Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1566: Desolate summit! (Three more)

Chapter 1566: Wild Wu Climb to the Top! (Three more)

What is the identity of the mysterious palace master?

Although the two have the same realm of cultivation, they have very different identities. The worship of the master of the mystery palace is very important!

At this moment, the Lord of Piaoxuegu dragged his severely injured body and worshipped toward the deserted Wu: "Thank you for your help in the deserted Wudao!"

Immediately afterwards, the monarch of Feiyumen and the abbot of Lantern Temple, the monks of the four major gates, one by one in the field of cultivation, were prestigious and distinguished monks.

"Thank you Arama!"

Many monks shouted in unison.

This is a heartfelt thanks from everyone.

Because if there is no wild rain shooting this arrow rain, among them, I don't know how many monks and how many fellows will fall!

The most important thing is that the emergence of the deserted martial arts has protected the final dignity of the human race!

At this moment, the eyes of many monks became slightly moist.

They were faint in the body of the desert, and saw the glory of the ancient emperors!

At this moment, a monk said softly, "The emperors are not here, I am still there!"

Many monks know that in Vientiane City at that time, it was just Su Zimo, who was a real Jin Dan, facing the Protoss and Rakshas.

Later it was introduced into the realm of cultivation, and was once mocked by various sectarian forces.

Until now, everyone knows that only Arima can say such things.

It is only the deserted martial arts who are worthy to stand by with the ancient emperors!

Desolate one person, one bow, deterred the six fierce clan, this scene will be recorded in history!

Numerous monks were in a state of excitement and emotions. The six masters of the fierce tribe also had different looks and were ever-changing.

Among them, the mood is the most complicated, I am afraid it belongs to Jade Rakshasa.

Originally, she didn't put Qing Lian's true body at all and put her broken bow in her eyes.

When she wanted to come, this was just an arrogance of Arima.

At her speed, she can completely avoid the killing of the broken bow.

However, the scene of Cai Fang directly subverted her thoughts.

If there were hundreds of long mana arrows fired at her, even if she regenerated several pairs of wings, she would definitely not escape!

"Is this wicked, I can't beat his avatar?"

Yu Luo suddenly looked at the figure in the air, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

On the huge battlefield, there is silence!

The major fierce powerhouses look dignified, more cautious, and wait for opportunities.

At this moment, the goddess Xiaoxiang glanced a little, and looked at the God of Heaven goddess not far away, and there was a cold light in her eyes.

The seventh prince turned his gaze and looked at the owner of Penglai Island, not far away.

The leader of the Tianhua religion struck a spirit, suddenly stood up, and said loudly: "Desolation, today is the race of the nations. You are so cruel, and you kill the ring, how can the race of the nations continue to be held!"

"At this race of the nations, the peace talks with the six wicked races, if you fail because of you, you are the sinner of the human race!"

"Fuck your mother!"

The little fat man couldn't bear it and sweared.

The owner of Piaoxuegu also said coldly: "I'd like to ask you the God of Heaven, today's battle, is it the fierce warrior to open the killing ring or the deserted war to open the killing ring!"

"Many people are killed by fierce tribes, or by my people!"

Asked by the God of Heaven, the leader was dumb and speechless.

The master of Penglai Island stood up and said in a deep voice: "It is normal for all the ethnic groups to get together and fight. It is normal for everyone to stop. Now everyone can stop and talk again."

"Talk as you talk?"

Su Zimo squinted at the owner of Penglai Island and asked a question.

The owner of Penglai Island was glanced at by Su Zimo, his heart seemed to stop beating, a chill came to his back, and he kept silent.

Just at the moment, he really felt that kind of death!

If he dared to say more than half a word, he would be sure that the deserted Wu will take the shot and kill him on the spot!

At this moment, the monarch of the mixed Yuan ancestors rose up and said, "Desolation, you have grudges with the six fierce tribes, understandable. But this is a race meeting, you don't just care about your own personal grudges, vent your emotions, And implicate the entire human race! "

"What a bullshit, black and white upside down!"

Mysterious palace master yelled angrily.

The lord of the sword sect also slowly said: "If the major lords and young masters want peace talks, I think that the deserted martial arts are suitable, and you can sit down and talk."

Only the two main gates of the mixed Yuanzong and Jianzong sects have never expressed their position.

They did not stand on the side of the six fierce tribes, but did not have the courage to stand up to fight the fierce tribes.

But when the deserted army appeared, the lords of these two gates could not sit still.

Zun Yuanzong said that Huang Wu only cares about personal grievances. In fact, the two masters are now expressing their personal grudges with Huang Wu!


Su Zimo frowned, and asked, "What kind of people are you, dare to represent the human race?"


The Lord of the Wind and Thunder Palace shouted, "Don't be arrogant. As the monarch of Xianmen, how can we not represent the human race!"

"Human races were slaughtered and killed by six fierce races. Just a few of you, just sit there and stand by and look at them indifferently. Are you also worthy of being called humans?"

"Not even people, you can represent the human race!"

In these words, the faces of the monarchs such as Yuan Zong and Jian Zong became red, and they only felt hot.


"Just this guts, it is worthy to be called Xianmen! My monk Feiyumen is with him, and juxtaposing Xianmen is really humiliating!"

"Monk Jianzong, would rather be unyielding, never go forward! Today's Jianzong has long lost the edge of Jianxiu in ancient times. It really shame the old ancestors!"

Many monks who survived the war of geniuses sneered.

Hearing these voices, the mixed monarchs such as Yuan Zong and Jian Zong were even more embarrassed and pale.

The masters of the major fierce families sneered in the air, and did not take any action, just watching the excitement.

It would be best for them if they fight first and fight internally!

"Desolate, don't let go of it!"

The ancestral monarch of the Yuan Dynasty gritted his teeth and said, "I am the prince of Xianmen ..."

"Ha ha."

Su Zun Mo was interrupted by the sneer before Su Zongzong's main story was finished.

"I tell you!"

Su Zimo's eyes fell among the sects and demons such as Jianzong, Mixed Yuanzong, and Tianzhangjiao, and slowly said, "The cultivation world today is not your world, and you can't be the master! The human race is in you Under the leadership of others, they will only be suppressed by bullying! "

"Today in this mysterious palace, I am the desolate king! My fellow friends, would like to follow me today and listen to my orders!"

Su Zimo looked around and asked loudly.

"I'll wait!"

Many monks growled and looked excited!


Sects such as Jianzong and Mixed Yuanzong looked angry.

"it is good!"

Su Zimo's eyes fell on the Sect of Jianzong, Zongyuan Zong, and others, and he said coldly, "If you don't agree, kill without amnesty!"

Having said that, Su Zimo shook the bow of the broken bow.


The bowstrings trembled, filled with a slew of murderous power!

Jianzong, Mixed Yuanzong, Tianzhangism and other major suzerains closed their mouths immediately, sulking like chills!

You know, they represent the most powerful forces in the cultivation world, but now they are completely suppressed by one's momentum!

Desolate summit!

(End of this chapter)

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