Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1562: I'm Arashi (Second)

Chapter 1562: I'm A Wasteland

Seeing this scene, many monks just felt that the hair on their bodies had stood up!

This is a combined power of Overlord Hall!

It was so eaten by Teng Luo!

"Mom, I'm afraid of a bird!"

The master of the Overlord Palace couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled out a huge spear from the storage bag, and slammed it on the ground, loudly:

"Practising in the magic gate is to seek great freedom, great joy, and conform to your heart! Now, it is better to fight with all your strength than to live so hard!"

"Even if I die, I will die vigorously!"


The Sura Sovereign also came out, and said in a cold voice: "A big deal is a death! Whoever does not die! Even if you are the emperor, you will not live with the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon will shine together. There will be a day of old death!"

Among the seven Demon Sects, Overlord Palace, Shuluzong, and Su Nuzong stood out.

The Zixiao Patriarch slowly got up and said in a deep voice: "If you want to endure this humiliation, even if you live forever, what's the point!"

Immediately after, among the fairy gates, Piaoxue Valley, Feiyumen stood out!

Buddhist monks, all got up!

Among the five left roads, Shi Jian, who represents the fat tomb sect, and Shi Jian, who represents the 傀儡 宗, also stood up!

The four monks at the door, all got up!

Three ancient families, Nangong family, Beiming family stand up!

Many monks in Xuanji Palace stepped forward!

Suddenly, the sentiment was excited, among the human race, one after another, powerful figures rose into the air, bursting with an overwhelming breath, and competing with Teng Luo!

Six fierce tribes descended, wanton slaughter of human race, Qun Xiu suppressed a anger in his heart, nowhere to vent, and could not bear it.

Terrans are not all timid!

The storytelling old man once said that the cultivation world just lacks a true strongman who can raise his arms and shout and lead the human race!

Today, the overlord palace, the master of Shuluzong stood out.

This scene, like a chain reaction, Qun Xiu also got up!

Many monks are hot and hot, looking at many blood vines such as Teng Luo, murderous, the initial fear has long been forgotten!


Tengluo's eyes were magnificent, and his expression was excited, and he grinned, "What's wrong, you ants are trying to fail!"

"I advise you to be calm."

At this moment, the leader of the God of Heaven said coldly: "Now you are just surging in blood, impulsive, don't wait for a while, the death and injury are too heavy, and it is too late to regret it."

Just as Qun Xiu's blood was surging, someone poured a pot of cold water.

"Ha ha!"

The owner of Piaoxuegu sneered: "Lang Qing, people like you and me are among the princes of Xianmen, it is a shame!"

The priest of Disha said: "Oh, I think that the Taoist friends of Langqing are not unreasonable, and I would like to remind you that it is best not to fight with the Taoist friends of the six fierce clans."

The owner of Penglai Island held his arms and sneered, "It's your own death, so don't blame us for watching!"

"It's shameless!"

The fat man yelled, "I see you Penglai Island, you have already surrendered to the six fierce kin!"

The owner of Penglai Island calmly said, "What's wrong with surrender? The fierce tribe recuperates and returns, and it will inevitably dominate the famine and dominate the Quartet!"

"We don't choose to surrender to Penglai Island, are we going to die with you? Hitting a stone with a egg! It's ridiculous!"

Many monks, seeing this face of the owner of Penglai Island, felt only a nausea.

"Live well? You're so naive!"

The Lord of the Overlord Palace sneered: "The six fierce lords dominate the heavens, and they will enslave the tens of thousands! There is an ancient war ahead. Do you think that the six fierce fighters will let the human race out?

The master of the mysterious palace shook his hand slightly and said, "The way is different, so don't have to fight! My monk, I would rather stand dead than live on my knees!"


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Qun Xiu burst into roar.

"A bunch of ants, shouting and screaming, kill me!"

Teng Luo waved and ordered, the first one to plunge into the crowd!

Hundreds of blood rattans rushed up, took root in the ground, and danced with thick blood vines, almost intertwined between the heavens and the earth, forming a **** net of heaven and earth!

The moment the two sides collided, the blood mist filled, I wonder how many monks died dead!

