Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1556: Green light (one more)

1556 (details)

"Why, no one dares to challenge me?"

Jin Yu sneered slightly, looking around, sarcastically saying: "You people can only use this method, even I can't beat it, still want to preside over the race of the peoples?"

"I bother!"

Jin Yu spit and looked disdainful.

This saliva seemed to be spit on the faces of all monks!

The Sovereigns of the Super Sects are silent.

Among the immortals, demon gates, and Buddhist gates of this life, there are indeed some half-ancestor Tianjiao. If these Tianjiao evils stand out, they may not be able to defeat this golden feather.

But all monks know that behind Jin Yu are the four princes, the entire Jinwu tribe, and even the six fierce tribe!

Right now, although it is Jin Yu who is challenging the human race.

But the remaining six fierce tribe strongmen, the ghost witch son, the goddess Xiaoxiang and other fierce tribe evil spirits, are all watching, this kind of pressure, not many people can withstand!

More importantly, if it is a battle with Jin Yu, it is not a matter of fighting and fighting, it is a battle of life and death!

It is fair on the surface but not fair.

Because the six murderers dare to kill unscrupulously, but the people present are proud, but they have no such courage.

Who dares to kill this Jin Yu, fear that it will be the anger of the Jinwu tribe next!

At that time, it is very likely that the entire gate is involved!

The island owner of Penglai Island said suddenly: "In this case, it would be reasonable to let the young masters of the six fierce tribes to preside over the tens of thousands of ethnic groups."

"I agree with this proposal."

Hearing here, many monks are shocked!

If we let the six fierce clan to preside over the ten thousand nations conference, it means that the clan will lose the last advantage and initiative, and even the bargaining chips are gone!

Many suzerainians frowned, and some looked at the Penglai Island master incredibly.

The master of the mysterious palace looked dignified and said in a deep voice: "Tianqi, some suggestions, you still have to be careful."

"I agree."

The head of the God of Heaven said suddenly: "Since Xuanji Palace does not have this qualification, it is normal for the six fierce clan to preside."

The leader of Disha also nodded: "It was originally the race of the peoples. Whoever presided over it made no difference. The six fierce races once ruled the sky, and indeed they had this qualification."

"I agree with corpses."

"Domen agree."

"Family of the East, Simon's family agrees!"

In a blink of an eye, a lot of super sects came out to support the six fierce clan!

There was a restlessness in the crowd.

Sovereign Lords of the Snow Valley, Zixiao Patriarch, and Lantern Temple Abbot were shocked in their hearts. They knew exactly what it meant!

These super gates that stand out today are likely to have joined forces with, or even surrendered to, the six fierce tribes!


The Linghu pouted, "These cowardly cowards, before surrendering, have surrendered first."

"We agree."

At this moment, a fit spider said with a loud voice.

This spider essence is exactly one thousand spider sand dunes from one of the eight monster domains!

"Donghai Yaoyu agrees!"

A big demon in the East China Sea stood up.

"Wan Yaogu agrees."

"Peacock Ridge agrees!"

In a blink of an eye, half of the eight demon domains actually stood up and agreed to the six fierce abbots and abbots meeting!


The eighth prince of Jinwu laughed and said, "It turns out that the return of my six fierce tribes to heaven is the heart of all peoples!"

"Since all living beings agree, we are disrespectful."

"I disagree."

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded, which sounded extremely harsh to the six fierce powerhouses.

A young monk came out slowly.

"Another bald donkey to die?"

Without waiting for the four princes to make a speech, Jin Yu's face sank, staring aggressively at this young monk, and he could shoot at any time!

"Who is this little monk? Is the cultivation practice in the late stage of Hetai, coming out to die?"

"The Mingzheng Temple's Mingzheng is the heritage of the Fahua Temple and Daming Temple, and has also received the true story of the Jizo Bodhisattva in the preaching place. It should have been some means."

"Some methods are also useless. The state of cultivation is lower than that of the Jinwu tribe. It is simply a self-death!"

"I heard that this honest monk has a good relationship with Huang Wu."

"Well, speaking, if the desert is still alive, with his combat power, he can definitely compete with the six fierce powerhouses!"

When it comes to the name of Arama, many monks have complicated looks.

Since the rise of the deserted Wuwu, it has been targeted by various super sects, and even strangled together, but many sects have to admit one fact.

Desolate martial arts is the strongest evil spirit in this world!

"Late stage of fit?"

On the battlefield, Jin Yu looked at Mingzhen, and suddenly sneered, "It seems that there is really no one in the human race, but he ran out to kill him in a later period of integration?"

"Why, you bald donkey, still want to leapfrog challenge?"


Mingzhen held a blue light in his left hand and shook his head slightly, and said, "The little monk just wanted to discuss an argument. He is the predecessor of Kongfa, and countless Taoists who fell out of Mingxin.

"Okay, I'll send you to **** now to meet them!"

Jin Yu's eyes were magnificent, his body flickered, and he disappeared instantly.

Just in a blink of an eye, Jin Yu had come behind Mingzhen, poked out his palm, sharp nails popped out, and grasped toward Mingzhen Tianling cover!

Too fast!

Most of the monks present could not capture Jin Yu's traces. In the eyes, they could only see a golden light, which flickered!

Mingzhen stood there, her eyes lowered, motionless, and she seemed to have no response at all.

"It's over! This little monk is already dead!"

"This is how the monk just died."

"This Jin Yu still maintains a human form. If the essence is transformed, the speed and power will skyrocket, and how much combat power will reach, it is hard to imagine!"

In the debate, I saw that Mingzhen didn't look back, didn't move his body shape, just raised the blue light in his hands and held it towards the top of his head.

On that green lamp, a little finger-sized flame was burning, and it seemed to be able to annihilate it with a pinch.

But Jin Yu's palm fell on top of the flames, but it seemed to be stimulated, his body trembled, and her palm suddenly shrank back!


Jin Yu screamed, her body retreated, her expression pained.

The spirits of all races shook and looked intently.

I saw that Jin Yu's palm was burned out of a big hole, without a drop of blood flowing out, the flesh around it was burnt!

This scene is completely beyond the expectations of the people of all races.

"Jin Yu lost?"

"What kind of weapon is so powerful?"

"This seems to be the ancestor of the Lantern Temple and the Emperor Puguang Buddha in ancient times! This is not a magic weapon.

"Ah, that blue light!"

"Yes! I heard that in the battle of ancient times, this blue light was broken by the fierce emperor and fell from the realm of the imperial weapon into a common law instrument. Unexpectedly, this law instrument was passed to Ming true!"

(End of this chapter)

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