Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1567: I want your life (four more)

Chapter 1567 I Want Your Life

The strong men of the fierce tribes originally stood idly by and waited for the people to fight together and fight each other. They then looked for opportunities to kill Huangwu Town.

But I didn't expect that, just in a flash, the deserted army would deter the major gate forces!

"Desolate military, don't your people, do you want to negotiate with my six gangsters?"

The ghost witch son suddenly said quietly.

In fact, the six gangsters never thought of negotiating with the human race.

They don't take humans into their eyes at all!

Dragons do not live with snakes.

How could God negotiate with the ants!

But at this time, the words of the ghost and witch son are really sinister!

He just wanted to give an illusion to many practitioners.

The six gangsters wanted peace talks, but because of the barbarity, this is the scene today.

In this way, the conflicts between human races will inevitably arise again, or even intensify!

as expected!

The ghost witch son made these remarks, and some monks who mixed Yuanzong and Jianzong were somewhat moved.

Someone said, "If you can negotiate well and kill less, that's fine."

"Yeah, the human race fights with the six fierce tribes, it will only result in both defeats, and what a pain."

"Wan Wu is too impulsive and sharp-minded. He leads the human race and may not have any good results."

Many monks whispered.

The masters of the major fierce clan secretly rejoiced.

"Ha ha."

Su Zimo sneered slightly, and said, "Do you really think that the six murderers want to negotiate? I tell you, negotiation was never negotiated, but killed!"


Just then, a light drink came from afar.

A monk, wearing a red robe, strode toward the meteor, as if burning flames, with a mighty spirit, his eyes were like torches!

"Extreme Fire Master!"

Many monks in Bailianmen looked ecstatic and shouted.

Come, it is extremely hot!

Next to the extreme fire, there was a cold-looking young man in a black robe, expressionless and agile, and seemed to be hidden in the darkness at any time!

"Fifth child!"

Monkeys and others showed joy when they saw the young man in the black robe.


The monkey barked and shouted.

Linghu also smiled, his smile twitched the wound, and he took a breath of cold air.

Even if it hurts, he was extremely happy!


Xiao Ning looked at the black robe youth in disbelief with an unbelievable voice, his eyes flashed with tears, his vision gradually blurred.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

The young man in black robe came to Xiao Ning, and looked a little apologetic, softly.

"It's okay, just come back, just come back."

Xiao Ning laughed while crying.

Linghu complained aside: "This old boy is really a friend of lightness and lightness. Over the years, I am afraid we have forgotten our brothers!"

The golden lion and others also pretended to sigh.

Ye Ling nodded to Xiao Ning before walking toward the monkeys and others. A smile on his indifferent face was rare, and he said, "You haven't died yet. Are you strong enough to joke me?"


The monkey laughed, stretched out his hand and struck Yeling's chest, and said, "Our lives are hardened!"

the other side.

Jihuo came near, looking at the many monks present, and Shen Shen said: "Zi Mo is right, the strong, and he will not negotiate with the weak! If you want to negotiate, you must become the strong!

A monk yelled, "Desolate, you are right. These fierce tribes have just said that our people are ants, and they are not qualified to negotiate with them!"

"Not qualified?"

Su Zimo smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm deserted today, I will take you Dao friends to kill a qualification for the human race!"

"it is good!"

Many monks just felt the surge of blood and yelled, "Eligibility!"

At this moment, there were thousands of monks walking in the distance. There were princes of law, Taoist powers, and powerful ancestors!

These monks have different costumes and races, they don't look like a sect, and they don't have any obvious signs.

But these monks are carrying a long knife on their backs!

With so many sword repairs, even the mighty power of the sword repairs, half-ancestors, have not appeared on the continent for many years.

The lord of the sword ancestor narrowed his eyes, seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "Shenhuangdao!"

The major suzes nodded.

Only Shenhuang Island can have so many powerful sword repairs!

As one of the two islands, Shenhuang Island cannot be underestimated.

Penglai Island, one of the two islands, is already on the side of the six fierce clans.

Many monks don't know which side of the current Shenhuang Island will be Xianmen, such as Jianzong, Yuanyuanzong, and so on.

Among the group repairs, only Su Zimo's look was calm.

"Shenhuangdao came to help the barbarians!"

Before the group repair of Shenhuang Island came near, the owner of Shenhuang Island shouted aloud.

Dragon Phoenix Real Body is the master of Shenhuang Island.

Shenhuang Island will naturally stand on the side of Su Zimo!

Qun Xiu is excited!

The joining of Shenhuang Island has undoubtedly increased their strength.

The major fiends frowned secretly.

The situation today is somewhat beyond their control.

Even if this battle can be won, I am afraid that it will be a fierce victory. The major fierce tribes will suffer heavy losses!

The major fierce lords and young masters did not expect that after the advent of barbarism, such a strong will broke out!

Of course, the threats of these cultivators to the murderer are not too great.

The trickiest part is this wildfire!

The ghost and witch boy still refused to give up, trying to stir up the various sectarian forces, and smiled, and said, "Desolation, masters, don't you really want to talk to us?"

"This meeting of the ethnic groups was held in the Xuanji Palace. Do you really want to make this grand event a Shura field and blood flow?"

"You can do peace talks."

Su Zimo nodded and said, "However, the premise is that your fierce family must have enough sincerity!"

"no problem!"

The ghost witch boy smiled and said, "What kind of sincerity does Arane Wu want, my six fierce tribes must be fully satisfied! Treasures, beauties, exercises, mysteries, you can pick whatever you want!"

"I want your life!"

Su Zimo said word by word.

The smile on Ghost Witch's face freezes instantly.

The masters of the major fierce clan sank!

The whole world, because Su Zimo's words, suddenly became quiet.

The surrounding atmosphere has become extremely dignified, and the sword is tense!

Any change will lead to a fierce storm!

"So you do n’t want to talk anymore?"

Ghost Witch said coldly.


The seventh prince could not bear it for a long time. He slammed it, and shot the first time. The whole man dived down, as if he turned into a spear with a burning flame, and came instantly!

The tenth prince, followed closely, the killing trick came!

Ghost Witch Boy, Remnant, also shot!

The goddess Xiaoxiang still did not let go of the fairy fairy, and while the fairy fairy stunned God, she suddenly shot and prepared to kill the fairy monster in one hit!

Four more, good night everyone. Set yourself a flag, five more tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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