Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1574: Pupil surgery duel (two more)

Chapter 1574 Pupil Showdown


The eyes of the two princes of the Jinwu tribe are bright!

As fierce, they know too much about the eye of death!

In the same level, there is no Tianjiao evil, and you can retreat from the whole body under the cover of this eye of death!

The seventh prince and the tenth prince joined together to make their speed faster, and they swept towards Su Zimo with all their strength!

"You guys haven't shot yet!"

The ghost witch also noticed this scene and sang loudly.

The tempests of the God of Heaven and the God of the Earth Shake flashed a savage color in their eyes, suddenly stood up, condensed the magic, and broke out two powerful spells!

"Tian Gu!"


The two bishops gave a loud shout.

The vast and huge mana gathered in front of the two of them, and two huge and horrifying stars emerged, as if they were real, and seemed to be no different from the stars on the sky!

The two stars came, and a poorer soul was crying out!

The solitary star is one of the thirty-six heavens.

Dipixing is one of the 72 earth evils.

The two great priests combined these two stars with mana with Supreme Mystery!

The surface of Tianguxing is permeated with the wind of the heavens.

And the surface of the earth evil star is burning with the blazing earth evil fire!

"go with!"

The two archbishops were murderous, sipped softly, and hit the two spells towards Su Zimo's figure!

Two huge stars, with shocking weather, slammed into Su Zimo!

Compared with these two huge stars, Su Zimo's figure is as small as the same dust, and it seems that it is easily crushed into powder!

"Dare you!"

The master of the mysterious palace saw this scene and looked angry.

But he fought with the six fierce powerhouses and couldn't pull away.

Suddenly, the two priests, Tianyijiao and Dishajiao, shot it. When he found out, he wanted to stop it.

On the battlefield, it is changing fast!

In an instant, Wu Wu fell into siege on all sides, extremely dangerous!

"It's so shameless!"

"Tianxunism, Dishaism at this time, they started to fight against the desert!"

Many monks were furious when they saw this.

"You are looking for death!"

Su Zimo felt the fluctuating mana behind him, his expression was cold, and he said word by word!

He didn't look back.

Because, the biggest threat to him is from the dead eye in front of the remains!

Yu Luo froze at this scene, frowning slightly, and there was a surge of worry in her heart.

She knew very well that the eye of death opened and Su Zimo would be hit hard!

And the two princes of the Jinwu tribe are about to be killed, and the magic spells gathered by the two main priests of Tianyi and Disha have already arrived.

The ghost witch boy slows down and will also shoot.

Such an offensive, Su Zimo could not resist it!

Ghostly, she took a half step forward subconsciously.

Not wanting to attack Su Zimo, but to stop the two princes of the Jinwu ethnic group and help Su Zimo resolve the immediate crisis as much as possible.

Yu Luocha knew that the monk in blue shirt was just a clone of the wicked man.

But somehow, she was like a demon, not only did not want to hurt the wicked, or even wanted to hurt the wicked's avatar.

Deep down, she even wanted to help this wicked!

"Yu Luocha, what are you doing!"

Just then, a cold voice came over.

Yu Luosha looked slightly, was seeing not far away, the goddess Xiaoxiang who was being healed squinted his eyes, looked cold, and stared at her deeply!

Yu Luocha's heart panicked, as if all the secrets in his heart were seen by the goddess Xiaoxiang.

But soon, Yu Luocha calmed down and said lightly, "Nothing, I just want to take a shot."


The goddess Xiaoxiang's mouth slightly tilted, and she refused to give up. She asked, "Do you want to deal with the deserted Wu, or do you want to help the deserted Wu?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Jade Luocha face did not change its color, a reply.

"Ha ha."

Xiaoxiang Goddess sneered: "Jade Luocha, we just noticed your abnormality!"

"We fought with the desert, but you didn't do much. After the end of today, you must give us an explanation!"

"What can be explained."

As a fierce master, Yu Luocha is not afraid of the goddess Xiaoxiang, and sneered: "You are powerful, and I thought that your shot was enough. Whoever thinks of it, this group of people is beaten by this wild force Miserable, really shameful! "


Xiaoxiang goddess is angry.

Yu Luosha was tough on his mouth, but he sighed.

She was followed by the goddess Xiaoxiang, and it was impossible to help Su Zimo.

When Jade Luosha quarreled, the two sides fought on the battlefield!

Su Zimo looked at the gray beam, and his eyes quickly became as dark as ink, as if an endless dark abyss.

Youying pupil!

In these years of practice in Kunlun Market, Su Zimo has already cultivated the pupil of Youying to Dacheng.

Su Zimo's left eye also emitted a beam of light, as dark as ink.

The temperature between the sky and the earth plummeted, and the wind was blowing!


Remnant tilted his head, his face changed slightly!

He blinded his eyes, and his perception of the outside world far surpassed others.

In his induction, there was a terrible power ahead, not even weaker than his death eye!

Even more frightening is that this wave of power seems to awaken a fear hidden in the deep veins of the remnant eyes, which has long been dusty!


The black and gray beams collided.

The void at the collision collapsed deeply, and the mana around it instantly froze, covered with a layer of frost!

Two forces, constantly devouring confrontation, do not give up each other!

After a short pause!

The two forces collapsed in the course of each other!


Seeing this scene, thousands of creatures, the masters of the major fierce families, all looked shocked!

This barbaric pupil technique can even be tied with the death eye of the Tianyan tribe!

The darkness in Su Zimo's eyes gradually receded.

The rest of his eyes remained motionless.


Remnant opened his mouth and made a scream!

I saw in his eyes, a stream of blood slowly flowing out, shocking!

Not a tie!

The eye of the broken eye is injured!

All races are shocked!

Many practitioners saw this scene with a cheering look.

"Youying pupil! Youying pupil!"

Residual eyes covered the eyes of the eyebrow, a pair of dark holes on his face, facing Su Zimo, hysterically shouted: "Impossible! This is impossible! How can you understand this pupil!

Remnant finally remembered what this kind of power fluctuation that made him feel scared.

The major fierce young masters are shocked!

Youying pupil!

This is the ancient times, the pupil of the **** is contraindicated!

Unexpectedly, today is actually reproduced in a human race!

(End of this chapter)

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