Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1577: You don't want to die, you have to die! (One more)

Chapter 1577: You Don't Want To Die, You Have To Die! (One more)

"No choice?"

Su Zimo smiled.

"Is there any choice for Qingfengguan?"

"Is there any choice?"

Su Zimo stared at the ancestor to kill the door, and said loudly: "If there is no other choice, surrender to the fierce tribe. As early as in ancient times, the human race should be destroyed!

"If there were no endless bones of the sages of the human race and the **** battles of the ancient emperors, who would have the peace of this ancient age!"

These remarks made a loud noise, and the monks of some super sects, such as Tianyi and Disha, all bowed their heads, showing shame.

The ancestor of Hidden Gate was expressionless and silent.

Su Zimo pointed at the ancestor of the hidden killer and said, "This land under your feet is an ancestor of countless human races, paved with endless blood and tired bones!"

"You were born and grew up in Sri Lanka, but now, you kneel to the fierce tribe, how do you face to see those tribal ancestors!"

These words are said to be sharper than any magic weapon, every word of heart!

The face of the ancestor of Yinsha Men finally changed.

He has cultivated to Mahayana territory, experienced countless battles of life and death, seen countless gales and waves, and his heart is as firm as a rock and cannot be shaken.

Not to mention a few words, even if there is an attack method specifically targeted at Daoxin, it is difficult to affect him.

But Su Zimo's words made his Tao heart slightly shaken, revealing a trace of flaws!

The ancestor of Yinshamen was dull, and suddenly sneered, "I never expected that Wu Wu is still a clever tongue! What you say is useless to me!"

"I went into practice for longevity! I am only over fifty thousand years old and I don't want to die yet!"

The ancestor of the Mahayana ancestor was 100,000 years old, more than 50,000 years old, and was at its peak.

"The matter of death has nothing to do with whether you want to."

Su Zimo stared eagerly at the ancestor of the hidden killer, saying, "Today, even if you don't want to die, you must die!"


The ancestral ancestor chuckled with a grin, and said, "Why, the elder ancestors of the world, who are half-ancestors and evil ancestors, want to kill my Mahayana ancestor?"

"What's wrong?"

Su Zimo said coldly: "Our ancestors can only be reborn with blood, not kill!"

"Ha ha!"

"So ignorant!"

Hearing here, the two great leaders of Tianshenism and Dishaism both sneered and looked sarcastic.

The owners of Penglai Island, the poisonous gates, and the leaders of the corpse cults all stood idly by and waited to see the excitement.

The major fierce lords and young masters took advantage of this opportunity to heal their injuries and restore their strength.

The living beings of all races are all clearer. The further back they are in the realm of cultivation, the greater the gap in combat power, and the more difficult it is to challenge higher levels.

For example, when condensing the gas, building the base, and the golden dan's realm, most of Tianzong's Tianjiao can fight beyond the ranks.

Or even kill opponents across the realm!

However, this phenomenon has become extremely rare when cultivated to the state of integration and Mahayana.

Moreover, there is an insurmountable nature gap between the half-ancestors and the ancestors. This is not a matter of state.

This is a complete transformation of the power level!

Even in ancient times, the golden age of Xiuzhen civilization was at its peak, and many evils such as the Emperor of the Ancients and the Emperor of the Hate Demon have emerged, and it has never been heard that there are situations in which the ancestors can kill the ancestors beyond the town.

Although the living beings of various ethnic groups acknowledge that the deserted martial arts is the most powerful demon in this life, even the masters of the major fierce families must be slightly inferior to him.

But the people of all races do not believe that the deserted martial arts can cross the great realm and kill the Mahayana ancestors!

The ancestors of Yinshamen slightly twitched his mouth, and his expression teased, "Desolation, if you are not injured, there may still be a chance."

"Unfortunately, you hit my sixteen sword!"

"Although I couldn't stab your primordial god, but my sixteen swords penetrated your internal organs and six limbs respectively, and picked off your big limbs and muscles!"

Hearing here, there was a stir in the crowd.

Combined power, can indeed be reborn with severed limbs.

However, that is also in the case of sufficient blood.

It's just that the heart is broken, it is already a devastating blow to the power of fit and semi-ancestors!

The heart was broken, qi and blood quickly flowed, and the combat power was drastically reduced.

What's more, the viscera is broken, the vitality is cut off, the big muscles of the limbs are cut off, and the physical body of the barren martial arts is completely destroyed!

The hermit gate is best at assassination.

Hidden killing the ancestor shot, how can they return without success!

"My sixteen swords have cut off your dirty life. Now, although you can still stand, you are already at the end of the crossbow."

The ancestor of Yinshamen sneered: "Desolation, don't support it, you can't hide it from me!"

"is it."

Su Zimo loosened the palm of his chest and said lightly, "That's disappointing you."


Su Zimo's body came with waves of tidal waves, surging and surging, how could there be any signs of blood and blood decay!

The souls of all races shook, their eyes widened!

"how is this possible!"

The ancestral ancestor frowned.

This is also the confusion of the souls of all nations.

The sword that killed the ancestors of the gate can never be missed. The blood arrows shot in the air are also seen in the eyes of all races.

The only explanation is Qinglian true body!

"This Qinglian is really amazing. Her heart is pierced and heals in no time!"

"Yeah, the heart heals, the qi and blood flow, and the restoration of other viscera is much easier."

"With such a powerful self-healing power, only when this Qinglian real body is torn apart can it be completely destroyed!"

A monk groaned: "So, the only reason for the talk between the deserted and the ancestors of Yinshamen was to delay the time and make Qinglian really heal!"

"What's healed? It's only half-ancestors when they are cured. How can they fight with Mahayana ancestors?"

In this battle, many creatures are still not optimistic about the deserted martial arts.


The ancestral ancestor smiled, and soon calmed down, "Since this is the case, I will kill you again!"

The words didn't fall, the figure of the ancestor of the hidden killer shook a bit, and disappeared before everyone's eyes under the eyes of countless eyes!



"I can't sense even a little breath!"

Thousands of creatures widened their eyes and were shocked!

The master of the mysterious palace palace thought for a moment, and seemed to think of something, and suddenly said loudly: "Careful, beware, this is magical power-stealth!"

Stealth, one of thousands of little magical powers.

There are many hidden spells, but there are always various flaws.

The stealth technique is really under the eyes of everyone. The figure of the ancestor who completely killed the door completely disappeared, and no trace was revealed!

No matter whether it is the investigation of the consciousness or the five senses to inspect, listen, and perceive, you will not notice the breath of killing the ancestors!

This is the terrible aspect of the Hermit Gate!

This little magical power, combined with the assassination of the hidden kill gate, is perfect, even the ordinary Mahayana ancestor, can't stop the sudden killing!

The ancestral ancestor disappeared and disappeared.

But everyone knows that when he shows up again, it must be a thunder blow!

(End of this chapter)

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