Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1582: Kill the ancestors (second)

Chapter 1582: Killing the Patriarch

Su Zimo's body was shrouded in the power of the stars, his vision was blurred, and he couldn't move. He couldn't see who was coming.

But when he heard the sound, he felt familiar.

"is her!"

Su Zimo's mind flashed a figure: "Jade Princess of the Dagan Dynasty!"

"Jade mother-in-law!"

Just then, the little fox cheered, and his voice was filled with endless surprises.

At that time, Long Hu Ge and other ensembles mobilized, trying to kill Su Zimo, but were shot by Yu Zhen, all killed.

Later, Yu Zhen left and disappeared. For so many years, there was no news.

At the time, when Yu Zhen killed those combined powers in the old town of Yan Kingdom, he was only in the semi-ancestor realm.

Unexpectedly, I have not seen it for many years. Today, Yuzhen appeared at the Wanzu Conference and is already the Mahayana ancestor!


Tian Kui's ancestor frowned slightly.

The old ancestor of the Emperor did not pay attention to Yuzhen, his expression was fierce, and the sword in his hand continued to beheaded towards Su Zimo!


Yuzhen jade stroked her hands, and plucked a turquoise jade jade from the green silk cloud, only the length of her fingers was very fragile.

Yuzhen looked indifferent, holding the jade jade, the electric light and flint, and pinpointed it on the blade of the ancestor of the earth!


This seemingly fragile jade jade collided with a long knife, but gave out a jarring Jin Ge strike!

Immediately after that, the old ancestor's complexion changed greatly, and he moaned. The body shape of his mouth continued to recede, and a corner of his mouth overflowed with blood!

At the same time, Yu Zhen stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and in a moment, a crystal ice arrow condensed in his palm!


Yu Zhensu raised his hand lightly.

The ice arrow was cold and cold, turned into a cold light, reversed the power of the star, and stabbed at the huge star above the sky!

The starlight that enveloped Su Zimo's body shattered after this ice arrow came!


The ice arrow hit the stars, and a loud noise broke out!

The ancient star was directly pierced by the ice arrow, the star was broken, and the surface was covered with a layer of frost and disappeared on the sky!


The two ancestors, Tian Kui and Di Yan, changed their colors in horror and exclaimed.

Normally, if you realize a little magical power, you can step into the early days of Mahayana.

It is possible to step into the middle period of the Mahayana when you understand the little magical powers of more than ten ways.

But in the middle of the Mahayana, and between the late Mahayana, it was a watershed.

Because in the middle of the Mahayana, even if you realize how many little magical powers, you can't step into the late Mahayana.

Only by understanding a great magical power can we step into the late Mahayana period!

The ancestors continued to practice and realized that they had attained ten or more great magical powers in order to practice Mahayana.

Therefore, even if you do not understand the supernatural powers, the ancestors of the human race can practice to the Mahayana consummation, and even begin to cross the robbery.

Tian Kui and Di Yan, although they were Mahayana ancestors, only realized two or three small magical powers respectively, and they have not yet entered the middle period of Mahayana.

Yuzhen's practice to the middle of the Mahayana means that she has learned at least ten little magical powers!

You know, every time you realize a supernatural power, the physical body, the blood, and the Yuanshen, you will be baptized with the power of a supernatural power, and the combat power has been significantly improved!

Jade's combat power is several times higher than two ancestors!

Yu Zhen shot, Su Zimo's supernatural power collapsed, and his vision gradually recovered.

However, his face was pale, his mouth gasping, and he was suppressed by the power of two supernatural powers. Qing Lian's true blood loss was heavy. In a short time, it was still difficult to recover.

"Thank you."

Su Zimo looked at Yu Zhen and nodded reluctantly.

Yu Zhen just glanced at him lightly, and said, "Your life, I can only kill, others are not qualified for this!"

Having said that, Yu Zhenlian stepped lightly, without any hesitation, and in a blink of an eye, she had already come to the ancestor of the landlord.

A pair of jade fingers pinched the turquoise jade jade, piercing the ancestor's brows!

The sharp chill burst out!

The old ancestor felt the hairs on his body were erected, and his heart was terrified.

Divine ancestors once again exploded with magical powers, rotating the long knife in their hands and slaying towards Yuzhen.

At the same time, Tiankui's ancestor in the air pointed at Yuzhen, condensed his magical power again, and said in a deep voice, "Starfall!"

A huge star emerged, but fell quickly from the air at a very fast speed, causing the surface of the star to burn with a blazing flame!

This star dragged a huge firelight and smashed down towards Yuzhen's head!


Yu Zhen's look remained unchanged, and Lengheng sighed, "Blow the wind!"

The power of horrible magical powers pervaded, and in the air suddenly a cold wind blew!

This is not an ordinary cold wind. This cold wind is coming. The burning flames falling on the stars are suppressed by this cold wind and freeze and extinguish instantly!

Click! Click!

A layer of frost covered this star.

The speed of advent is getting slower and slower. In the end, even the mid-air freezes, and even jade's real hair is not touched!

At the same time, the ancestral ancestor's long knife was also covered with a layer of ice crystals, which became thicker and thicker. Following the blade, it spread to the ancestor's arm in an instant!

The ancestral pupil of the dungeon shrank violently, and wanted to retract the long knife and retreat.

But when his arm moved, there was a crackling sound!

His arm shattered and fell into a pile of ice and fell to the ground without a drop of blood flowing out.

How strong the Mahayana ancestor's blood is, a drop of blood can condense the body!

But this cold wind came, freezing their blood and blood!

There was a crackling sound at the foot of the ancestor's foot!

The next moment, he could not feel his own flesh!

The chill drips into the sea of ​​knowledge!

The power of this supernatural power has poured into the sea through his physical body!

At this moment, Yuxi descended and pierced his brows under the gaze of his father.

A small hole appeared at the center of the eyebrow.

No drop of blood came out.

The old ancestor's eyes dimmed, and he fell straight.

When he fell to the ground, his body shattered and turned into a line of crystal ice.

Seeing this scene, all the living creatures were stunned and terrified!

A Mahayana ancestor was frozen to death!


In the air, Tian Kui's ancestor flickered, trying to escape from this place.

But Yu Zhensu raised his hand lightly, and in the void under the ancestor of Tian Kui, he burst out huge ice blades, as high as ten thousand feet, sharp!

Huh! Huh!

Huge ice blade, soar away!

Blood is surging!

Tian Kui's ancestor's body was cut to pieces by this huge ice blade!

Immediately after, the turquoise flashed away!

Tian Kui's ancestor's Yuanshen just escaped.

Without waiting for his blood to be reborn and condensing the flesh, his primordial spirit was penetrated by this turquoise light, and his body died!

This turquoise light made a circle in midair and returned to Yu Zhen's palm.

It's that hostel.

(End of this chapter)

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