Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1552: Ghost Witch Son (second more)

Chapter 1552 Ghost Witch Prince


There was a cold voice in front, but it was Yu Luocha who noticed the movement here, frowned slightly, and yelled.

"Master, these ants are staring at you, it's rude."

Wanyou Luocha said: "Master Xiao rest assured, I slaughtered these ants for you, and never let their blood dirty your hands!"

Yu Luocha frowned slightly, his face sinking, and he waved a little impatiently: "Just a glance, it's nothing, there is no need to investigate this matter."

"That wouldn't work, Master, you don't have to be so kind with these ants. Even if these ants are guilty of death, it's hard to escape!"

Wanyou Luosha still didn't realize anything, and said flatteringly, "I'll pluck out the eyes of this group of ants to show punishment!"

In recent years, the Rakshas have been killing wildly on the continent, and they have hardly encountered any major obstacles.

The brutal and bloodthirsty nature of the Rakshas has been completely released!

After saying this, Wanyou Luosha's body flickered, and she flew towards the Fengfeng crowd directly.


Su Xiaoning, Ji Chengtian, Leng Ru, and others changed their looks and were about to stop.

Swipe the floor!

A faster figure descended, and then came first, and instantly came over Wanyou Luosha.

This figure stretched out his white palm, strangled Wanyou Luosha's neck directly, and threw him fiercely to the ground!


Wanyou Luosha was smashed into the ground, his body was cracked, his teeth grinned, and his forehead sweated.

He was about to yell, but when he saw the figure in front of him, he swallowed it all up and almost bit his tongue.

The one who threw him to the ground turned out to be the young master of the Raksha clan, Jade Rakshasa!

In this scene, the lives of thousands of people are also confused.

Only some monks in Wu Feng are thoughtful.


Linghu didn't think it was too big to see the excitement, and smiled slyly: "What's going on here, you guys fight first?"

"Young Master, why are you ..."

Wanyou Luocha was aggrieved and puzzled.

Yu Luocha looked cold and slowly said, "I just said that you don't need to investigate this matter! Haven't you heard?"

"I just, I just ..."

Wanyou Luosha also wanted to justify.

"Shut up for me!"

Yu Luocha stepped forward and stepped on the face door of Wanyou Luocha!

Wanyou Luosha's eyes were dark, and he passed out on the spot.


The sound of a crackling bone sounded.

The people of all races inhaled slightly, and this foot broke the door of Wanyou Luosha!

Seeing the beauty of this jade Luosha, people of all races thought that it was a gentle and easy-talking master.

Unexpectedly, this sudden shot turned out to be so terrible and fierce that even his own people were abolished!

Most importantly, all living beings are completely confused.

I don't quite understand why this gorgeous jade Luosha is suddenly angry, is it simply because Wanyou Luosha has violated her order?

Not to mention the beings present, even many Rakshas are confused.

The original Gasha Rakshasa was still thinking about shooting monkeys.

But when he saw this scene, he was so scared that he didn't hesitate, so he returned.

After this incident, many Rakshasa came to an area belonging to the fierce tribe. During the whole process, no Rakshasa jumped out and killed.

All the way to peace.

Many monks nodded secretly, and had more confidence in the race.

"Looking at the meaning of Jade Rakshasa, it should be sincere to discuss reconciliation with our people."

"This Qiufeng is really fatal. If Yu Luosha had not shot it, it is estimated that a war has broken out!"

"Yeah, the other fierce races have not arrived yet. If a big war breaks out, I am afraid that this race of thousands will not be able to continue."


Just as everyone was talking, the bell of Xuanji Palace re-emerged.

In the distance, a group of monks in dark green robes walked slowly.

These monks look no different from the human race, except that their faces are pale, and in the deep eyes, a pair of green eyes are soaked!

Wu Clan Arrives at Mystery Palace!

The headed Wu nationality was thin and his cheeks were sunken deep, like a skull in a leather bag, as if it could be blown by a gust of wind.

But all the creatures present at the scene saw this witch tribe, but they were all shocked in their hearts, showing the color of fear!

"Is that the Ghost Witch?"

"It should be him. I heard that twenty years ago, he was born in World War I, and a curse of the gods broke out, destroying a tribal ancestor!"

"Well, although that ancestor escaped, it didn't take long for him to die."

"too terrifying!"

Many monks bowed their heads, afraid to stare at these witches, for fear of any curse.

"I've seen a ghost witch, please."

The master of the mysterious palace brought many monks from the mysterious palace to welcome him.

The ghost and witch son was expressionless and didn't even look at the master of the Xuanji Palace. So he took many Wu clan and walked by the side of the Xuanji Palace group without saying a word.

This is not contempt.

This is a complete disregard!

Mystery of the palace master changed slightly.

But after hundreds of years of self-cultivation and cultivation, he has become more stable, and he can remain indifferent to such insults, only with a slight smile.


At this moment, a monk in the mysterious palace suddenly screamed, fell to the ground, constantly struggling and rolling, his body filled with a green mist!

This monk seemed extremely painful, constantly tearing his clothes, grabbing his face, three or two times, the flesh and blood on his face was caught a large area, beyond recognition!

Listening to this scream, and seeing this scene again, all the living beings felt a chill rising from their backs.


Another monk at Xuanji Palace wanted to step forward and take a look at this fellow.

"Don't touch him!"

Mysterious palace master's look changed, and he hurriedly reminded.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The palm of the monk at the back of the mystery palace touched the monk on the ground, and the palm was stained with a little green mist.

Instantly, the flesh and blood on the palm of this mysterious palace monk began to rot and fall off!


The monk also screamed.

Many mysterious monks in the mystery palace were shocked and dispersed.

After just a while of work, the monk at the mysterious palace who had fallen to the ground at first was motionless and his body turned into a pool of blood.

In situ, only one remains.

The power of a body fits away!

The power of the second mystery palace did not last long, just under the eyes of everyone. Between the breaths, there was no sound, and it turned into a pool of blood.

The mysterious people in the mysterious palace could do nothing but watch this scene happen.

When Su Xiaoning just came near, he took out a bottle of elixir and wanted to help, but it was too late.

The master of Xuanji Palace clenched his fists, looked sad and angry, turned to look at the ghost and witch son, took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice: "Dare to ask the ghost and witch son, what does this mean?"


The ghost witch coughed twice, and the sickness said, "He was too close to me just now. I accidentally killed him and accidentally injured him."

A sentence too close and an understatement of accidental injury killed the two powers of the Xuanji Palace!

There was a burst of anger in the heart of the mysterious palace master, but he could only endure it for the race.

The group repair was silent, and their hearts were sad.

At this moment, they gradually realized the legend, that savage, cold-blooded, cruel, and ruthless time in the ancient times!

(End of this chapter)

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