But under the offensive of many monks, there were also Bloodvine people who were killed on the spot!

Teng Luo was furious, and also transformed into the body. Dozens of blood vines were breaking, smashing the bodies of more than a dozen monks, and descended on the Lord of the Overlord Palace!

Dozens of blood vines were entangled in the main body of the Overlord Palace.

"Dead to me!"

Tengluo's voice sounded, containing cold and murderous, endless anger!


The blood mist burst, and the Lord of the Overlord Palace was strangled by Teng Luo Shengsheng!


At this moment, a dark light came and instantly penetrated the head of the Zixiao Patriarch!

The Zixiao Patriarch did not say a word, and the headless body fell from the air.

Fragments shot.

A pupil technique will kill the Zixiao Patriarch!

Not far away, many Tianyan clan killed over!

If it is only the Bloodvine Clan, many of the human races can still fight against it.

The Tianyan clan joined, making this war no suspense, Tianyan opened, lethality is too great!

The monk fell down piece by piece, his limbs were broken, and he flew in the air.

Screams, wailing, crying, rang through the world.

"Master, are you afraid of contaminating the blood of those human ants? Let's have fun?"

Some Rakshasa have long been intolerable and are eager to move.

Yu Luocha sighed in his heart, closed his eyes, and nodded.

In her opinion, even if the Rakshasa didn't take action, the human race was already over.


One by one, the blue-faced fangs of Rakshasa fluttered in the air, holding a machete, and stood side by side in the crowd. Wherever they passed, there was bound to be a **** storm!

The joining of the Raksha clan made the front of the spiritualists collapse instantly!

Finally, some monks could not bear it, and began to flee towards the distance.

Fear is contagious.

The second, the third ...

The rout was formed, and it couldn't stop.

Blockbusters of monks, began to flee!

But under the pursuit of the Raksha and Jinwu peoples, no one can escape the mysterious palace!

no one!


Tengluo re-transformed into a human figure, standing in the air, looking at the many monks who escaped, looking excited, biting a large piece of flesh in his mouth, laughing wildly:

"You timid timid ants are coming to fight! Hahahaha!"

Numerous murderers burst into laughter as they slaughtered.

Tengluo's blood rattan pierced Ji Chengtian's chest, and sneered him slowly in front of himself, sneering: "What kind of people are proud, what kind of people are evil, all are a bunch of waste!"

Ji Chengtian's face was pale, and his mouth was constantly spitting blood, but in his eyes, there was no fear at all, and he slowly said, "My people are desolate, and killing others is like killing a dog!"

Teng Luo's face sank.

This name is a great shame to the Bloodvine!


The Lord of Piaoxue Valley dragged his severely wounded corpse, and condensed, "If there is a desert army, the young master of your six fierce kins is a joke!"

"In the eyes of my elder brother, your six fierce clans are ants and waste!"

The fat man was holding Shi Jian, who was seriously injured, with tears in his eyes and roared.


Tengluo sneered: "My six fierce tribes gather here. If he obediently hides, he can live for a few days! If he dares to show up, I will let him know who is the real strong! Who is Invincible!


A cold light came through the sky, and it was almost instantly, piercing Teng Luo's brows!

"Be careful!"

Zhanmu sang suddenly.

Tengluo changed color!

This cold light is too fast!

When he reacted, the cold light had come.

He didn't even have time to morph into the ontology, so he could only raise his palm subconsciously.


Hanguang penetrated the palm of his hand, pierced through Teng Luo's brows, and directly penetrated Teng Luo's head!

This cold light was stained with blood scarlet blood, and Yu Wei was still there, shooting another Rakshasa wing out of a huge blood hole!

Huge power, blow the wings of this Raksha tribe!

The Rakshasa screamed and fell from the air.

This cold light seemed to be a long arrow, but it had no substance. It gradually dissipated before everyone's eyes.

Teng Luo is dead?

The master of the Bloodvine family was shot to death?

Between heaven and earth, it seemed as if the arrow came to a halt.


Remnant slowly got up and asked sharply.

A cold voice came down, echoing in the mysterious palace, deafening!

"I'm desert martial!"

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(End of this chapter)

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