Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1557: Flat hair beast (two more)

Chapter 1557: Flat Haired Beast

"Bald donkey!"

Jin Yu was furious.

In recent years, the Jinwu tribe has been on the continent and is almost invincible. He has not encountered such a trauma!

Normally, this injury was healed by the Jinwu tribe's self-healing power, qi and blood surged, and healed soon.

But the flame above the blue lantern contained a terrible power.

Jin Yu's blood rushes past, it will be incinerated and converted into nothingness!

"You irritated me!"

Jin Yu's face was cold, anger was flowing in her eyes, and she was screaming in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the body shape is transformed.

A huge three-legged Jinwu descends on the battlefield!

This three-legged Jinwu has spread wings and is several feet long. It is burning with a blazing flame, and each wing is shining with gold.

Among the three legs under his belly, one leg was obviously incomplete, it was the claw that was burned by the green light.

"Want to play with fire?"

Jin Yu's voice sounded: "Let you taste it today, the natural flame of my Jinwu tribe!"

Jin Yu opened her mouth and suddenly spit out a hot and blazing flame, the gold light flickered, and the temperature on the entire battlefield suddenly rose.

"This is the Sun Fire!"

"In the legend, the Jinwu tribe's sun has reached the limit and can even become a scorching sun!"

Thousands of creatures exclaimed.

The true look remained the same, holding a blue light in his hands, a Brahma chanting in his mouth, his eyebrows flashing, and his fingertips radiating a mana into the blue light.


The flames on the green lantern suddenly skyrocketed, the flames were flourishing, and they hit the flames against the sun.

The cyan flame and the golden flame collided together, devouring each other, and not giving up to each other, and they became a deadlock!

"This truth is not simple. Although the green lantern was once an emperor's weapon, if you don't have enough understanding of the Dharma, you can never exert such power."

"Yeah, too few can suppress the Jinwu tribe on the flame."

"Among the nine races, only the dragon dragon's candle dragon vein can compete with the Jinwu race on the way of fire."

Jin Yu frantically urged Yuan Shen, and in her eyes, flames were jumping.

Many Jinwu people watched, the four princes watched, and there were six fierce strong men. Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, he must not lose!


In Jin Yu's eyes, two golden flames suddenly flew out, containing a terrible atmosphere!

Pupil surgery-the eye of the fire!

Mingzhen looked at the two flames that flew in, and his eyes blinked suddenly, and his eyebrows were slightly lowered, and the whole man was filled with a tremendous force of compassion!

As soon as these two flames fell in front of Mingzhen, they quietly went out!

Bodhisattva lowers eyebrows, can solve thousands of pupils!

The power of Mingzhen poured into the blue lights, the cyan flame was in full bloom, and instantly swallowed Jin Yu's sun flame, against the trend, and swallowed towards Jin Yu!

Jin Yu changed her look, and quickly spread her wings, preparing to escape from the envelope of blue flames.

At this moment, Mingzheng sounded loudly.

"Best wishes!"

Mingzhen stretched out his palm, squeezed out a French seal, and slowly pressed it toward Jin Yu.

The speed of this Fayin advent is very slow, very slow.

But Jin Yu felt like she was bound by a very powerful force, she couldn't move at all, she was like a big mountain!

The big wish seal embodies the wish of the Jizo Bodhisattva.

Hell is not empty, vows will not become Buddha, all living beings are exhausted, and Bodhi is evidenced.

Such a mighty wish can suppress even hell, not to mention a three-legged Jinwu!

Under the wish, the speed of the three-legged Jinwu tribe is completely useless!

Jin Yu seemed to be fixed in the air, only to watch the blue flames blow at his face and devour himself directly!


Jin Yu screamed in the flames.

People shake!

Many spiritualists are also excited!

This battle was actually won!

And it is a case where the state of cultivation is lower, and the Jinwu tribe is defeated!

Listening to Jin Yu's screaming in the flames, she did not change her look, and did not mean to stop.

The abbot of Huishen, the Lantern Temple, was full of worries.


The eighth Prince suddenly said coldly.

Mingzhen was unmoved.

"I think you're looking for death!"

The figure of the eighth prince suddenly disappeared in place, and the moment the sound dropped, he had already come to Mingzhen, reached out his palm, and grasped toward Mingzhen!

Before this palm came, it became the claws of the Jinwu tribe!


An exclamation came from the crowd.

The eighth prince, a half-ancestor, shot!

This is no longer a small realm.

This is crushing the realm!

Mingzhen was extremely calm, and his blood was surging, and he was instantly elevated to a state of blood like a tide.


Mingzhen was so shocked that he moaned and looked painful.

With each step, a deep footprint appeared on the ground!

The fierce family in the semi-ancestor realm is too terrible, not to mention, this is still one of the ten sons of Jinwu!

Sure enough, as many monks expected.

Even if Jinzhen defeats Jin Yu, there will be more powerful fierce tribes.

The fierce ancestor's half-ancestor appeared, and among the same level, no one could compete with it!

"Little monk, let you taste the fire of my sun!"

The eighth prince suddenly opened his mouth and spewed a blazing golden flame, raging on!

He really looked dignified, and could only give up killing Jin Yu, withdraw the blue light, urge a blue flame, and burn it in front of the sun of the eighth prince!

This time, almost at the moment of the collision, the cyan flame was swallowed up by the sun!

You know, there is a magic power in this sun fire!

The cyan flame is really irresistible!

The flames of the sun shrouded, and there was no way back.

He took a deep breath, suddenly sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, chanting verses in his mouth, and there was an instant golden light on his body.

This is Jizo Real Body!

The sun's fire envelops the truth and burns it continuously.

Mingzhen folded his hands, his body was covered with golden light, and he sat in the flames, urging Yuanshen, and resisted with all his strength!

"Ha ha!"

The eighth prince sneered, and said coldly, "I'll see, how long can you persist!"

The eighth prince has a vast knowledge and boundless mana, and he is constantly pouring into the sun's fire,

The flames were flourishing, climbing to a dozen feet high, becoming more and more fierce, surging thousands of golden lights, and soon engulfing the true figure!

Looking at the flame, the restless crowd gradually calmed down.

In the eyes of many monks, there was a gloom.

"Who else of your people!"

The eighth prince was so imposing that he stood up against the sky, and he said, "Who dares to stand up and fight with me!"

No one responded.

"What a waste!"

The eighth prince took a sip, looked disdainful, and sneered: "Your race has run out of luck, the times of the ancient emperors have passed! Only your cowardly and cowardly generations are left! You are not worthy of the Lord of Heaven! "

Every sentence of the eighth prince seemed to pierce the hearts of many monks.

Some are unwilling, some are dissatisfied, some are unwilling.

But no one can stand up.

Because many monks knew that even if they stood up, they would be easily killed by the eighth prince, but they would only insult them.

They can't resist it!

"The human race is not worthy, you flat-breasted beast is even more unworthy!"

A cold voice came in from outside, causing an uproar!

(End of this chapter)

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