years of practice in the land of Zulong, Longhuang Zhenshen has become more and more aware of this magical power, and the cooperation with the wings of Longhuang has become more tacit.

Today's Dragon Phoenix is ​​much faster than when fleeing from Penglai Island!

Among the siege of the four fierce ancestors, Long Huangzhen was still very skillful and constantly turning around.

Although the strength of the four fierce ancestors is strong, they can never touch the real body of Dragon Phoenix!

Not only that, the spirits of the two great ancestors were slightly slack, but they would suffer the killings of Long Huang Zhenshen, often in distress.


The middle-aged ancestor was secretly shocked.

Keep dragging on like this, when the supernatural powers on them dissipate, the ghost of heaven disappears, and in strength, they will instantly fall into the downwind.

By then, the four of them will never stop Long Phoenix's killing!

"You have to force him and us!"

The middle-aged ancestor was hunting and killing, while he heard the voice of the old god.

"I'm going to deal with those dragon cubs and force him to show up!"

The old man sneered slightly. After saying this, he leaped away from the battlefield, holding a dragon cane, and rushed towards Long Cang and others, murderous!

The dragons are discolored!

They couldn't resist the power of the ancestors at all.

Even the dragon of the five-clawed dragon, under the power of the ancestor god, is as small as an ant!


Suddenly the void descended into a huge stout stone pillar.

The stone pillar is gray, with a five-pronged dragon climbing on it, exuding an ancient atmosphere, coercion and wantonness, fierce and fierce, it seems to suppress the people!

Dragon God Real Body's other talented supernatural power-Zulong God Pillar!

This ancestral dragon god's pillar descended from the sky, there were thousands of feet, and the roof of the barren deserted hall was directly smashed into a large hole, and it was slammed down towards the old man!

"Good job!"

The old man's look remained unchanged, urging Qi and blood, turning the leading cane, and beating fiercely towards the ancestral pillar of the dragon.


A loud noise!

A rift appeared on the body of Zulong God's Pillar, and in a blink of an eye, it shattered and turned into nothingness.

The middle-aged ancestor also rushed over, turning the giant sword in his hand, and ignored the real body of Dragon and Phoenix at all, but killed Long Cang and others!

He knew very well that even if he shot against Dragon Phoenix, it would not help.

Before waiting for his great sword to come, Dragon Phoenix used the speed supernatural power to leave first.

What he has to do is to force Long Phoenix to take action against them, and shake them with them!

The two barbaric ancestors frowned slightly.

As Mahayana ancestors, they shot at a half ancestor by bullying the small ones. Now they still use such mean methods. Both barbaric ancestors are disgusted.

The barbarians always behaved brightly and never covered up.

Seeing this scene, the two barbaric ancestors hesitated a little and did not rush up.

Dragon Phoenix appeared, standing in front of Long Cang and others, staring at the middle-aged ancestor and old grandmother who rushed over, looking cold!

"Master, you leave here, leave us alone!"

Long Cang realized that these fierce ancestors could not hurt Long Phoenix, so they frequently shot at them.

"Yes, you leave first!"

Long Xi also hurried.

"No one can go today!"

The old man said in a grim tone.


Long Huang really looked like a torch, murderous, and slowly said, "Since I chose to take a shot, I have no intention of leaving! And, you can't leave today!"

The two great ancestors wanted to kill Long Phoenix.

The two didn't realize that Long Phoenix really wanted to kill them!

There was a surge of blood in Long Huangzhen's body, and a roar of sea tides came out. The breath kept rising, and there was no tendency to stop!

Around the Red Phoenix real body, the crimson enchantment rolled violently.

Among the blazing flames, a horrible horror quickly gathered, and the eyes were vivid and lifelike.

Demon King!

Stone Bear Demon King!

Anaconda King!

Blood ape demon king!

God foal demon king!

Hell Tiger King!

Wind Leopard Demon King!

Desolate Dragon King!

Zhenhai Ling Turtle!

After the nine demon kings, the tenth demon king emerged-Golden-winged Dapeng!

The top ten demon kings were born in the fire, as many as they came, filled with a strong breath, sharp claws, and demon pupils flashing a fierce light, surrounding the real body of Dragon and Phoenix!


Under the arch guards of the top ten demon kings, Dragon Phoenix is ​​really imposing and screaming in the sky, a roar through the cracks of gold!

Ten monster kings, roaring at the same time!

This roar resonated, echoing in the barren temple.

The whole hall began to shake, and countless dust fell, and it seemed that it would collapse in the next moment!

The barbarian young master was shocked by a huge wave of air, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, looking horrified.

The two great ancestors who rushed over were the first to be stricken, and their ears were stabbed by the roar, and their heads were buzzing.

The faces of the two great gods became pale.

(End of this chapter)

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