Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1563: Five arrows (three more)

Chapter 1563 Five Arrows

I'm deserted!

These four words fell into the crowd, just like a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, attracting the shock of thousands of souls!

These four words seem to have a magical power. Many monks who are fighting the war have subconsciously stopped their movements and came to look around.

Arima, this name is known to everyone in the world!

Even among the six fierce tribes, they are also fierce!

In the Battle of Vientiane that year, the major fierce tribes knew that the human race gave birth to a demon evil, and even in Jindan Realm, they could compete with the Raksha and Protoss.

But the major murderers didn't care.

It's just that Jin Dan is a real person, and there is no threat to the major gangs.

It was not until the Battle of Heaven and Earth Valley that the name of the deserted martial art spread among the six fierce clan.

Then it attracted the attention of the six fierce tribes, and issued killing orders one after another, trying to kill the barbarity!

But I did not expect that a hundred years ago in the battle on the Six Star Mountains, the Bloodvine tribe fell to thousands of people, and the young master Teng Lingzi died of death!

But the deserted Wu disappeared on the continent, and there was no news ever since.

Ghost witch son, Xiaoxiang goddess, Canmu and other fierce clan masters are extremely proud, and have enough self-confidence, they have no fear of barbarism.

When they want to come, today's Wanzu conference, even if the deserted army is still alive, they dare not show up.

The six fierce clans are gathered together, and the assassination order is still there. If the wild army dares to come, it is tantamount to throwing a net and seeking its own way!

But they did not expect that Arima really came.

Moreover, as soon as Xun appeared, he killed the new owner of the Blood Rattan tribe and shot a Rakshasa!

Ghost Witch looks dignified.

Goddess Xiaoxiang frowned.

Just that arrow, even if they are not necessarily able to retreat!

In the dogfight, they did not perceive the arrow, only the powerful perception of the remaining eyes, the danger, and the reminder, but it was too late.

Teng Luo, is already a dead person!

Ji Chengtian pulled out the blood vine running through his chest with the help of tenderness. His face was not bloody, but his expression was inspiring.

"Zimo is here!"

"Yeah, here he is!"

Leng Ruo nodded his head and said: "Relax, there is Zi Mo here, these fierce tribes can't afford any storms!"


The fat man couldn't help laughing, and roared.

"Stupid, take a look, my brother is here!"

The fat man was shaking Shi Jian's body desperately.

Shi Jian was seriously injured. He was shaken by the fat man a few times, and his bones almost fell apart. He said weakly, "Dead fat man, you want to shake me!"

Although Shi Jian was scolding, somehow his eyes were reddish and he cried.


"It's the desert!"

Many of the fleeing monks stopped and looked up with excitement.

"It's the barbarity of our people! The pride of our people!"

The faith of many monks had already collapsed, but after the advent of the desert, many monks rekindled hope and ignited fighting spirit!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a figure appeared on the city head of Xuanji Palace, with dark hair in a blue shirt, eyes like a torch, and a turquoise bow in his arms!

This monk in a blue shirt walked towards the battlefield. His pace was not hurried, but at every step, the whole void shuddered.

The blue shirt monk issued a terrible monstrous trend, it seems to step on all people's lives!


The ghost witch boy slowly got up and narrowed his eyes.

Canmu also stood up, a pair of dark holes in his eyes, facing the direction of Su Zimo, exuding gloom.

Yu Luo suddenly looked at the person, frowning slightly.

"Presumably this blue-shirt monk is the clone of that person."

Among the people present, only Yu Luocha knew about the existence of the martial arts deity.

In Yu Luocha's eyes, although this blue-shirt monk looks exactly like the deity of martial arts, there is still a big difference in temperament.


With a movement in Yu Luocha's heart, he secretly exclaimed: "You have bullied me for so long, I will bully your avatar after waiting, it is not betrayed you."

The master of the Xuanji Palace looked at Su Zimo, who was walking slowly, with a complex look.

It was only a hundred years ago that Su Zimo had already entered the realm of half-ancestors. The speed of this kind of cultivation is astonishing!

Normally, he had no small festivals with Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's broken bow now is supposed to be his weapon!

Moreover, it was precisely because of Su Zimo that he was removed from his post as the host of the palace, thinking behind closed doors, and only then returned to freedom this year.

But at this moment, the master of the Xuanji Palace could not bear a bit of hatred for Su Zimo.

He only hoped that Su Zimo could keep the last dignity for the cultivation world and for the human race!

In the battlefield, due to Su Zimo's appearance, there was a short stagnation, and many murderers stopped and killed and turned to look over.

"What are you looking at?"

The ghost and witch son stared at Su Zimo with a dim glance, and suddenly said, "This person has given it to me, and you continue to kill until all the human races are subject!"

Hearing this sentence, many murderers reacted and continued to hunt.

Hundreds of three-footed Jinwu are ready to launch a final offensive against monkeys and others, and Yan Beichen!


Su Zimo looked cold, suddenly raised his hand, pulled the broken magic bow, a long mana arrow condensed, and instantly shot into the three-footed Jinwu group, exploding a cloud of blood!

Hundreds of three-legged Jinwu gathered together and could not escape this arrow at all.

Taking Su Zimo's half-ancestors as his example, with the help of a broken bow and an arrow shot by mana, the power is extremely horrible. These three-legged Jinwu ethnic groups can't resist it!

This arrow shot through at least five or three three-legged Jinwu's bodies.

The first three three-legged Jinwu, bearing the fiercest power of long mana arrows, burst their bodies, the Yuanshen died on the spot, and the body died away!

This arrow makes the battlefield stagnate again!

"What are you afraid of!"

The ninth prince chuckled: "This is an ancient strange treasure breaking bow, with a long time interval! He just shot an arrow, and before he shot the second arrow, he is already a dead man!"

"Kill me!"

The ninth Prince flickered and rushed towards Yan Beichen, who was seriously injured.


At this moment, the sound of a sharp arrow burst into the air, came to the front in an instant!

"What! Shoot the second arrow so soon!"

The ninth Prince was shocked. He subconsciously protruded Jin Wuli's claws and grabbed at the long arrow.


Long arrows shatter.

The palm of the ninth prince was also shot through by this arrow, dripping with blood!


The ninth Prince sighed.


Without waiting for his response, the second arrow came!

"Huh? How is that possible!"

The ninth Prince's expression changed greatly, and he had no time to think about it. The whole person turned into a golden light.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Immediately afterwards, three long arrows came out of the air and directly sealed the retreat of the ninth prince!

"Old Nine!"

The seventh prince exclaimed.

Not to mention the ninth prince, even if he, including the master of ghosts and witches, remnants and other fierce masters, did not expect that Su Zimo could continue to pull the magic bow and shoot long arrows!


A long arrow runs through the chest of the ninth prince.

The huge force directly exploded his body!

A primordial look panicked and escaped dangerously.


Su Zimo opened his mouth slightly, and a Brahma came!

The **** of the ninth prince trembled slightly, and under the eyes of many eyes, the light was dim and scattered in the heavens and the earth!

The ninth prince, meteor!

Today there are only three changes, my head hurts, I ca n’t write it

(End of this chapter)

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