Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1581: Women in white shirts (one more)

Chapter 1581: White Shirt Woman

"This desolate army has no backing, even if there is Jifeng, a sect gate like Bailianmen stands behind him, it is useless, there is no Mahayana ancestor sitting in town."

"Yeah, if the ancestors of Martyrdom and Disha Church appeared today, there was no Mahayana ancestor to help him.

"Do you think it's just that the ancestors of Tianyi and Disha are here?"

Another big demon sneered slightly: "I tell you, I don't know how many fierce ancestors are staring at them. Once the human ancestors appear, these fierce ancestors will inevitably shoot!"

"By then, that will be the real blood flow!"

"Yes! These fierce ancestors are waiting for the Mahayana ancestors of the human race to appear."

"At this time, which Mahayana ancestors dared to show up to help Arima, whoever will die! You think about it, these Mahayana ancestors are not easy to practice, and they have no relationship with Arima. Who will die for the Arima?

Thousands of people talked secretly about the situation.


In the battlefield, Tian Kui's ancestors shot, and the huge palms carried the power of the stars, suppressed, and a loud noise broke out!

Su Zimo squeezed his hands with his hands, and beside him, three different colors of flames emerged instantly.

Immortal fire, Buddhist fire, magic fire!


Su Zimo sighed softly.

Sanmendaohuo quickly gathered in front of him.

Su Zimo's brows burst into a blazing Yuan Shendao fire, submerged among the three fires.

The fire of Simao comes!

Su Zimo condensed the fire of Simao, burning towards the huge palm that came down in the sky!

At the same time, the ancestor's sword came, and the evil spirit filled, almost freezing the surrounding void!

Qing Lian was swollen with vitality and blood, and a glow of light flickered, and the fortune Lotus flew out.

Su Zimo held the Hualian Lotus in his hand, and smashed it with a long knife that he cut to his side!


The fortune lotus platform collided with the long knife, and Mars splashed with a crisp sound.

Su Zimo snorted, and the fortune Lotus was smashed by a knife!

The flesh and blood burst on his arm, and burst into a cloud of blood under the eyes!

The power of this ancestor is too strong!

Even if there was a fortune to resist and dissolve most of the power, Su Zimo's arm was shattered.

"It's over!"

"The stars in the palms of Tiankui's ancestors came down, and the barbarity must die!"

Millions of creatures shook their heads slightly.

At this moment, the Simao Dao fire collided with the stars in the palm of the ancestor of Tiankui!


Fire refining the stars!

Under the burning of Simi Road, this huge ancient star could not come down!

The two forces collide with each other in mid-air, regardless of up and down!


"This barbaric spell can even contend with the power of Mahayana ancestors!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.


Tian Kui's sneer sneered: "Dying and struggling, I see how long you can persist!"

As soon as the words fell, Tiankui's ancestor's eyes flashed, the huge star burst, the sand and stones splashed and the dust was rolling.

Countless meteorites have fallen and will soon drown the fire of Simao!

Su Zimo's blood swelled and his broken arm grew back in a blink of an eye. The speed was amazing!

But the speed of the ancestors is not slow!

Just as Su Zimo's arm just grew, the ancestors of the landlord came again.

The long knife in his hand trembled, turning into numerous countless shadows, stabbing Su Zimo's throat from the bottom up at an extremely tricky angle!


Su Zimo's wings fluttered behind her, and the thunder and lightning flashed on her body, turning the whole person into a golden light, and walking towards the distance!


A great coercion came down.

Tian Kui's ancestors shot again and sipped softly: "Xing Zhao!"

I saw above the sky, a huge star suddenly appeared, scattered a beam of light, and fell on Su Zimo's body!

The mighty power reverberates in the void!

This is a magical power!

The mana wings behind Su Zimo instantly collapsed and shattered, unable to withstand the power of this starlight.

At the same time, the lightning arc on his body was also defeated by this starlight.


Su Zimo spit out a large mouthful of blood, and her figure was revealed.

Under the shroud of this starlight, let alone far away, even if you want to act normally, it becomes extremely difficult!

Qinglian really oozed a drop of blood!

In an instant, his clothes were soaked with blood!

There was a creaking noise in Su Zimo's body, and the bones would be shattered under the shroud of this starlight!

I'm afraid it won't take ten breaths. His Qinglian real body will be suppressed into a mist of blood!

And this time, he never had a chance to survive.

Under the shroud of Xingzhao magical power, his Yuan Shen couldn't escape at all.

There is no chance to release any blood to rebirth.

With ubiquitous pressure, Qinglian Zhenshen has reached the limit!

Su Zimo's vision has become somewhat blurred.


His sense of consciousness, felt a more icy cold killer!

Perhaps ten breaths are no longer needed.

Because, the ancestral ancestors have already come near!


The old ancestor sang softly, and above the sword, suddenly a layer of dark power gathered from the depths of Jiuyou, cold and gloomy!

The power of magic is pervasive, and the void is trembling!

Another magical power is coming!

Even against Su Zimo, the two ancestors, the two ancestors had no intention of keeping their hands, and directly sacrificed the magical powers!


Xiao Ning exclaimed, covered her lips, and was afraid to look.

Monkeys and others were all angry, eyes widened.

"Two shameless things, so bullying?"

Just then, a cold voice sounded out of thin air.

Just next to Su Zimo, a gap suddenly opened in the void, and a figure came out of it.

"Mahayana ancestor!"

"What Mahayana ancestor, dare to come to help Wu Wu at this time, really afraid of death!"

In the voice of the people, a woman came out of this crack, black silk like a waterfall, white clothes like snow, ice muscle jade bones, and she was born with perfection. It is difficult to describe her words with the words of the country One!

Ji fairy, is the charm of the world, a stunner on earth.

And like Yu Luocha and Xiaoxiang Goddess, they are both beautiful and beautiful.

And this white-shirted woman has only one feeling for everyone-stunning!

So beautiful!

In this woman's body, even the most gorgeous and beautiful words in this world are used to describe it.

Even the eyes of the ancestors Tian Kui and Di Yan Pao were slightly frozen, and their movements were a bit slower.

The appearance of the white-shirted woman calmed down the noisy meeting of the ethnic groups.

What's more important is that no one among the peoples of the world recognizes this white-shirted woman.

(End of this chapter)

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