Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1545: Six-tooth Idol (third more)

Chapter 1545 Six Tooth Idol (Third)

The Great Bright Art is a great magical power of the Protoss. It is powerful. Under the resistance of the Ten Demon Kings and the Scarlet Butterfly, there are still rays of light penetrating into the body of the Dragon Phoenix.

These rays seem soft, but they contain deadly murderous power!

Light can bring life, but it can also cause destruction!

The flesh and blood and the viscera of Dragon Phoenix's true body gradually faded under the light.

The flesh dried up quickly, the flames on his body were extinguished, and the wings were dimmed and faded.

This is a supernatural power after all!

With the amazing self-healing power of Dragon Phoenix, it didn't help.

These rays seemed to have spirituality, and they dived into the consciousness of Dragon and Phoenix, and broke through the consciousness with little hindrance.

These rays also want to obliterate the dragon gods of the real body!

However, when these rays broke through the sea, they were slightly stunned.

This is really a sea of ​​knowledge!

The vast and pure consciousness becomes a substance and forms an ocean.

Dark, cold and deep!

In the ocean, a giant spirit turtle floated.

Above the sky, there was a majestic and sharp chanting!

A golden light soared for nine days, fluttered and flew for thousands of miles!

This golden-winged Dapeng's eyes were sharp, hovering in the sky, staring at the light breaking into the sea of ​​knowledge.

In the middle of Shihai, there are two fist-sized light spheres suspended around the red-haired Yuanshen. The terrible breath contained in it does not know what breeds it.

The light of the great light technique quickly condensed, and in a blink of an eye, a bright spear was formed, which stabbed in the direction of the Red Haired God!


The bright spear came out of the air and made a harsh noise!

This bright spear contains the power of supernatural power. Even the flesh and blood of Dragon and Phoenix can't be blocked. The red-haired **** is stabbed and will die!

The tortoise floated in the sea, silent.

Golden-winged Dapeng soared above the sky, and did not act lightly.

The two demon kings just stared at this bright spear, looking cold!

Seeing that this spear was about to stab the Red Haired Yuan Shen, a ball of light around him fluttered over, blocking him in front of the Red Haired Yuan Shen.


I don't know if the light spear is too strong or the light ball is too weak.

Light came and pierced the light ball in an instant!

Time seemed to stall for a moment.

Even the soaring Golden-winged Dapeng was in the air.

next moment.

The stone broke the sky, the earth shook!

In this ball of light, a very terrible breath burst out, a monster with a huge body came down, exuding a wild and ancient breath.

This is an idol!

The legendary idols have tremendous power. When they move, they are landslides, and the elephant's nose flutters, which can roll down the stars in the sky!

On the huge body of this idol, every inch of flesh is full of the feeling of explosive power. The most obvious is the ivory on both sides of the proboscis of this idol!

An ordinary idol, only one pair, two ivory.

But this idol has three pairs of six!

Six white ivory tusks grow on the sides of the cheeks, they are sharp and sharp, they contain divinity, and they seem to penetrate everything!

The eleventh demon king is born.

Six Tooth Idol!


The six-tooth idol shook his long nose, and shouted from the sky, a loud and angry roar broke out, and the six ivory was filled with horror!

At the feet of the Six-Tooth Idol, a piece of land has condensed out, like a substance, constantly expanding.

Originally, in the phoenix of the dragon and the phoenix's true body, there was only the barren sea of ​​condensed consciousness.

In the wild sea, there are spirit turtles floating.

In the sky, Dapeng spread its wings.

But now, when the Six-Tooth Idol comes, the miracles appear, manifesting a piece of land!

Demon King, Barbara Demon King, King Python Demon King, Blood Ape Demon King ...

With this land, all the demon kings that have not appeared before come down and condense into one, all manifested!

The eleven demon kings roared and shouted in the sea of ​​dragon and phoenix's real body of knowledge.

When the bright spear pierced the ball of light and the six-tooth idol came, it was broken by the idol's proboscis and scattered in the sky!

The red-haired Yuan Shen sobered up and stared at this six-tooth idol.

When the eyes of the two sides touched, Long Huang Zhensheng's mind boomed, and a mysterious supernatural power came to her mind.

At the end of the Great Demon King's Secret, there are four supernatural powers.

The third magical power is born!

Of the four supernatural powers, the first two supernatural powers are more focused on assisting and saving lives.

Like the shield of the tortoise, it has absolutely terrifying defense.

Dragon Phoenix is ​​in the realm of half-ancestors, even relying on the shield of the spirit turtle to resist the offensive of the four ancestors!

The speed of the golden-winged Dapeng is the absolute speed.

Relying on the superb speed of magic, the dragon and the phoenix can be free and easy to go and go without a trace under the cooperation of the four fierce ancestors!

However, the killing power of these two supernatural powers is not strong, and there is no aggressiveness.

And the third magical power of Dragon Phoenix Real Awakening is absolute power!

The six-tooth idol is the **** of the land in the great wilderness. On the land, even the king of the wild sea has to retreat. There is no living creature that can fight against it in strength!

The six-tooth idols are on land and can push everything!

The third magical power, six teeth magical power!

Once awakened, the power will double!

If you cultivate two ivory, your own strength will be increased by two times!

This increase in power is not simply physical power.

It's blood, primordial spirit, mana, and even supernatural power!

All powers will be more than doubled!

If you cultivate the four ivory teeth, your strength will increase fourfold!

If you practice to the peak, your power can climb up to six times!

This is a magical technique that can truly break the **** of the realm!

Realizing the power of this six teeth, the body of Dragon Phoenix really burst into a terrible breath.

The mighty power of supernatural power came, poured into the body of Dragon Phoenix real body, sweeping five or six internal organs and blood vessels.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the power of light remaining in Long Huangzhen's body was expelled!

Under the impact of this supernatural power, the vitality of Dragon Phoenix is ​​recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dried flesh quickly swelled and was full of vitality.

The already dimmed wings also flashed a reddish light.

Soon, the flames of Dragon and Phoenix are burning again!

Under the training of this supernatural power, the physical body, bloodline, and even Yuan Shen of Dragon and Phoenix are transformed again and become stronger!

The breath of Dragon Phoenix really climbed quickly!

In fact, normally, Dragon Phoenix really needs to enter the Mahayana realm to understand the third magical power.

But due to the great bright art, the impact of the power of this great magical power caused the dragon and phoenix to break into the light ball in the sea, and the third magical power came!

And comprehending this supernatural power, it also leads to greater changes.

Dragon Phoenix real body felt the real Mahayana realm.

He has touched the barriers of Mahayana.

As long as Long Phoenix really wants to, he can now use this magical power to break the barriers in front of him!

However, Longhuang Zhenshen still kept his sensibility and did not do so.

This is the Wilderness Hall.

Opposite him, there are two great ancestors.

If he breaks here, something will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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