Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1573: Eye of Death (1)

Chapter 1573: The Eye of Death

Su Zimo released several big hole cards in succession, resisting the siege of the four fierce clan masters as much as possible!

Moreover, after Rulai Fayin suppressed the mystery of the Tianyan tribe, they still condensed a terrible force and flew towards the remnant.

And in Su Zimo's knowledge of the sea, after Qing Lian sword chopped the dark green skull, the ghost witch also groaned, shaking his figure.

Su Zimo's body was shaking, the light flashed, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from the place.

When he reappears, he has already come to the ghost witch!


Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth and sang loudly, and the secret method of Lei Yinsha broke out.

The two are very close to each other, and the ghost and witch son are witches, and their blood is very common. This thunder killing has caused him a great impact!


Ghost Witch Boy's ears, nostrils, and mouth instantly sprayed blood arrows!

His dark green eyes were screamed by Su Zimo, his eyes burst, his eyes became blind, and his eyes became dark!

This is no longer Qiqiao bleeding, but Qiqiao is broken!

The ghost witch's son was shocked and roared in his head. The five senses had been completely abolished under the thunder of the thunder.

This injury is not a fatal injury to the strong ancestors.

But the ghost boy knows that he is already on the verge of death!

"A false curse!"

Too late to think, the Ghost Witch immediately urged the Yuanshen to release this life-saving mystery of the Wu tribe.

The ghost witch's body flashed a dark green shimmer suddenly, and his figure began to become a bit illusive, as if in another space.

Unpredictable, out of bounds, ambiguous!

After Su Zimo erupted and thundered, a palm shot fell.

However, I did not expect that this palm actually penetrated from the vague figure of the ghost witch and fell into the air!

And the ghost witch son is safe!

Su Zimo has seen this false curse.

At first, an elder of the Wu tribe released this secret curse, but was seen by Yeling at one glance and killed him!

Su Zimo was not surprised, his eyes were slightly condensed, and in the eyes of his left eye, there were faint flashes of dark mansions, as if a dark stone emerged.

You fluorite!

Su Zimo's left eye exuded a mysterious glimmer of light.

The figure of the ghost witch boy was originally uncapturable and traceless.

But under the light of the faint light, it suddenly became imperceptible!

Today, Su Zimo's eye is no different from Ye Ling's eyes!


Su Zimo's palm came down again, and one palm was shot on the ghost cover of the ghost and witch son!

Blood splatters!

Under the gaze of thousands of souls, the head of the ghost witch's son was smashed by Su Zimo's palm!

"This desolate army is too cruel, and there is another murderer's life!"

"Yeah, when I was in the preaching place, I could see that the major disciples wanted to join hands to kill him, but he was killed by all of them!"

"Well? No!"

Just then, a humanoid creature suddenly said, "The Ghost Witch is not dead!"

"Ah! This mystery of the witch clan is really weird and mysterious, this is not dead!"

Under the watchful eyes of many monks, there was indeed a figure wearing a green robe in the blood mist, and fled out.

Look at his appearance, it is the ghost witch!

The spirits of all races shook, but Su Zimo frowned slightly, and soon understood.

At that time, the young master of the Wu tribe who died at Xunfeng practiced this kind of secret technique similar to the stuntless Xun.

In the most critical time, you can die once for him!

This is equal to one more life!

However, for Su Zimo, there is no threat at all.

Big deal, he will kill the ghost witch again!

Su Zimo's body flickered, and he had already caught up with the ghost and witch son in three or two steps.

"Desolate! Don't force me!"

The ghost witch boy knew he could not escape, and turned sharply, facing Su Zimo, with a stern look and a scream!

At the same time, a terrible wave of power permeated his body!

Su Zimo is familiar with this kind of fluctuation.

At the beginning of the battle in the Valley of the Heavens and Earth, the scorpion blew himself up, released a spell, and wanted to kill him completely!

Destiny Curse!

In fact, Ezima's current creation, Liantai, has no fear of this desperate curse.

But Qinglian Sword just cut off the skeleton curse.

Now reuniting again, and fighting against the Death Spell, even if it can be resolved, the black-haired Yuanshen may also be affected.

The seventh prince and tenth prince of the Jinwu tribe have been killed!

On the other side, the stubborn eyes opened completely, filled with a terrible breath, releasing a terrifying pupil technique!

There are many pupil techniques in the Tianyan clan.

And the number one, the most powerful is the Eye of Death!

The eye of death is extremely difficult to cultivate.

A little carelessness will make your sky blind.

The Tianyan tribe ’s Tianyan condenses in one body, once damaged, it is extremely difficult to heal, which is almost equivalent to severing the path of future practice!

In severe cases, they will even die to death!

The reason why this pupil technique is called the eye of death is one of the reasons.

Throughout the ages, because of the cultivation of the Eye of Death, the Tianyan tribe who died of death is not a minority.

Of course, the biggest reason is because of the terrifying power of pupil technique, which not only contains the power of pupil technique, but also the power of metamysticism!

Once the eye of death opens, no one can stop it!

This is real killing with open eyes!

The eye of death is difficult to practice, extremely dangerous, has no terrifying will, extraordinary courage, strong mentality, extraordinary talent, and even luck against the sky.

From ancient times to today, the Tianyan tribe who can cultivate this eye of death is a rare horn.

And Remnant is one of them!

Among the Tianyan tribe, the last one who cultivated the Eye of Death has to go back to 40,000 years ago.

On the battlefield.

The moment the eye of death opens!

Su Zimo felt a numbness in his scalp, like a thorn in his back, and a warning flashed in his heart!

For the first time since the war, he felt such a strong crisis!

Su Zi Morton stayed in shape, gave up hunting down the ghost witch son, turned abruptly, and looked at the goal.

The eyes of death opened, and the shape of the remnants seemed to have disappeared.

In the darkness, there was only one sky eye, suspended in the air!

On the raised eyes, there was a dead silence, without any vitality, permeating the breath of death.

A gray beam of light burst out from the eyes of death, wherever it passed, took away all vitality, and slammed into Ruyi Fayin in the air.

Such as France and India, sacred majesty, exudes magnificent golden light.

But after this gray beam of light came, the golden light from France and India was suppressed immediately, and it was dimmed in an instant.

This beam of death passed silently through Ruyi Fayin and shrouded in the direction of Su Zimo!

(End of this chapter)

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