Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1548: Barbarian decision (sixth more)

Chapter 1548 Barbarian Decision (Sixth)

Deep in the boulder forest, there were two big men sitting opposite each other, and there were several altars of liquor on the table, and the wine was full of fragrance.

One of the big men was three feet tall, and even sitting cross-legged, there were nearly two feet high.

The majestic eyes of this big man are precisely the patriarch of the barbarians, Barbara.

The man across from the big man stood there, with red hair, burning like a flame, with a rough face and a beard, some unshaven, but his body exuded fierce air!


Suddenly, Fengfeng threw the altar on the ground and shot the case. His expression shook, staring at the red-haired man on the opposite side, and asking, "Long Ran, did you really say that?"

This man with red hair turned out to be the red hairy ghost of the dragon race!

The red hairy nodded and said, "It's true."

Manfeng looked stunned, groaned a little, and frowned, "Long Ran, in the friendship between you and me, the little cub outside your dragon clan, no matter how he makes trouble, I can leave one eye closed and one eye closed. "

"But you can't talk about such things!"

Long Ran rolled his eyes and said, "Barbarian, we are fateful friends. How can I lie to you like this?"

After a long time of thinking, Barbara nodded and said, "I must believe you, but the question is how to convince the other ancestors of Barbarians."

"This decision of the barbarians is about the future destiny of the barbarians. Although I am the patriarch, I cannot dominate."

The red-haired ghost waved his hand and said, "Anyway, I have evidence."

Manfeng's eyes brightened, but he was a little skeptical, saying, "The battle of Taikoo, after all, so long, what evidence can you have?"

"The evidence is not with me, but everything will be revealed at the race."

The red hair ghost said.

Savage Feng said: "Okay! I believe you, and you can let the Savages participate in the Wanzu Conference! But before this is clear, I cannot guarantee that the Savages will join forces with the Dragons."

"no problem."

The red-haired ghost said confidently: "At the race of all nations, the truth of nature was revealed."

After a pause, the red hair ghost turned his head, his eyes seemed to cross the heavy void, and fell into the barren deserted hall, and suddenly said, "But now, you have to arrange a secret room for Long Mo, he wants to break through!"

"Also, I can tell you, the little cub in your mouth is a taboo dragon and phoenix!"

"When he is in the semi-ancestor realm, he can kill the Mahayana ancestors. When he enters Mahayana realm and becomes an ancestor, he will be at the same level as you and me.

Manfeng complained: "If you know, you will protect him the most. If it weren't for your face, I could make him so arrogant on the barbarian territory?"

"I didn't know this time I came out, and you don't have to tell him."

The red hair ghost seemed to be thinking about the past. A sorrow passed over his eyes, and he murmured, "After that, I was a little scared."

Manfeng was silent, but just patted the red hair ghost's shoulder as a comfort.

He knew that the red-haired ghost thought of his child.

Thousands of years ago, it was precisely because of the fall of the Red Hairy Ghost that the Red Hairy Ghost was completely mad, launched a killing ring, and caused a catastrophe.

The red hair ghost has long regarded Su Zimo as his own child.

He did not want the tragedy of that year to happen again to Su Zimo.

Therefore, this time, he quietly followed behind Longhuang Zhenshen and others, protecting him secretly.

It was one step ahead, came to the barbarians, found the barbarians, stated the interests.

Otherwise, the Barbara Hall made such a big noise, and the barbarians were already shocked. How could it pass so long, no other barbarians appeared.


In the barren temple.

Barbarian young master, two barbarian ancestors looking at the ruined barren barren hall, looking at the blood on the ground, several protoss corpses are ugly and angered!

The barbarian master slightly shook his fist and bit his teeth: "Long Mo, this is barbarians, you are too aggressive to kill in my barbarians!"

"Long Mo!"

A barbaric ancestor also scolded: "You are so arrogant and addicted to killing, and you want to force me barbarians to submit, I tell you, barbarians will never join hands with you!"

"It's not me who kills, but protoss."

Long Phoenix said lightly.

"Huh, it's ridiculous!"

Another barbaric ancestor sneered: "Today's affairs, barbarians will truthfully tell protoss! Go away, barbarians don't welcome you!"

Dragon Phoenix was silent.

What happened today, this result is by no means his wish.

He was unwilling.

But he knew clearly that if the truth about the War of the Ancients was told now, it would only provoke the barbarians' ridicule, and the barbarians would never believe it.

After all, this truth is too terrifying!

Completely subvert everyone's perception!

The barbarians would only preconceive that it was because he was planting stolen and framing them, and that he was trying to make excuses for killing the protoss.

However, if he left the barbarians in this way, Dragon Phoenix would be unwilling.

Long Cang and others did not think so.

Dragon Phoenix really broke into the barren house, killed the Emperor God, and three ancestors. If they could retreat from their bodies, they would wake up with a smile.

"Master, don't think about it, let's leave here first!"

Long Cang said in secret: "To join forces with the barbarians, from a long-term perspective, this place should not stay long."

"Master, let's go!"

Gu Yun also urged.

The dragons looked anxious, afraid that the barbarians would regret it.

"and many more!

Just then, the barbarian master suddenly called out.

"It's over!"

Long Cang and others whispered in their hearts, secretly crying.

The look of the barbarian master was a little strange. He didn't expect Xingshi's crimes, such as Long Cang and others, to be guilty of murder. Instead, he looked a little bit contorted.

"Ahem ..."

The barbarian master coughed, came to Long Huangzhen, and arched slightly: "That ... Brother Long Mo, the younger brother was offensive in speech, and he forgive me ..."

In the eyes of Longhuang Zhenshen, there was a surprise.

Long Cang and others were dazzled.

What happened?

After a while of effort, the attitude of the barbarians towards them turned out to be a shocking reversal?

Qunlong's first reaction was that the barbarians cheated!

But the group of dragons thought for a while that the barbarians had always acted neatly, with clear grudges and complaints, and never covered up.

If you really want to ask for sin, it will never be this gesture.

But Qun Long was puzzled and could not understand what was happening.

The young master of the barbarians made an invitation gesture and said, "Brother Long Mo, please inside."

Long Huang really groaned a little, turned her eyes, and fell on the two ancestors of the barbarians, hesitantly said, "This is not good? The two barbarians' seniors just scolded me, barbarians did not welcome me."

The two barbarian ancestors blushed and almost found a place to drill into it.

Two barbaric ancestors gritted their teeth!

How can they not hear them after they have lived so many years, Long Huang really told them to them.

The two barbaric ancestors came over with sorrow, and arched their hands at Long Huangzhen, and said with a stern look: "Please also forgive me, the barbarians, we are aggressive and speak straight, don't go into your heart."

"Good to say, good to say."

Long Huang smiled and said, "The two seniors talked a lot."

The barbarian master came up, holding Long Huangzhen's arm, and said with a smile: "Brother Long Mo, let's drink a bit. Today's things are over."

"Wait until we will go to the races!"

Although I do n’t play in the league, it ’s not easy to see some news, IG won the championship, waiting for the seven or eight years championship, the biggest event championship! Congratulations IG. After watching the last few minutes of the video, it was very flaming. It seemed to be back to the days when I played games with friends.

(End of this chapter)

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