Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1551: Strong! (One more)

Chapter 1551 Strong! (One more)


The Rakshasa stared at the crowds of Wufeng, walking slowly, revealing a grinning smile, and his eyes were fierce and shuddering!

A bang.

Numerous sectarian forces surrounding Jiufeng spread out, lest they could avoid it and involve themselves.

In a blink of an eye, a lot of empty space was exposed around the peak!

Wu Feng, only a dozen people came.

Of the dozen or so people, the one who is the highest is also the fit state. With this Raksha family, one shot can kill all the people in Wufeng!

Numerous sectarian forces looked indifferent.

It's not about yourself, and no one wants to provoke the Rakshas because of some irrelevant people.

Just before, the disciples of the Overlord Palace were killed, and the owner of the Overlord Palace resisted. There were too many sectarian powers such as Jiufeng on the continent.

In the eyes of many monks, this group of people in Fengfeng is already dead!

However, Wu Feng is unusual.

Although this ancestral gate is not large, the strength of the foundation is far better than the super super gates, but the Raksha clan has attracted a lot of fluctuations when it finds Xifeng

Everyone in the major areas came out at the same time!

Some are human, some are demons!

One of the four side gates, the two monks at Danyangmen stood out for the first time. It was Su Xiaoning and Ji Chengtian.

On the other side, a woman who looked indifferent, like an iceberg, slowly stood up. It was the young master of Qianhemen and the tenderness of Qianhe Fairy!

Su Xiaoning knew the relationship between Su Zimo and Xun Feng, so he would not stand idly by.

And Ji Chengtian and Lengruo were even monks who came out of Jifeng!

Even if the two had already visited the four big gates, they never forgot the kindness of Ji Feng!

Tomb sect, the little fat man also stood up, looking dignified.

"You fat man, so scared of death before, why not now?"

Shi Jian muttered quietly, and then stood up.

"Some things I can hide."

The fat man took a rare serious turn, and Shen said, "But they can't do it if they want to move around!"

A Buddhist monk burning a lantern temple, a young monk with his hands folded, holding a green lantern, chanting the Buddha's name lightly, stood out from the crowd.

Demon prince, a girl in a veil and pink skirt, smiled slightly and stood out.

After all, there are some people in this world who have nothing to do with righteousness and evil, nothing to do with immortals, and nothing to cultivate. In their hearts, affection is more important than life and death!

In the area of ​​the demon tribe, monkeys, spirit tigers, blues, gold lions, and little foxes also came out.

Perhaps it's not about race.


The Rakshasa noticed this scene, narrowed his eyes, and revealed the fierce look, smirking: "Why, I want to kill a few ants, and also blew up a worm nest?"

"You ants stand up, but you don't agree, and rush out to die?"

The Rakshasa looked around, looking fierce and murderous.

Xifeng Lao Xianhe took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Dare to ask this Luo Cha, I didn't say a word before, what crime did you have against you?"

The Rakshasa grinned and said, "You have been staring at my Rakshasa master for too long, so you all have to die!"

"Is the young master of my tribe Bingqingyujie, what can your buzzard's eyes desecrate!"

When this sentence came out, there was an uproar.

The Rakshasa are too overbearing!

Talking in private is not enough, everyone can accept it.

Now, even if you look at Jade Luocha more, you will lose your life!

Qun Xiu's heart fell into a hurry, and he immediately lowered his head, avoiding his eyes, and did not dare to see the Jade Rakshasa again, for fear of being found by the Rakshasa.

Su Xiaoning frowned. "Just one more look, you are going to kill someone. How can this be true in the world?"

"Ha ha."

Linghu grinned: "It's really funny, my eyes are on my own body, Lord Tiger, I just look where I want to be, and care about your fart!"


The sights of the Raksha tribe swarmed across the crowd and fell on the body of the tiger. They said, "You're looking for death!"


The Rakshas spread their wings and turned into a ray of light, which disappeared instantly.

At the next moment, he had already come to the top of Linghu, descended from the sky, and his sharp wings chopped towards the head of Linghu!

It's too fast.

Many monks did not respond!

But the Linghu was ready, with a flash of thunder and lightning flashing on his body, a roar, and instantly transformed into the body, dancing tiger claws, colliding with the wings of this Raksha clan!


Mars is splashing!

Suddenly, the Linghu actually blocked a dozen killing tricks of the Raksha clan.

However, the Linghu's body is huge, and its speed is not as fast as that of the Raksha clan.


At this moment, a loud drink rang out in the battlefield, and a stout incomparable golden bag suddenly descended and slammed into the Raksha clan!

The Rakshasa wanted to dodge, but found that no matter how he avoided, he couldn't break the envelope of the golden stick.


The Rakshasa quickly sacrificed a machete and blocked him.

The machete collided with a golden baguette.

The golden cudgel sent out an extremely terrible power, almost destroying and dying. The pestle was on the chest of the Raksha clan, knocking the Raksha clan directly!

Qun Xiu uproar!

No one expected that this seemingly insignificant monkey would be so strong that he dared to attack the Raksha clan.

Everyone did not expect that the monkey would beat the Raksha tribe in a fit!

Linghu grinned and said, "Brother Monkey, you are still a cow."


The monkey's expression was cold, blood was faintly shining in his eyes, and he looked at the Raksha clan not far away, and drew the ‘major’ in his hands to the ground.

Bluestone on the ground burst instantly!

The monkey is full of monsters, and in its momentum, it completely suppresses the Rakshasa!


The Rakshasa fell to the ground, but soon got up, his face was gloomy, and a few bones in his chest were broken!

This injury is not a serious injury to the power of fit.

But this Rakshasa feels that his face is lost!

This is at the National Assembly. I don't know how many eyes looked at this scene. He was actually stung by a monkey!


"Wan You, your combat power has fallen back, it's really shameful."

The other Rakshasa people laughed when they saw this scene.

The Wanyou Luosha's face was green and white for a while, and the murderous power in his eyes became richer and colder, "Don't look at the joke there, Gas, come out and help me!"


Raksha, who called "Gas," grinned, and could not bear it any longer, flew out, stretched out his scarlet tongue, and licked his lips.

Wanyou Luosha covered her chest and said, "The monkey is over to you!"

"no problem!"

The eyes of Gaspardak revealed excitement.

Wanyou Luosha turned his eyes and stared again at Yunfeng, chilling: "This group of ants just stared at the young master, I will kill them before I say!"

(End of this chapter)

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