Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1544: Great Brightness (Second)

Chapter 1544 Great Bright Technique (Second)

"This is a blood vision?"

The pupils of the two ancestral gods contracted slightly.

What kind of blood vision has such a sight, the momentum from these ten demon kings is to sweep across nine days and ten places!

The ghosts of the gods behind the two great ancestors, under the momentum of the ten demon kings, have become a little fuzzy, they start to shake, and they seem to be falling apart!

In the phoenix of the real dragon phoenix, after comprehending the magic power of the second light sphere, a blood king vision adds another demon king, and the power also soars!

The old man moved in his heart and seemed to think of something.

The old man suddenly retreated, came to the corpse of the Emperor God, took it with him, and plucked away the storage on the finger of the Emperor God.


Long Huang really frowned slightly, consciously consciously urged the ten demon kings to kill the past towards the middle-aged ancestors and the old grandmother!

Ten demon kings roared, the demons were rolling, tearing the sky, and swallowing thousands of miles!

The old man came to his senses. From the storage bag of the Emperor God, he took out a jade bamboo slip, sneered at Long Phoenix, and crushed the jade bamboo directly!


The void shuddered!

This piece of jade was broken, emitting a dazzling ray of light, dissipating all the darkness in the barren deserted hall, and the rays of light were diffused, containing the power of terror!

"not good!"

"This is a great protoss, a great light technique!"

The two barbaric ancestors exclaimed, evacuated, avoiding this light.

If you want to seal the magical power in a jade tablet, you need extremely sophisticated means.

The great magical power sealed in this jade slip is a life-saving means prepared for the Emperor God.

However, no one expected that Long Phoenix Zhenshen shot without warning and released many killing moves in a row. Between two or three breaths, he killed the Emperor God!

He didn't even have the chance to sacrifice this jade Jane.

Sealing the magical powers in Jade Bamboo will inevitably lose a lot of power.

But even so, after all, the seal in this jade slip is a supernatural power.

Bright and dazzling, pervasive and ubiquitous.

Even if Su Zimo released the super speed magic power, there is nowhere to hide!

Every light emitted by the great light technique is as thin as it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but it contains extremely terrifying power!

The ten demon kings were shrouded in the great light art, showing the color of pain one after another, the flesh and blood of his body were penetrated, and the blood was dripping!

Even if this great magical power is reduced, it is enough to kill Mahayana ancestors.

Even the two ancestors of the barbarians dare not approach.

The physical body of the barbarians is indeed strong and amazingly defensive.

But they were just in the early days of the Mahayana, they just realized some small magical powers, they couldn't resist the power of the great magical powers at all!

"Long Mo, you must die today!"

The old woman smiled grimly.

Almost at the moment when the great light art came, the ten demon kings were destroyed by this great magical power, the flesh was perforated, and it was full of sores!


Long Huangzhen also spit out a lot of blood, her wings falling and her face pale.

All his means were released.

If there are only two great ancestors, with the combat power of Dragon Phoenix, they can definitely be killed!

But now, this little jade bamboo slip has completely changed the situation!

It seems to be sensing the crisis encountered by the Dragon Phoenix, and the Secret of the Great Demon King runs on his own body. After the Ten Demon Kings break up, they quickly turn into a strong billowing spirit.

The crimson demon surged, and in the blink of an eye, a blood-colored butterfly emerged from behind Dragon Phoenix.

This blood butterfly stretches its wings, with two bright full moons printed on it, like a pair of cold eyes, watching the two great gods!

This blood butterfly is only about the same size, but after the two ancestor gods were stared at it, they felt scalp tingling and a burst of palpitations!

"What the hell!"

The middle-aged ancestor muttered.


The wings on the blood butterfly's back trembled slightly.

This subtle tremor was hardly noticeable, but it caused a terrible storm!

The surrounding void is twisting, deforming, collapsing, collapsing!

Even the diffused light has fallen into this void and transformed and distorted.

Under the fan of the blood-colored butterfly, a rare darkness appeared around Dragon Phoenix's real body.

Two powers collide in the barren wilderness hall!

After a little, the light faded away.

The **** butterfly has disappeared.

Dragon Phoenix's body was sullen, his eyes closed, and he fell from mid-air, dripping with blood, penetrated by the force of light, and was seriously injured!

In fact, if there were not the top ten monster kings to resist, and the **** butterfly to resist the last, this great light technique is enough to obliterate Dragon Phoenix!

Although he is a taboo, he is only a half-ancestor, after all, he did not take that step.

The distance at this step is a world of difference!

The power of the great magical power has completely exceeded his ability to bear!

"Isn't this dead?"

There was an unbelievable expression on Lao's face, and she screamed.

"After all, it is a taboo dragon and phoenix, and its vitality is too strong."

The middle-aged ancestor said coldly: "But it doesn't matter anymore. This dragon and phoenix can't afford to be seriously injured. It is to eat fish and let us slaughter it!"

"Little Lord!"

Long Cang and others shouted and rushed forward.

But in front of the group of dragons, a tall figure appeared, blocking the way of the group of dragons.

Barbarian young master!

"Very tiger, it's you again!"

Long Cang looked cold, and there was murder in his eyes.

"Brother Long Cang, calm down."

The pretty tiger sullenly said, "You come forward now, what's the difference between sending death?"

"That won't allow the Protoss to kill my Dragon Master!"

Long Cang cried.

At this moment, the two ancestors of the barbarians came forward and stood in front of Long Huangzhen, blocking the way of the two great ancestors.

"What are you doing!"

The middle-aged ancestor looked slightly changed and asked loudly.

The barbarian ancestor on the left yelled, "This Taoist friend, the emperor God has fallen into the barren deserted hall. My barbarians can hardly blame it."

"But the big mistake has been made, and the barbarians cannot make a second big mistake!"

Another barbaric ancestor also nodded and said, "If you let you kill the taboo Dragon Phoenix here, how would the barbarians explain the dragon race?"

"Why, you barbarians still want to protect him!"

The old man screamed, and said sharply, "Don't forget, it was he who killed my Protoss master! Killing lives is justified, what is right?"

"This matter ... it matters, neither of us can make a decision."

A barbaric ancestor was hesitant, saying, "This is a matter for your gods and dragons. Barbarians don't want to participate."

"Ha ha."

The middle-aged ancestral **** sneered: "Now, the sky is in chaos, our six fierce clans have joined forces to prepare to re-dominate the sky, do you barbarian people still want to stay in one place and hide in this deserted and ruined place?"

"The war in ancient times was entirely because our nine fierce tribes suffered great vitality during the First World War in Taikoo, so they were taken advantage of by the human race and took the opportunity to rise."

"Human races are a group of specious ants! Let this group of ants take over the sky for so long, it's time to reclaim them! Are you barbarians willing to defeat the ancient battle?"

"The barbarians don't want to regain the dominance of the sky, dominating the races?"

The continuous questioning of the middle-aged ancestors and gods has made the hearts of the two savage ancestors a little bit excited.

The four fierce ancestors confronted each other, and no one noticed at all. Not far away, Long Huang's body was gradually changing!

There is more during the day, let's sleep now

(End of this chapter)

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