Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1601: Fixation (five more)

1601 (details)

The words didn't fall, two pairs of four wings have emerged behind Long Phoenix's body!

A pair of children burned the blazing flames, like the wings of the **** phoenix, and each feather was like a scorched arrow, with a clear luster.

The other pair of wings is even bigger, shining with dazzling golden light, just like the golden wings of a roc bird!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body disappeared instantly!

A red-golden light suddenly passed away, and when it appeared again, it had already arrived in front of Yueluo's ancestor!

too fast!

Even if Moonfall's ancestors had been on alert, this speed had exceeded her expectations!

"Since you don't want to give up Qinglian's true body, your big disciple is because of you!"

The Yuelu ancestor sighed loudly, and with the palm of his hand carrying capacity, he would choke the white cat in his arms!


The moment the red-golden light came, the voice of Dragon Phoenix really sounded!

An amazing magical power descended on Yueluo Ancestor!

This magical technique is just a small magical power, which was realized after Long Huang Zhen stepped into the ancestral realm.

Inspired by Dinghai, the last sword style inherited from the sword emperor!

In fact, Dinghai's sword intentions gave birth to a magical power.

Long Phoenix Zhenshen has just stepped into the ancestral realm, and realized that one of the most obvious magical powers is this fixation technique.


Moonfall ancestor's look changed!

This magical power can actually limit her body shape and keep her from moving!

Of course, this magical power is not strong.

Just in a blink of an eye, she was able to escape the influence of this magical power.

The problem is, Long Phoenix is ​​close at hand!

Of course, Dragon Phoenix's true body has no expectation. The fixation technique can consummate a Mahayana such as Yue Luo, the ancestor, and restrict it to its place.

All he has to do is let the fixation technique lock in the moment of Moonfall's ancestors!

Masters fight for this moment!

For a moment, for a thought.

Twenty thoughts, just for a moment!

This moment, not only can save Bei Mingxue's life, but also for Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen, it is enough to kill Yueluo ancestors!

Yueluo's ancestors can practice to Mahayana's completeness, but they are not easy to deal with. They realized the horror of this matter for the first time.

She knew that she had made a mistake and had lost the opportunity.

If she waits to kill Bei Mingxue, I am afraid there will be no chance to leave alive!

Yueluo's ancestors responded very quickly, even the physical body was directly discarded. Yuanshen came out, turned into a streamer, and fled away!


The moment her Yuanshen just left, her physical body was torn apart by the punch of Long Huang Zhenshen, and her blood was dripping!

If her primordial **** takes a step back, she may be killed by Dragon Phoenix's true body!

The ancestor of Yueluo's ancestor fled to a distant place, spurred his sense of consciousness, and in a blink of an eye, he reunited with the flesh and looked ugly.

Long Huang Zhenshen did not rush to kill her, but carefully hugged the white cat.

Dragon Phoenix's real sense of motion moved, and Bei Mingxue's wounds healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

However, by his means, Bei Mingxue was unable to restore his adult body.

The beastly canal, once released, is irreversible.

Without humane supernatural power, it cannot be resolved at all!

Long Huangzhen held the little white cat in her hands, and her heart felt a guilty conscience.

It seemed to feel the guilt and self-blame in Long Fengzhen's body and mind, and the little white cat bowed slightly, stunned in the palm of Long Huangzhen.

"Anyone here, who knows the humane magical power? With all this kind of affection, I must remember my desolate military power!"

Long Huang Zhen looked around and asked loudly.

No one responded.

These six supernatural powers can be regarded as Buddhist magical powers. Without the profound accumulation of Buddhist monastics, it is difficult to comprehend.

Long Huang Zhenshen whispered softly: "Bei Ming, Master now has limited ability and cannot change you back yet."

"However, rest assured, whoever bullies you, Master can help you out!"

After finishing speaking, Long Huangzhen turned around and looked coldly at the ancestor of Yueluo in the distance, and said in a cold voice: "Bitch, you are so brave!"


Dragon Phoenix took a leap forward, fanned four wings, and slaughtered it towards the Yuelu ancestor!

"Fly off, Xu Jing, two Taoist friends help me!"

Yueluo's ancestor was shocked and hurriedly called for help.

Xu Jing's ancestor's eyes flickered, and he stood still, without rushing forward.

The ancestor of flying off did not think much, sacrificing his destiny magic weapon, ready to come forward to help.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and a terrifying coercion came down, covering the entire mysterious palace!

Flying off his ancestor, he looked subconsciously.

I saw that the shape of Long Huang Zhenshen had disappeared.

In its place is a huge monster with a dragon head and a tail tail, burning with a fiery golden flame on its body and sharp teeth!

After the advent of this monster, all living beings felt a kind of irresistible fear, and their hearts shuddered!

This kind of breath has made all the souls of all ethnic groups stunned!

Even the five ancestors of Shenyu are all trembling, with deep fear and fear in their eyes!

The ancestor of Feiduan was about to rush forward and saw this scene. He was so frightened that his voice became a little trembling: "Prohibition, taboo, dragon ... Phoenix!"

Dragon Phoenix is ​​just the beginning of Mahayana.

With his fighting power, he may not be able to fight with Dragon Phoenix.

But the fear of taboos has long gone deep into the bone marrow.

Not to mention him, even the Mahayana ancestor of the fierce tribe, when he saw Taigu Taboo, the first reaction was fear, retreat!

Until this time, the people of all races realized that the real body of the deserted Wu was not the real body of the dragon, but the real body of the dragon and phoenix!

In this life, the three major Taikoo taboos have given birth to two.

Except for a few people, other creatures didn't realize that the three ancient taboos of this race of nations were all here!

There were monks with sharp eyes, and they saw it very clearly. On the wide back of this taboo dragon and phoenix, many scales were erected to form a circle, blocking the surrounding flames.

In that circle, there is a white kitten lying on his back, it is the great disciple, Bei Mingxue!

"Even if Beimingxue becomes a beast, it's worth it!"

"Yes, in the world, who can sit on the back of Taboo Dragon Phoenix?"

Many students sighed with inspiration.

The flying ancestor recognized the origin of the taboo Dragon Phoenix, and quietly retreated, for fear of attracting the attention of Dragon Phoenix.

On the battlefield, there was no one around Yuelu's ancestor!

Yueluo's ancestor was also pale at this time. Where did she think that she provokes such a horrible existence!

"Desolate, I'm afraid there is something wrong here."

Yueluo's ancestor laughed loudly and was still trying to explain his strength and self-confidence, which had disappeared without a trace at this time.

"You don't need to explain to me."

Long Huang really said coldly, suddenly opened her mouth, and a red flame burst out!

To be precise, this is no longer a flame, but a crimson magma!

The evolution of this talented supernatural power, the flame of Dragon and Phoenix, has become even more terrifying, changing into rolling magma, pouring down on the body of the Moonfall ancestor!

Fifth more, although it was late, it was still finished and there was no word of promise. To the eternal sixth leader, the starting point is drunk like dreams and more.

(End of this chapter)

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