Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1600: Two choices (four more)

Chapter 1600 Two Choices

The white cat looked at the real dragon and phoenix not far away, and seemed to want to break away from the arms of Yueluo's ancestor.

But Yueluo's ancestors only exerted a slight pressure on the palm, and the white cat's body trembled, his expression pained, but he could not bear to say a word!

All living beings are confused.

I don't know why Yuelu's ancestor would suddenly talk about the white cat in his arms.

Only Dragon Phoenix really knew that the white cat in the arms of Yue Luo's ancestor was his big disciple, Bei Mingxue!

He finally understood why he saw something strange in his heart when he saw the white cat.

Because this white cat's look at him is the look of Bei Mingxue!

Because Long Phoenix's true body was not Qinglian's true body, and she had no real contact with Bei Mingxue, she was unable to recognize Bei Mingxue the first time.

Moreover, even if Qinglian really was, she only dared to recognize each other with a familiar look.

There are six in the world.

Heaven, Humane, Ashura, Beast, Hungry Ghost, Hell!

Of the six, the first three are good. Once understood, they are great magical powers.

The next three are evil ways, if realized, they are little magical powers.

If you can comprehend these six ways and integrate them, it will be a supernatural power—six reincarnation!

Yueluo's ancestor lowered the magical power and turned Beimingxue into a cat. The magical power used was the beast's way!

The advent of the beast canal can transform people into various beasts.

Unless there are other Mahayana ancestors who use humane supernatural powers to turn them back into adults, it will be difficult to recover as before!

The beast way is one of the evil ways, which is extremely vicious.

What's more, Mahayana's ancestors took the shot to deal with a returnee!

You should know that Su Zimo faced the most dangerous situation at first, that is, he was strangled by the semi-ancestors and almost killed when he returned to the realm.

Now, Bei Mingxue has been targeted by Mahayana ancestors!

Long Phoenix really knew that Bei Mingxue experienced such a disaster because of his involvement!

Yueluo's ancestor's palm gently choked the white cat's neck, making her unable to move. She still smiled and said, "This young girl who returned to the realm seems to be called Beimingxue, Desolate, do you know?"


Long Huang Zhenshen has not spoken yet, Xiaoyao exclaimed.

Standing up happy, he stared fiercely at Yueluo Mid-Ancestral, fiercely, and rushed to swallow her up!

"What are you doing, sit down!"

Yin Lan frowned slightly, pressing Xiaoyao back again.

"Sister! You rescue the white cat!"

Xiaoyao quickly said, "Don't hurt that white cat!"

Yin Lan shook her head and said, "Even if there is no white cat, I can't defeat the old ancestor of the moon, let alone save the white cat safely."

Xiaoyao looked anxious, and said, "Then let the patriarch come, the patriarch can surely rescue the white cat!"

"Don't hurry."

Yin Lan said: "The most worrying thing about this is your Master! Isn't he very patient and see what he plans to do?"

After hearing the words of the ancestors of Yueluo, the living beings of various ethnic groups gradually came to understand. This North Mingxue must be related to the deserted martial arts!

"Bei Mingxue seems to be a member of the Bei Ming family, a big disciple of the barbarity."

"Ah, I think of it! In recent years, a great evil that has risen, practicing martial arts, is extremely powerful, and it is said that it has already obtained the true story of the deserted martial arts!"

"No wonder, Yueluo's ancestors will attack a returnee."

"This Beimingxue is in the hands of Yueluo's ancestors. Unless Huangwu disregards Beimingxue's life, Huangwu is wary of fear that he will compromise."

Many monks whispered.

Long Huangzhen nodded and said: "North Mingxue is my big disciple."


Yueluo ancestor pretended to be surprised and said, "So clever?"

Dragon Phoenix looked cold, but just looked at Yue Luo's ancestors quietly.

Yueluo's ancestor laughed abruptly, and said, "Desolate girl, this girl has a good talent, and I don't want to hurt her. If you want to keep her life, you have to promise me a few conditions."

"Rest assured that my conditions will not make you very difficult."

Dragon Phoenix was still silent.

The ancestor of Yueluo smiled and continued, "Let ’s not say that I am not human, I will give you a choice. If you want your true body of Qinglian or your disciple, you can only choose same."

After this sentence, there was a moment of restlessness in the crowd.

"How to choose? Qinglian's true body practice is not easy, and she is about to enter her ancestral home, but she is also a cultivating Qinglian. How can she give up?"

"But if he doesn't give up, his big disciple will have to die! If Huang Wu chooses Qinglian true body, I am afraid that he will bear the guilt of his disciples in the future. Although he did not kill Bei Mingxue, Bei Mingxue was because of He died! "

"This trick is really poisonous! If the deserted army fails to save his life, I am afraid he will be shaken passively!"

"Either destroy the desolate Qinglian true body, or just abolish his faith!"

Many onlookers could see the sinister intentions of Yueluo's ancestors!

The white cat in the arms of Yueluo's ancestors suddenly struggling!

Even if Yueluo's ancestors used their palms hard, this white cat wouldn't care about it, but he was desperately struggling, and there was a determination in his eyes!

Yueluo ancestor's nails are slender.

Under the white cat's struggle, her nails had penetrated deeply into the white cat's body, and blood flowed out.

Blood on the white fluff!

But the white cat didn't seem to feel the pain and was still struggling.

The more it struggled, the more blood shed.

But it still refuses to stop!

In the palm of Mahayana's ancestor, the power of this white cat seemed so small, but he refused to give up, biting the palm of Yueluo's ancestor.

Broken teeth, scratch with your paws!

Use your head to bang your claws!


A monk sighed softly: "I didn't expect that Bei Mingxue's temperament was so strong that he didn't want to affect the barbarity, but he wanted to die."


Xiaoyao stood up, the vision in front of him gradually blurred, and a subconscious cry.

Long Huangzhen looked at the struggling white cat, and there was a distress and pity in her eyes.

Suddenly a surge of anxiety surged in Yuelu's ancestor's heart.

Coupled with the white cat in her arms and constantly struggling, she felt a moment of irritability, put a smile away, and her expression gradually became cold, and said, "Desolation, I have given you a chance. This choice is not difficult, it depends on what you give up!"

"My patience is limited."

Yueluo ancestor said coldly: "If this white cat annoys me, I can strangle her at any time!"

"Beijing, my disciple, is bound to encounter countless suffering and danger. I have told her about this."

Long Phoenix Zhenshen finally spoke, saying, "However, these sufferings should not be too much! Moonset, as the ancestor of Mahayana, you shot against a returning Taoist, this is beyond the bounds."

"You give me two choices. I don't want to choose."

Long Huangzhen looked at Yuelu's ancestor, paused a little, and said slowly: "I want to choose the third one!"

(End of this chapter)

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