Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1583: Tenghan ancestor (three)

Chapter 1583 Teng Han's Patriarch

The creatures of all races looked at Yuzhen's mother with a horrified expression, secretly speaking.

After Yu Zhen appeared, no one expected that such a flawless woman would be so scary when she shot it!

The two Mahayana ancestors were killed by Yuzhen three or two times without hesitation!

At this moment, Yu Luocha's voice suddenly sounded in Su Zimo's mind, sending out a series of questions, some cold and some angry.

"Who is this woman?"

"What is your relationship with her?"

"Why does she care about you so much?"

Su Zimo frowned slightly and ignored Jade Rakshasa.

Now that he is weak in blood and is trying to recover, how can he care about the nerves that suddenly occur in Yu Luocha.


Yu Luocha saw Su Zimo did not respond, and somehow he sighed softly, and said, "You go quickly, the ancestor of my tribe is coming. If you don't go now, I'm afraid it's too late. Now. "

As soon as the words fell, over the mysterious palace, a large sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared, the sky was soaring, covering the sky, covering the sky!

A terrifying coercion came down!

Thousands of creatures look terrified, and tremble like a chilly one!

This coercion is even above the two ancestors of the talented Tiankui and the landlord!

Yu Zhen also looked down at Chang'e's eyebrows, looking at the sea of ​​blood in the sky, looking dignified.

"Hey Hey!"

A cold laugh came from the sea of ​​blood.

The turbulent sea of ​​blood set off a stormy sea, with a figure looming inside, exuding a terrifying atmosphere!

"My young master of the Bloodvine family is dead again!"

The sound in the sea of ​​blood sounded cold and bitter.

"Qi ancestor, it was murdered by desolation!"

A blood rattan rushed out and said sadly.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The sound in the sea of ​​blood is good again and again: "Desolation, you kill my two young masters of the Bloodvine family! I will make you regret coming to this world today!"

The voice did not fall, in mid-air, that shrouded the sky, and the endless sea of ​​blood, condensed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye!

In an instant, this endless sea of ​​blood has condensed into a figure!


Thousands of creatures are inexplicably terrified, sucking air-conditioning!

Such a sea of ​​blood contains such a terrifying power that it is impossible to imagine.

Now, such a vast and vast power is all condensed in the body of a blood rattan family, how powerful this blood rattan family is!

The Bloodvine ancestor stood in the air, wearing a blood-colored robe, and was a middle-aged man.

"Meet the ancestor of Tenghan!"

Many blood rattan people fell to their knees, shouted loudly, and looked respectfully.

"Let's all get up."

Teng Han's ancestor nodded slightly, looked around, and looked at the many bloodvine corpses on the ground. The killing in his eyes was more prosperous!

Many cultivators of the Fencai race fought with the six wicked tribes, and the six wicked tribes also suffered great losses.

This time, there were hundreds of people in the Bloodvine family, and just before the war, nearly a hundred people fell!

In addition, the Master of the Bloodvine Clan was also shot and killed by Su Zimo!

"Fifth child, this blood rattan clan is a bit strong."

The Linghu secretly panicked, and said, "I just looked at him, I felt the blood in my body, I was about to move, there was a tendency to surge outward!"

"I don't know if Madam Yuzhen can stop him."

The little fox was worried.

"It's hard to say."

Yeling shook his head slightly.

"This Tenghan ancestor's practice is higher than Yuzhen's mother?"

The monkey frowned.

Ye Ling shook his head and said, "That's not true. This Tenghan ancestor is just the beginning of Mahayana."

After a short pause, Yeling said: "However, even in the early days of the Mahayana, the fierce tribe has powerful natural blood, and the natural powers transform the flesh, blood, yuans, and fighting power.

"You mean, the combat power of the fierce Mahayana in the early stage is equivalent to the mid-Mahayana of the human race?" The monkey was surprised.

"Only strong is not weak!"

Yeling nodded.

Ye Lingdao: "When the fierce clan grows to the middle of the Mahayana, it is equivalent to the human beings understanding more than ten great magical powers, and they can successfully fight the human race Mahayana!"

"If the fierce clan grows to the late Mahayana period, even if he does not understand any peerless magical powers, his talents will grow to peerless levels."

Monkeys and others were frightened!

Qingqing asked, "You mean, the ancestors of the fierce tribe in the late Mahayana period are tantamount to comprehending a peerless supernatural power?"

You know, for the human race, to comprehend a peerless supernatural power is equal to the emperor!

Ye Ling nodded and said, "So, in the ancient records of the human race, some ancestors of the fierce tribe can fight the human emperor."

"If the fierce tribe grows to Mahayana consummation ..."

The little fox dared not continue thinking.

Ye Lingdao: "Mahayana's successful fiends are equal to the power of two peerless supernatural powers! When the fierce tribe realizes another peerless magical power, when it becomes emperor, it means that the most common emperors of the fierce family are all Negative power of three peerless superpowers! "

"No wonder."

In the eyes of the monkeys and others, there was a trace of sorrow.

At the beginning of the war in ancient times, although the human race ushered in the golden age, the cultivation of civilization reached its peak, and the emperors came to life, but they were still losing ground.

In the clan, the vast majority of the emperors cannot confront the fierce emperors at all.

This is the root cause!

The ancestors of the tribe, as long as they understand a peerless supernatural power, can be emperor.

But the most common fierce emperor is the power of three peerless superpowers!

No one knows more about the evil people than Ye Ling.

Of course, as a taboo, growth is more terrifying than fierce!

"Tenghan, you must avenge us!"

A blood rattan gnashed his teeth and said, "The ants of these human races are getting bolder and dare to resist!"


Another blood rattan clan said: "Master Tengluo died too unjustly! It was this sneak attack! It was a shot that killed the master!"

"rest assured."

Teng Han's ancestor grinned and smiled faintly, saying, "I will let these human race ants know who is the real master of the heavenly continent!"

The words did not fall, Teng Han's ancestor suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath!

puff! puff! puff!

Hundreds of creatures closest to him, whether they are human beings, demons, or other races, bursts of blood on his body!

These blood mists condensed in the mid-air and turned into blood water, surging towards the mouth of Tenghan's ancestors!

Suddenly, there were hundreds of **** waters pouring into Tenghan's ancestor's mouth from all sides.

This scene looks extremely infiltrating, making the people of all races creepy and shuddering!

What kind of power is this?

Just taking a breath, the blood in the lives of the people of all races uncontrollably escaped from the flesh and was sucked into the mouth by the ancestors of Tenghan!

Not to mention the power of fit, even the semi-ancestors are sucked gently by this, and the blood flows away!

In an instant, it turned into a dead body and died!

Thousands of living creatures were in an uproar, and they retreated, for fear of being swallowed by the ancestors of Tenghan!

(End of this chapter)

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