Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1594: Old ancestor Qi Zhi (three)

Chapter 1594 The Patriarch Qi Zhi


Over nine days, a gust of wind blew, causing the green lotus to sway from side to side, and the glow was dim.

Suddenly this strong wind rose, its sharpness was like a blade, its sharpness was like a cone, just like the essence, and it poured into Su Zimo's heavenly spirit cover!


Above the lotus platform, Su Zimo's body was shaking, and she moaned slightly, frowning slightly, showing the color of pain.

"This is ... the wind of heaven!"

"Supernatural powers, the three major disasters of Taoism!"

"Oh my God, take advantage of this opportunity to impact Mahayana!"

Among the crowd, some half-ancestors recognized the above nine days, and the origin of this gust of wind exclaimed an exclamation.

All the semi-ancestors know that if they want to step into the Mahayana realm, they must go through the magical tragedy and experience the three major disasters of this family!

Throughout the ages, the semi-ancestors who fell in the three major disasters of this Dao family are as numerous as smoke.

Prior to this, breaking through the realm was difficult and dangerous, but not once, it was called robbery.

The three major disasters of Taoism are called magical robberies because of nine lives!

Once it fails, there is almost no chance of survival!

There are many semi-ancestors who foresee that they can't survive the magical powers, and even choose not to forcibly break through and wait for Shou Yuan to run out.

After all, waiting for Shou Yuan to run out, there are many years to live.

Once the robbery fails, die immediately!

If you want to impact Mahayana, you need not only amazing talents, strong foundations, but also great courage!

The reason why the people of all races are so shocked is that it was not expected that Su Zimo would choose to break through the Mahayana at the meeting of the races of enemies.

Even if no one interferes, experiencing magical robberies will be a death.

What's more, the six fierce tribes are desperate, and they want to kill and then quickly!

Actually, it was not Su Zimo who wanted to be here, this time breakthrough.

It is after the transformation of the forged green lotus into the eight products, the forged lotus platform also transformed, with a steady stream of energy, nourishing the black-haired yuan **** crazy!

This energy is so vast that the black-haired primitive **** can't bear it.

His cultivation is a realm, he can't hold back, he must break through!


The heavenly eyes at the heart of Cangming's ancestor's eyebrows suddenly opened and burst into a black light, galloping towards Su Zimo, who was crossing the robbery!

The fierce ancestors could never watch Su Zimo step into Mahayana territory.

No matter whether Su Zimo can successfully cross the robbery, they will interrupt it!


Another magical power came.

In front of this Wuguang, a tall ice barrier rose up to a thousand blades in an instant, blocking this Wuguang!

Yu Zhen appeared in front of Su Zimo.

Her mind is always on Su Zimo's body.

Cangming's ancestor changed a little, she already noticed that the first shot.

Click! Click!

Although the ice barriers resisted the power of this eye, a crack appeared on the ice wall, and it collapsed in an instant!

"As an ancestor, it's really shameful to take advantage of unexpected attacks!"

Yu Zhen said coldly.

"Sister, please go and help, you can't let the Master do anything!"

Xiaoyao looked tense and quickly heard the sound.

Yin Lan nodded slightly, and leaped forward, standing side by side with Yu Zhen, looking at the five ancestors of the opposite God.

Wu Hua's ancestors and others got up one after another, surrounded Su Zimo in the middle, holding their own ceremonies, and looked dignified one by one.

"Leave me in this white shirt."

The ancestors of the Lichao ancestors of the Raksha clan slightly tilted their lips, looked at Yuzhen, and licked their lips.

The ancestor of Shenyu nodded slightly and said, "Yinlan gave it to me. As for the remaining ten ancestors ..."

"rest assured."

The old ancestor of Jin Yao said coldly: "The three of us shot with all our strength. Within half an hour, all ten ancestors of the human race must die here!"

"Wuhua, you give up."

At this moment, a gap was opened in the void, and many Mahayana ancestors of many races came out one after another!

Tianshenism, Dishaism, and even Penglai Island!

One after another, the number of Mahayana ancestors of the three super gates has exceeded one hundred people in the eyes of everyone!

Among them, not only the early Mahayana, but also the mid-Mahayana, and even the late Mahayana, Mahayana is complete!

With so many Mahayana ancestors descending on the mysterious palace, the people of all races realized that this race of the peoples was no longer in their control.

This is the competition and game between the powers of the ancestors, the strongest in the ancestral homeland!



Shocking roar.

In the south, there is a huge peacock galloping, with a body as tall as a hundred feet, but it is agile, and each peacock pupa on the body is flashing strange brilliance.

One of the eight demon realms, Kong Ling demon ancestor at Peacock Ridge!

In the west, a huge spider, paddling eight feet, came towards the mysterious palace, and the dust was rolling.

Thousand Spider Dunes, Zhu Fa demon ancestor!

In the east, a crimson glow permeates the sky, and in an instant, it has come near, but it is a goshawk with crimson wings, which is extraordinary!

Dongyu, Akabane ancestor!

In the north, the demon billowed, a lion with long golden hairs appeared in the mountains, roaring to the sky!

Crazy Lion Ridge, the crazy demon ancestor!

One after another, the eight demon domains also came, all of them are demon ancestors!

"Yueluo ancestor, flying off ancestor, Xu Jing ancestor ... you!"

The ancestors of Wuhua looked at the more than one hundred Mahayana ancestors who came over from the three super ancestors of Tianshenism, Dishaism, and Penglai Island.

These Mahayana ancestors, some of them, are long-established ancestors.

Even leave a name on the magic list!

The Emperor will not be included in the list of magical powers.

In other words, the thirty-six of the magical charts are all Mahayana ancestors.

Like the ancestral ancestor of the Moon God, it is thirty-four of the magical power list!

Dishajiao's flying ancestor is the twenty-seventh in the magic list!

Xu Jing, the ancestor of Penglai Island, is the 21st supernatural power!

All three are Mahayana perfect!

Everyone understands the number of great magical powers more than ten!

"Yueluo ancestor, what do you mean!"

Wu Hua ancestor asked Shen Shen.

"It's nothing."

Yueluo's ancestor is a middle-aged beautiful woman, holding a snow-white kitten in her arms, stroking the kitten's forehead from time to time, and said lightly, "We come, naturally, to participate in the race.

The ancestors of Shenyu and others looked at this scene and looked at each other with smiles, but they were not in a hurry to shoot.

Di Shajiao's flying ancestor looked cold and said, "Nothing, you let go, this desolate martial art will die today!"


Wu Hua's ancestor Shen said: "What's wrong with the deserted martial arts, it's really worth your so many great ancestors to put him to death!"

"Don't forget, he used to create martial arts, Bu Wu was born! His achievements to the human race, even you and I can't match!"

"But he still has to die."

Xu Jing, the ancestor of Penglai Island, said: "Only when the dead soldiers die, the disagreement between us and the six fierce tribes can be temporarily put down, and the ten thousand people's congress can be successfully held."

(End of this chapter)

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