Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1578: Fate for life (two more)

Chapter 1578: Fate for Life

Su Zimo stood still, motionless.

When the hidden ancestor released his stealth technique, he closed his eyes and even shielded the five senses!

Only in this way, the kind of spiritual consciousness on him can perceive the existence of the ancestor of Hidden Gate!

In fact, using the pupil of Youying, he can also see the ancestors of Yinshamen.

But even if he saw the trail, he could hardly react.

The ancestor of Hidden Kill Gate not only disappeared his body shape, but also his body speed is extremely fast.

Su Zimo's quiet pupil can't keep up with the speed of killing her father.

Only by virtue of his consciousness, can he capture the trace of the ancestor of the hidden door!

But this is not enough.

The Mahayana ancestor has the magical power of rebirth. It is difficult to kill the Mahayana ancestor.

As for the ancestor of Hidden Kill Gate, if he fails to kill him in the first time, he will certainly be more alert!

It is even more difficult to kill him.

Therefore, for Su Zimo, there is only one chance to shoot!

In such a tense and dangerous battlefield, Su Zimo's mind calmed down, just like an ancient well, calm and waveless.

Hermit ancestor did not show up.

Su Zimo also closed his eyes and remained motionless.

Everything looks calm, but everyone knows that under the calm, there is a surging undercurrent.

Once it breaks out, it will set off a rough sea!

The atmosphere on the battlefield became even more tense!

Even the tens of thousands of creatures watching this scene subconsciously held their breath and refused to blink.

It is very likely that in the blink of an eye, the battlefield has already been born and died!

I do not know when, the fighting between the six fierce clan and the human race gradually stopped.

The two sides separated, staring at Su Zimo in the battlefield.

At this moment, even if monkeys and other people are very worried, they dare not rush forward and do not dare to make a sound, for fear of affecting Su Zimo!

At this time, a little distraction may be blood splattered on the spot!

Time goes by bit by bit.

The time of Banzhuxiang has passed.

The ancestors of Hidden Gate never appeared and did not take any action.

The time of this half-pillar incense is a great torment for all the living beings present, like the past six months!

This is the horror of hermit door.

The assassin who is secretly killing the door is very patient.

If you don't show up for a moment, you need to be on guard at all times, and you can't be slack!

Hermit ancestor seems to have left.

Su Zimo on the battlefield, with his eyes closed, seems to have fallen asleep.

Even when the people of all races were a little impatient, Su Zimo's heart moved!

Suddenly, there was a wave in the water like an ancient well.

Su Zimo's oblique rear, a slender sword emerged, and stabbed silently towards his head!

The ancestral ancestor finally shot!

Of course, when the people of all races saw the sword, the tip of the sword had pierced Su Zimo's scalp!


In the flash of light, there was an extra palm on the wrist of the ancestor holding the sword, strong and powerful, holding his wrist firmly!

This fine sword had touched Su Zimo's scalp, and even a trace of blood was flowing, but it couldn't stick anymore.

Hermit Gate is good at assassination.

The physical blood of Hidden Gate is not strong.

Even the Mahayana ancestors who slayed the door, compared to Su Zimo's Qinglian true body in the physical blood.


"The deserted Wu actually blocked the slaying strike of the ancestor of the hermit!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.

In the eyes of the ancestral ancestral ancestor, there was also a touch of surprise.

Even he didn't expect that Su Zimo could see through his tracks, one step ahead, and blocked his killing moves!

Su Zimo occupies the vanguard. At this close distance, he has countless ways to take the ancestors of the hidden door seriously.

Moreover, he could break the wrist of the ancestral ancestor as long as he applied force.

However, these methods cannot completely kill Mahayana ancestors!

He has only one chance!

Once you miss it, let the hidden ancestors escape, no matter to him or to others, it is a huge threat!


Su Zimo's eyes were like a torch, and he suddenly yelled, holding his wrist with his right hand to prevent him from detaching, condensing his sword with his left hand, and chopping towards the ancestor with his door!

"not good!"

Hermit ancestor was shocked, her pupils contracted violently.


Su Zimo's sword finger burst into a dazzling brilliance.

This is not a sword at all.

It's eighteen thousand!

In order to kill the ancestors of Hidden Kills, Su Zimo did not care at all, and all of the eighteen thousand sword qi were shrouded in the body of the ancestors of Hidden Kills!


Thousands of creatures are disappointed to change colors, take a breath of air!

Such dense sword energy is enough to cut the entire void into pieces, let alone fall on a person.

These sword qi can cut off all the vitality in the ancestors of the hidden ancestors!

The premise of the rebirth of dripping blood must also be the survival of the Yuanshen.

And, have a drop of blood that holds vitality.

And the outbreak of the 108 thousand sword qi is enough to obliterate every drop of blood that strangled the ancestor of the ancestor, even his primordial god!

Too cruel!

Millions of creatures grinned, their eyes were full of shock.

The hidden ancestor shot and missed it, and Su Zimo caught the flaw, and such a terrible offensive broke out!

Do not give the ancestors a second shot at all!


At this moment, there was a flash of determination in the eyes of the ancestor of Yinsha Men, and he also growled.

He ignored the eighteen thousand swords that stabbed him, and leaned forward with the other hand, a gleam of light burst into his cuffs, sinking into Su Zimo's chest!

Hidden kill the ancestor's second sword!

Lose both!

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

In other words, this can no longer be regarded as a loss for both, but a life-for-life!

The ancestor of Hidden Murder knew he could not escape.

But even if he is dead, he will pull Su Zimo together!

The distance between the two sides is too close.

Su Zimo held the wrist of the ancestral ancestor in his right hand, and the Sky Sword erupted in his left hand, which was too late to resist the sword.

When one hundred and eighty thousand heavenly killing sword qi descended on the ancestor of the ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor also stabbed him in the chest!


The sword trembled in his chest, bursting out the swords of the sword, as if to tear everything!

You know, this is the dying sword of Mahayana ancestors, releasing all the power to hide the ancestors without reservation!


A blue light flew out of Su Zimo's heavenly cover.

The good fortune lotus guarded the black-haired protoss, came out of the shell, and quickly fled the battlefield.

puff! puff!

At the moment of the creation of Liantai, Su Zimo's Qinglian real body was slain by the ancestor of the ancestor, and it was cut into pieces and turned into a pile of flesh.

All the internal organs were cut into pieces, blood dripping and shocking!

The hidden ancestors are even worse.

The whole person was chopped into a cloud of blood by one thousand and eighteen Heavenly Swords!

(End of this chapter)

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