Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1547: The whole army was annihilated (fifth)

Chapter 1547 Annihilation of the Whole Army (Fifth)

Even if the middle-aged ancestor diligently restrained himself, a horror was unavoidable in his eyes.

"What do you mean!"

The middle-aged ancestor swallowed and asked loudly, "How can you increase your power so much in a short time! This is impossible!"

Even if you see it with your own eyes and experience it, the middle-aged ancestor is still unwilling to believe it.

Even if it is a little magical power, I am afraid it will not bring such an amazing transformation!

"Want to know."

Dragon Phoenix really looked indifferent. Looking at the two great ancestors, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he said coldly, "Go to **** and ask! There are countless innocent creatures of the ancient war waiting for you!"

In the Archaic era, the invasion of the protoss, deliberately provoked the three taboos to kill each other, and then triggered an unprecedentedly fierce war in Archaic.

In this battle, countless creatures fell, and countless races perished.

Protoss is the culprit!

The profound meaning of Su Zimo's words can only be understood by the two great ancestors.

"I do not get what you are saying!"

The eyes of the middle-aged ancestral **** dodged a little, with a strong laugh.

This is a secret of the ancient times. It has been buried in the ages, not to mention other races. Even the protoss, only the ancestors have the right to know!

The middle-aged ancestral **** did not believe that Dragon Phoenix could know these secrets.

The barbarians frowned slightly.

They faintly heard that Long Huang Zhenshen seemed to have something to say, but many barbarians were still confused.

"Long Mo!"

A barbaric ancestor took a deep breath, stood up, and said in a deep voice: "This is the end of the matter, you can't go on wrong, you can't kill everything!"

The barbarians are sandwiched between the dragon and the protoss, which is quite uncomfortable.

Because the Protoss and Dragons arrived at the same time, the Barbarians were still thinking about how to get around the two fierce races to get the most benefits.

However, I did not expect that Dragon Phoenix's decisive decision to kill the emperor directly gave the Emperor God!

This time, completely disrupted their plans.

The current situation is completely out of the control of the barbarians.

Nowadays, the barbarians just want to rest as soon as possible and get out of this incident.

They can't let the two great ancestors kill the dragon and phoenix, but they can't let the dragon and phoenix really kill the remaining two ancestors.

The barbarian was thinking about right and left, but didn't want to, and became a dilemma.

The young master of the barbarians also stood up and smiled bitterly: "Brother Long Mo, I do n’t want any gifts for the barbarians. I ca n’t stand this gift."

"It's okay if you don't want this gift."

Long Huangzhen's gaze was cold, her voice was firm, and she slowly said, "But these two people, I must kill!"

In fact, the moment when stepping into the barren deserted hall and seeing the Protoss, the dragon and phoenix had already taken action.

The so-called gift is of course an excuse.

Killing the protoss will, once, force the barbarian to make a choice.

Second, it's for the truth of the Archean War!

Dragon and Phoenix are injustices physically and mentally.

For night spirits.

For the War of the Ancients, countless fallen souls, countless racial injustices!

As soon as the words fell, Long Huang Zhenshen was killed again. The immense coercion came down suddenly, the wind screamed, and the hot flames rolled up.

"Long Mo, you are too presumptuous!"

"This is a barbarian, not your valley of dragon bones!"

The ancestors of the two barbarians looked angry, and bumped their palms on the storage bag, drew out their respective magic weapons, screamed, and rushed up.

They must no longer allow the two great ancestors to fall into the barren temple.

Otherwise, the barbarians will have no retreat and no choice!

A barbarian, carrying a huge stone hammer, smashed into Long Huangzhen's body.

The magic weapon of another barbarian ancestor is a giant axe, which is also made of an unknown stone.

Although the craftsmanship of these two magic weapons is rough, the power of the stone hammer and the axe is very scary!

The stone hammer came and weighed heavily.

Only the physical body of the barbarians can control such a magic weapon and use it freely!

The stone axe is split, carrying a world-breaking potential, drawing a violent air flow, and chopping down towards the real body of Dragon and Phoenix!

"Get away!"

Dragon Phoenix shook her tail, flapped her wings, and sang with a cold drink.

boom! boom!

Phoenix tail and feather wings hit the stone hammer and the giant axe, respectively, and these two magic weapons are directly blown away!

The two ancestors of the barbarians were also shocked. As soon as they rushed up, they flew out at a faster speed and hit the walls of the barren deserted hall.


This time, the two barbarians were hit even harder, smashing the boulder on the wall of the barren deserted hall directly, and hitting a large humanoid hole on the wall!

The gravel fell, the dust was billowing, and the two ancestors of the barbarians were shot out of the barren hall by Long Huangzhen!

The young master of the barbarians had just taken a step and was about to join forces with two barbaric ancestors to see this scene.

As soon as the barbarian's throat moved, he swallowed, and took the leg that was taken out without any trace ...

Dragon Phoenix came, the five claws covered the sky, and sealed the old man's way of death without any gap!

The old man looked desperate and screamed, "Long Mo, my protoss will avenge me!"


The flesh of the old man was torn again by the claws of the Dragon and Phoenix.

And this time, the old god's Yuanshen was dying, and he could no longer be reborn.

The speed of Yuanshen also became extremely slow. In the blink of an eye, he was torn by the claws of the Dragon and Phoenix, and his body died!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged ancestor was pale and scared, and his spirits were scattered.

He has no courage and courage to fight with Dragon Phoenix again.

The middle-aged ancestral **** urged qi and blood, and the whole person turned into a divine light, and fled towards the barren deserted hall.

But his speed is far worse than that of Dragon Phoenix!

The middle-aged ancestral **** didn't escape far, was caught up by Long Huangzhen, bit it down, and swallowed the entire body of the middle-aged ancestor!

The middle-aged ancestor God immediately left the flesh and came out of the shell, and escaped from the mouth of Long Phoenix Zhensheng dangerously!


The physical body of the middle-aged ancestor **** was bitten and torn by the real body of Dragon Phoenix, all the flesh and blood was swallowed into the belly, and no drop flowed out!

The middle-aged ancestral **** urged Yuanshen and wanted to be reborn, but he didn't even have a drop of blood!


I saw the wings of Dragon Phoenix's real body close together to form a huge cage of flames, trapping the middle-aged ancestor and igniting the flames!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The primordial **** of the middle age screamed in the flames.

Between a few breaths, it was burned by the flames of Dragon Phoenix's real body and died!


Long Huangzhen vomited casually, spit out the storage of the middle-aged ancestor, and fell to the ground.

The barbarian young master, Long Cang everyone stunned, already completely stupid!


Outside the barren deserted hall, the two ancestors of the barbarians calmed down and emerged from the gravel, full of anger and rushing back.

The ancestors of the two barbarians had just rushed into the barren deserted hall, their feet stopped, staring at the scene in front of them.

everything is over.

This trip to the Protoss includes a total of six Protoss including the Protoss Master and three ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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