Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1593: Heaven descended Xiangrui (second more)

1593 (details)

Yinlan was so angry!

If Xiaoyao is an ordinary Dai people, it would be nothing.

But the body of Xiaoyao is the taboo Xun Peng. The entire Dai people hold it in their palms, for fear of any accident!

If the ancestor of Jin Mao really hurts, even if the ancestor of Jin Mao is killed, it is not enough to recover the loss!

What's more, the ancestor of Jin Mao was a strong ancestor, and he actually dealt with a prince of law, which made Yin Lan furious!

Jin Ye's ancestor's face also completely gloomy.

Although the two were in the same state, in the eyes of everyone, he was scolded like this and his face couldn't be hung up.

"All right."

The ancestor of Shenyu stood out, smiling slightly, and playing round the field, saying: "Everyone step back, the tenth prince of the Jinwu tribe is dead, Jin Ye is angry, and he can understand some radical actions."

"Yinlan, we are all nine fierce kinsmen, so we don't have to be furious when we come up."

The ancestor of Shenyu stood out. Although the ancestor of Jin Mao did not want it, he did not continue to entangle with Yinlan.

Most importantly, he has no chance of winning against Shang Yinlan.

The Qiang's blood is too strong, and the vastness is like the sea!

Only Protoss can match it!

The ancestor of Shenyu turned sharply and said, "However, you Dai people are young and young, so I am afraid that I am not clear about many things in the cultivation world."

"This desolate army is the enemy of our six fierce tribes! Our six great fiends have jointly issued a killing order.

"It's really not reasonable for you, the young master of the Qiang tribe, to protect him. Yinlan, you came just right, so take him back and teach him something."

Yin Lan was expressionless, listening to the ancestors of Shenyu, and then slowly said, "You ca n’t kill this desolate military! The meaning of Xiaoyao is the meaning of my Dai people!"


Shenyu ancestor narrowed his eyes.

The reason why he didn't want to conflict with the Wa people was to bring the Wa people together.

Unexpectedly, the Dai people are so uninterested, they still have to stand on the side of the desert!

The ancestors of the other four fierce tribes are also unhappy.

"So, your Qiang tribe is so hard-hearted that you are going to fight against my six fierce tribe?"

Wu Tian ancestor asked quietly.

"It's heavy."

Yinlan said: "The Dai people only want to protect the barbarity. As for the others, the Dai people will not intervene."

"Ha ha."

The old ancestor of Cangming smiled, the sky eyes in his eyebrows seemed to be opened, and his murderous spirit was permeated, and he whispered: "Is one of the six fierce tribes joining forces to kill, can you only rely on one of the dais?

Yin Lan took a deep breath and slowly said, "Do your best!"

At this moment, the top of the forged green lotus in the battlefield, the lotus petals blooming in circles, suddenly began to wither and fall down.

The whole plant is also withered.

"Ah! Qinglian Qinglian's real breakthrough failed?"

"From ancient times to the present, Bapin created the green lotus, which could only be conceived by the ancient Buddha emperor. The desolate martial arts were only half-ancestors.

"The seventh grade is eight grades. How can it be so easy, this is the end of your own power!"

People of all races shook their heads, and some regretted them, and some sneered.

In the air, the ancestors of Shenyu and others looked at each other with ease.

If the deserted Wu died like this, they would save their shot.

"What should I do?"

The little fox was crying anxiously: "The advancement of fortune Qinglian failed, will the son be fine?"

Monkeys and others were silent and heavy.

The created green lotus is Su Zimo.

Su Zimo is the creation of Qinglian.

If the green lotus is withered and withered, it probably means that Su Zimo will die!

"Several donors need not worry."

At this moment, the sound of the true voice sounded in the minds of monkeys and other people: "This created the green lotus, the heaven and the earth, and every advancement has to undergo a rebirth and undergo transformation."

As if to prove the truth in India, this nearly withered green lotus suddenly burst into vitality!

Withered lotus leaves, withered lotus petals, re-grown to more tender and green lotus leaves, vibrant and growing fast!

The breath of fortune green lotus keeps rising!

The spirits of all races shook, and all eyes fell on the body of this green lotus.

I saw that the top of this natural green lotus re-grown a pink flower bud, stained with crystal dew, and bloomed slowly under the attention of everyone!

At the outermost, the largest circle of lotus petals blooms.

Immediately after that was the second circle of lotus petals.

Third lap ...

The seventh lap has not stopped yet!

All living beings can clearly see that in the lotus platform, the last circle of lotus petals did not bloom!

Immediately after that, the lotus petals of the eighth circle bloomed, and the glow was diffused.

Suddenly, the world shook!

In the sky, a turquoise lotus with jadeite like jade suddenly came down, fluttering, descending into the mysterious palace, a vast, extremely spectacular!

All living creatures were stunned.

"The sky descends auspiciously!"

Shenyu ancestor also exclaimed.

Qipin created the green lotus, transformed into eight, which attracted a vision of heaven and earth and lowered Xiangrui!

Such a spectacle, let alone thousands of people, even the strongest ancestors present, are the first time to see it!

More importantly, among the lotus flowers falling in the sky, the ancestors who were present at the scene felt a mighty magical power!


Shenyu ancestors and others looked shocked!

Of course, they knew that this magical power could never be released by the deserted army.

The power of this magical power is probably beyond the level of the small magical power and has reached the level of the great magical power!

But the meaning behind this is really terrible!

If this supernatural power is itself conceived by Bapin Sanghua Qinglian, the barbaric body bears the true body of Qinglian, and understanding this great supernatural power will hardly be hindered by any!

You know, monks want a long time to understand the magical power, it takes a long time to accumulate, to understand, to precipitate.

In the middle, there may be countless obstacles and countless difficulties.

Many Mahayana ancestors can feel hundreds of thousands, thousands of years, or even ten thousand years to realize a magical power!

And the deserted Wu didn't have to feel it at all.

Because, he is creating Qinglian!

As long as he continues to grow, he will naturally realize this great magical power, all of which is like a natural progression!

This great magical power is like a wild talent!


Just then, a shout came from the crowd.

Thousands of creatures pointed at this created green lotus between heaven and earth, widened their eyes, and the endless shock was revealed in their eyes!

The eight-pin-nature green lotus has fully bloomed, and I saw a figure sitting on the turquoise lotus platform.

The man was in a blue shirt with dark hair, eyes closed, sitting cross-legged, with his hands freely resting on his knees, his palms facing the sky, his skin was crystal clear and flawless.

Under the falling of countless lotus flowers, the figure was like a god, with blue glow glowing all over, sitting on the green lotus of good fortune.

Looking at this scene, the hearts of thousands of people have a sense of worship!

Today, there are two eternal leaders, thank you JM on the street for thirty thousand book coins for reward, promoted to the leader, that is, the **** of the book friends group. I also want to thank the bookmates at the starting point for the reward of 100,000 book coins intoxicated by dreams. Today and tomorrow will be five more, two more leaders for Canada!

(End of this chapter)

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