Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1570: Waste your arms! (Three more)

Chapter 1570 Waste Your Arms! (Three more)

The goddess Xiaoxiang retracted her palms and raised her arms. The blood in her body was surging, and the golden light was diffused, and she resisted towards Su Zimo's palm.


Su Zimo's palm descended and suppressed on the arms of the goddess Xiaoxiang.

Xiaoxiang Goddess's face changed greatly!

Her two arms were beaten by Su Zimo's palm!

This palm almost smothered her!

You know, in the near war front, even her prince, Emperor God, could not hit her to such a degree!

Su Zimo did not stop, stepped forward, the whole person was like a galloping **** foal, and smashed towards the goddess Xiaoxiang!

A tragic breath burst out.

This collision is just as fierce and invincible as any palm!

The goddess Xiaoxiang screamed, spurring the blood to the extreme, and a powerful and unmatched blood vision appeared instantly under her!

The ancient and mysterious pyramids emerged, permeating with all kinds of light.

Below the pyramid are the billions of souls who bow down and pray.

At the same time, the seventh prince and the tenth prince hunted up again.

The ghost witch boy waved his staff this time, and a dark green mist appeared in the air, quickly condensed into a spear, and stabbed towards Su Zimo!

"Cursed spear!"

The broken law bow was abolished, and the ghost and witch son no longer had any worries.

"Eye of the hurricane!"

Residual eyes also pinched the magic formula, condensed a spell.

Between his hands, a hurricane condensed.

And the real threat of this hurricane is not the majestic storm, but the middle of the hurricane, the eye of the hurricane!

This hurricane eye is the ultimate in this magic power!

When Yu Luocha flew his wings, he rushed towards Su Zimo.

However, compared with other fierce lords, her shots are obviously not too aggressive.


Su Zimo did not blink, his eyes were staring closely at the goddess Xiaoxiang, the blood in his body was urged to the limit, and the breath reached its peak in an instant!

A huge green lotus soared to the sky, as if to break through the sky, the turquoise green lotus, crystal clear, lotus leaves covering the sky.

Under the gaze of many eyes, the buds on the top of Qinglian quietly bloomed, filled with a glow of light!

Qinglian swaying!

In the void, there are ripples visible to the naked eye, like ripples on the water surface, rippling towards the surroundings.


The bloodline vision of the goddess Xiaoxiang bears the brunt.

If decades ago, her bloodline vision might be able to support it for a while.

But now, under the breath of the top seven creatures that make up green lotus, even the pyramid of the protoss can't resist it!

Cracks emerged from the tower's body, which collapsed instantly, and countless gravels rolled down.

The billions of souls below were frightened and fled.

This blood vision also collapsed!

The goddess Xiaoxiang was pale.

The defeat of the blood vein vision naturally affected her blood.

Even if she forcibly suppressed it, a blood shed from the corner of her mouth!

In mid-air, the roaring cursing spear, before it came to the creation of Qinglian, was rippled by the waves in the void, and the impact was broken!

The hurricane and the ripples in the air did not compete for a long time and were blown away.

The eye of the hurricane also disappeared.


As soon as the seventh prince and the tenth prince rushed forward, they saw ripples coming.

The seventh prince responded the fastest. Feeling the horrible power hidden in the ripples, he turned into a golden light and retreated at a faster speed.

The tenth prince responded slowly, and was affected by this ripple a little. The golden wings on one side were broken by this ripple!


The tenth Prince screamed and hurried back.

Of course, Yu Luocha will not rush up stupidly, and retired long ago.

Su Zimo's blood vision was released, and all the offensives of the major fierce families and young masters were resisted, and there was still more power!


Su Zimo, carrying the power of blood vision, slammed in the direction of the goddess Xiaoxiang.

The light of the storage ring on the finger of Xiaoxiang Goddess flashed, and a large golden shield emerged, suddenly hanging in the air, blocking herself.

Seeing this golden shield, Su Zimo's eyes are more prosperous!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Su Zimo Han said: "You already have this golden shield, so you can't keep it!"

Su Zimo had dealt with the Protoss in Jin Dan.

But the gods of Jindan Realm all use storage bags, which are no different from those on the continent.

In the ancient times, most of the gods were intercepted by the gods in the killing gods canyon, but some of them were left on the continent.

Over the years, this part of the protoss has been rested and developed.

But the Protoss storage ring, the gold giant shield and other weapons and treasures are made from the unique heaven and earth treasures of the God's continent, and the barren continent cannot be cast at all.

Therefore, these storage rings, gold shields are still those brought in the ancient times, the number is scarce.

In other words, not all Protoss will have a storage ring.

Protoss who can wear the storage ring must be the top strong among the pros!

Today, the goddess Xiaoxiang not only has a storage ring, but also a golden shield, which means that the goddess Xiaoxiang must know the origin of the protoss!

These thoughts passed away.


Even when he saw the golden giant shield, Su Zimo didn't mean to close it, and he hit it directly, and a loud noise broke out!

The goddess Xiaoxiang trembled and spit out blood!

There was a sharp pain in her arms, and she couldn't even hold the golden shield. Su Zimo was hit by a blood vein with the help of blood vision!

Qinglian's vision disappeared as a result.

The goddess Xiaoxiang looked dim, and stumbled backwards.

Su Zimo didn't let go of her meaning, stepped forward, reached out her hands, strangled the shoulders of Xiaoxiang Goddess directly, and bent her knees forward!

This time, hit the chest of Goddess Xiaoxiang heavily!


The breastbone of the goddess Xiaoxiang is shattered!

At the same time, Su Zimo's nails popped out like swords, directly piercing the flesh and blood of the shoulder of the goddess Xiaoxiang, tearing violently outward!

Under the staggering of the two forces, the arms of the goddess Xiaoxiang were torn apart by Su Zimo's blood and flesh!


Xiaoxiang Goddess screamed and almost fainted in pain.

Thousands of creatures are shocked!

At this moment, the goddess Xiaoxiang still looks a little bit high above her. She is miserable and dying, and there is no difference from the monks in that battlefield!

Desolate shot, directly pulled the goddess Xiaoxiang from the altar!

"These two arms are meant to cheer her on!"

Su Zimo casually threw Xiaoxiang Goddess's two arms to the ground, and said aggressively, "If you break her arm, I will abandon your arms!"

Although Su Zimo didn't say who he was, all the people living here knew that this ‘she’ was the magic girl!

Ji Fairy stood not far behind Su Zimo, looking at the man who had just rescued herself, a wave of waves appeared in her beautiful eyes, showing a feeling of incomprehension that was unintelligible to others.

But soon, Ji Yaojing's face flashed a little loneliness, and sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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