Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1571: Escape from the dead (four more)

1571 (details)

"Desolate, don't be proud!"

The goddess Xiaoxiang, while urging blood, condensing flesh, and regenerating her arms, hated her voice: "My prince, he will be here soon!"

"What are you doing to me now, Emperor He will make you pay back 100 times!"

"is it."

Su Zimo sneered slightly, and said, "Then you're afraid to be disappointed! Your emperor is dead! I see that your affection is deep, and I will fulfill you now and send you on the road to reunite with him!"

Rip off the arms of the goddess Xiaoxiang, just breathe out for Ji fairy.

What Su Zimo wants is the life of the goddess Xiaoxiang!

"what did you say!"

The goddess Xiaoxiang was shocked, her blood was floating, and her arms that had not formed were almost collapsed!


The goddess Xiaoxiang screamed and stared at Su Zimo sternly: "He can't die! In the same order, no one can suppress him!"

The Xiaoxiang goddess suddenly thought of something, and there was a great magical sign on the emperor's body, and she said in a deep voice: "Even the Mahayana ancestor can't kill the emperor!"

"What's more, Huang Tian is a **** son, and I really don't believe that anyone in the world dares to be bold enough to reach this point and kill the **** son!"

The goddess Xiaoxiang condensed her arms, and in a flash, she calmed down and sneered, "Desolation, you want to make such a big lie to fight against my will and heart, it's crazy!"

"These words of yours are, in my opinion, flawless!"

The more Xiaoxiang Goddess thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was correct.

First of all, the imperial emperor's journey to the barbarians was a secret, carried out in secret, and the other murderers were unknown.

Secondly, the Emperor God himself is powerful, and there is a great amulet to protect himself, and there are three ancestors to protect him, who can kill him? Barbarians?

In the end, the barbarians do have this strength.

But the barbarians have absolutely no reason and no need for it.

Even if they did not join forces with the Protoss, the Barbarians would not kill the Emperor Heavenly Son, and would be completely evil with the Protoss.

Thinking of this, the goddess Xiaoxiang is more firm in her mind's speculation.

Su Zimo looked at the extremely confident goddess Xiaoxiang, and he was unwilling to argue with it, but just said lightly, "You think too much."

"Why do I need to fight your will? I want your life!"

The words did not fall, Su Zimo shot again!


Su Zimo's body flickered and she rushed towards the goddess Xiaoxiang. The speed was extremely fast, and she had already come forward in a blink of an eye!


In the eyes of the goddess Xiaoxiang, a layer of golden light was cast, and two divine rays erupted!

God's pupil technique!

The distance between the two is too close, coupled with the instantaneous pupillary surgery, it will almost come to Su Zimo's eyes almost instantly!

But something weird is that at the same time as the goddess Xiaoxiang broke out, the eyebrows of Su Zimo flew a blue light.

Fortune Lotus Terrace!

This fortune lotus lotus spins slowly and flew out of the sea, just colliding with these two gods!


The light of God shattered and collapsed invisible!

No matter how strong the pupils of the gods are, it is impossible to penetrate the forged lotus platform.

And this brief confrontation, in the eyes of the vast majority of thousands of souls, could not see anything famous, as if it was just an ordinary confrontation.

But the masters of the major fierce clan secretly tongued out, and there was a shock in their eyes!

Because, the major fierce lords and young masters can clearly see the game in the middle of this brief encounter.

It wasn't the Xiaoxiang goddess who released the pupil technique, and the deserted wu sacrifice the forged green lotus.

In that case, it will be too late!

The real situation is that Huang Wu seems to have counterattacked the goddess Xiaoxiang, and made a pre-judgment in advance.

Then, the pupil released and collided with Qinglian Qinglian!

Therefore, the scene of genius appears.

The deserted sacrifice created the forged lotus platform, which almost perfectly resisted the **** pupil of Xiaoxiang.

This ability to predict, even after going through countless battles of life and death, may not be able to hone a kind of talent and spirituality!

And it takes great courage and courage!

This is because, if a misjudgment is made in advance, it is very likely that the deserted army will be severely hit, and it will fall into the wind.

Nowadays, Wu Wu's prediction is accurate, and it is speculated that the goddess Xiaoxiang may use the technique of the **** pupil to resolve the **** pupil, and the goddess Xiaoxiang immediately loses the opportunity!

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, and he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out six Sanskrit sounds in succession!

"Oh! Well! What! Hey! Mimi! Hey!"

At the same time, Su Zimo's hands changed rapidly, condensing six Daming Seals in turn, suppressing towards the goddess Xiaoxiang!


Su Zimo's consciousness moved, and the created Qinglian also fell towards the heavenly spirit of Xiaoxiang Goddess and fell down!

At this moment, Su Zimo exploded into a terrible offensive, almost drowning the figure of the goddess Xiaoxiang!

Xiaoxiang Goddess was pale.

Under such an offensive, let alone her blood and strength are weakened, her combat power has diminished sharply.

Even if she is at its peak, she may not be able to retreat!

She was buzzed by her ears when she was shaken by six Da Ming curses. She barely pulled out a golden sword and resisted it in the direction of the good fortune.

But the power collapsed, and it was no longer able to condense!

What's more, there are six overwhelming suppressions of the Great Ming Dynasty!

The goddess Xiaoxiang felt choking for a while.

Too late to think about it, she just came up with a rune when she just took out the golden sword from the storage ring.

This is her mother, the amulet left by her.

As long as it is torn, it can even block the full blow of the Mahayana ancestors!

The goddess Xiaoxiang didn't want to, just tore up this rune.

A dazzling array of golden light burst out in her palm, quickly condensing into a barrier around her body.

At the moment when the barrier was condensed, the fortune lotus platform fell down.

Six Daming Seals also came down at the same time!


A deafening noise!

Under the eyes of everyone, the figure of the goddess Xiaoxiang collapsed directly by this huge force, rolled out a dozen feet away, and then fell heavily on the ground.


Xiaoxiang goddess coughed twice and couldn't help laughing.

Although she failed miserably, she survived with this mask!

As long as she is alive, when the Emperor God arrives, the two of them will release the secret of the two together, and their combat power will more than double!

By then, this is the dead time of this desolate martial art!

Su Zimo looked not far away, and the goddess Xiaoxiang slowly got up from the ground, frowned slightly, and said unfortunately in secret.

This opportunity was rare, and she was not able to kill it, letting her release the hole card.

His only offensive, although shaking the mask on the goddess Xiaoxiang for a while, the light was dim, but it has not broken.

Even if he continues to hunt down the goddess Xiaoxiang, I am afraid that in a short period of time, there will be no gain.

At this point, Su Zimo's eyes turned and he focused his attention on the other masters!

(End of this chapter)

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