Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1565: Arrow rain! (Two more)

Chapter 1565: Arrow Rain! (Two more)


The witch clan was changed by the ghost and witch son, and he couldn't react at all. In a dazed look, he was pierced by a huge spear, his flesh burst instantly, and his spirit was destroyed!

The lethality of this huge spear doesn't stop there.

Behind the ghost witch son, a dozen witches originally stood.

After this huge spear smashed the flesh of the first Witch tribe, the power was almost attenuated, and it penetrated directly into the crowd!

puff! puff! puff!

Flesh flew, bursts of blood mist burst, shocking!

Unexpectedly, those dozen witches suffered a devastating blow.

The Wu tribe, stabbed in the front by this huge spear, couldn't resist it, and died on the spot. There was no chance of surviving.

The Wu Clan, which was slightly deviated from the position, was scratched by this huge spear, and the flesh could not bear it, and was instantly torn!

The primitive spirit of the Wu tribe is strong, but the flesh is too weak!

These witches reacted faster. The Yuanshen abandoned the flesh and came out of the shell to save their lives, but the flesh was completely gone.

More Wu clan were shot through on the spot by this huge spear!

More than a dozen witches survived three of them.

In addition, all three witch clans were left with a terrified Yuan God, trembling in the air, shivering.

The remaining witches were startled, looking at the ghost witch boy in horror.

Although the power of the broken bow is great, after all, it is just a long mana arrow, which can cause limited lethality.

The reason why the witch tribe suffered heavy losses is entirely because of the ghost and witch son!

Because he released the spell, and then sold his family behind him for his own escape!

The Ghost Witch felt the tribe's gaze and his face turned blue.

This is just the first arrow fired by Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's second arrow shot at Yu Luosha in the air!

The speed of Jade Rakshasa is also above the three-footed Jinwu.

Just listening to Yu Luocha chuckling and fluttering, he easily avoided this long mana arrow.

The major fierce clan masters are jealous of breaking the bow.

But in Yu Luocha's heart, she didn't take it for granted. At her speed, this broken bow could not threaten her at all!

And Su Zimo's third arrow shot toward Wuguang.

This black light is a pupil technique released by Canmu.

Although Su Zimo avoided it, this black light seemed to have spirituality, followed closely by killing him!


A long mana arrow collided with Wu Guang, and a loud noise broke out!

The Tianyan tribe's pupil technique was not broken by the magic long arrow.

In this pupil technique, there is a touch of magical power!

The five offensive masters were all resisted by Su Zimo!

At this moment, Su Zimo stood up in the air, shouted from the sky, the blood and blood in his body surged, and once again opened the broken bow.

In Su Zimo's knowledge of the sea, the Yuanshen has been urged to the limit. The created lotus platform slowly rotates below, and the glow is diffused, constantly nourishing the Yuanshen.

Bow like a full moon!

The major fierce lords look dignified and tense.

Except for Jade Rakshasa, no one can despise the killing of the broken bow!

The two young masters who despised were dead.


The arrow is like a shooting star!

A stone's throw!

The masters of the major fierce families stunned in their hearts, and some were prepared to resist and some to dodge.

But soon, the major masters found that this arrow was not shot at them, but shot into the crowd!

In the chaotic battlefield, a three-legged Jinwu looked fierce and fierce, and launched a crazy offensive against Yan Beichen. His killing moves were frequently released.

Suddenly, the three-footed Jinwu felt the scalp explode!

Ears seemed to sound the sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the air, and there was a faint glimmer of cold light in the corner of the eye.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a sudden pain in his head!

The next moment, he lost consciousness, his consciousness sank, and he fell into the abyss.

Under the gaze of many eyes, this three-footed Jinwu was shot and killed by Su Zimo's breaking bow!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this moment, a series of arrows came across the air, endless, in this battlefield, it sounded creepy!

The creatures of all races looked up, each with their mouths open, their eyes glaring, their expressions horrified, and they were totally speechless!

I saw that powerful figure in the air, in a short period of time, continuously pulled the broken bow, just a few breaths, and shot hundreds of long mana arrows!

A mana long arrow, even the major fierce lords and young masters, must be concentrating.

Hundreds of mana arrows fell from the sky, dense like rain, this is a shocking scene!

The entire void seemed to have been penetrated by hundreds of long arrows.


A protoss who pursued the monk in Piaoxuegu was penetrated by his long mana arrow, his chest burst, and he fell on his back.


Another Raksha clan who hunted down the mighty Shuluzong, wanted to dodge, but was too late to be shot through the head with an arrow, nailed to a distant stone pillar, and died!

puff! puff! puff!

The arrow rain came, and a group of witches, Rakshas, ​​Tianyans, and Protoss who besieged the monkeys and others fell down piece by piece!

These mana long arrows are not only terrifying in power, amazing in speed, but also extremely accurate!

With each arrow, at least one fierce clan can be shot.

This lethality is almost devastating to the six major murderers!

Hundreds of mana arrows can shoot far more than hundreds of fierce strongmen.

Some mana long arrows can run through three or four, or even four or five fierce clan, and shoot them on the spot!

In just a few breaths, more than two hundred fierce clan powerhouses have fallen!

More seriously injured!

Group repair is shocked!

Thousands of creatures are shocked!

Each of the six fierce powerhouses was pale and scared.

"Which dare I move!"

Su Zimo stood up in the air, holding the broken bow, his eyes were like electricity, like a **** of incompetence, he looked around and suddenly sang!

This sound fell to the ears of many fierce powerhouses, like a thunderous explosion.

The strong men of the six fierce clan were trembling with fear!

Many fierce tribes looked at the figure in the air, with deep fear and fear in their eyes.

A rain of arrows stunned the strong men of the six fierce tribes on the spot!

No fierce dare to move again!


When a monk saw this scene, he felt agitated, his eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't help shouting out loud.

"Desolate! Desolate!

Countless monks flushed their eyes, roared loudly, and trembled for nine days!

Since they came to participate in this 10,000 ethnic conference, they have suffered too much injustice, too much grievance, and too much bullying!

They watched their colleagues, killed by the murderers, but could not do anything about it.

They watched their suzerain, fell among the fierce tribes, but did not dare to stand up.

They watched the ferocious arrogance, everything was empty, but no one stood up and could compete with it!

And all this anger, grievance, unwillingness, all vented in the moment!

What about fierce people!

As Ji Chengtian said, killing murderous clansmen is like killing dogs!

The master of the mysterious palace stood out, looking excited, deeply worshipping in the direction of Su Zimo, and shouting, "Friends of the desert martial arts, if there is one more time, I would like to personally send the broken bow! Only you Is worthy of this ancient treasure! "

Until this time, the suspicion of Su Zimo's capture of the broken bow in his heart really disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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