Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1608: Feel the magic (one more)

Chapter 1608: Feeling Magical Power

Dragon and Phoenix were shocked.

The barren power can't resist this great dark technique, and it is constantly pulled, rushing to that huge dark swirl!

At the same time, this darkness is still shrouded in Long Huangzhen's body.

He could clearly feel that the qi and blood in his body and the power of the primordial spirit were being drawn away from the flesh and surging towards the darkness.

On the other side, the ancestors of the gods drew out the golden sword again and killed them again!

In this way, I am afraid that without three breaths, Long Phoenix will be killed by two Protoss ancestors!

The cold light flickered in Long Huangzhen's eyes, condensing his senses, and a crimson dragon scale suddenly flew out from the center of his eyebrow.

This dragon scale emerged, and the whole void shuddered!

Between heaven and earth, it seems to be in silence!

Not to mention the two ancestors, Shen Shuang and Shen Dou, who are directly opposite, even the distant creatures of all races are on this dragon scale and feel a terrible breath!

Dragon scales!

The ancestors of Shenshuang and Shendou looked at each other without hesitation.

The two ancestors were also the first time to gather the yuan gods, and the yuan mystery broke out!

Two golden lights burst out and hit the dragon scales instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the two ancestors of Shen Shuang and Shen Dou shook with screams, and in the staring eyes, bloodshots appeared with painful expressions!

The blood on the faces of the two ancestors faded!

The ancestor's figure also stopped, frowned, his features were twisted together, seemingly enduring torture!

In the sea of ​​knowledge of the two ancestors, a tiny crack appeared on the Yuanshen!

God Frost's ancestor's great darkness technique almost broke up!

"Great cure!"

The two Protoss screamed, and once again released a great magical power!

When this great magical power came, the bodies of the two ancestors of the protoss emerged with a milky light, which contained magnificent vitality.

Under the shroud of milky light, the breath of the two gradually stabilized.

Dragon Frost frowned slightly, feeling awkward.

This is the benefit of realizing the great number of magical powers!

Realizing more of a supernatural power not only baptizes the physical body, bloodline, and Yuanshen once, but the strength is soaring, and it can even save you from danger!

Without this great cure, the two protoss would most likely explode and die!

In the sea of ​​knowledge of the two ancestors, milky white forces shrouded their Yuanshen and temporarily made up the cracks in the Yuanshen.

But Yuan Shen suffered such trauma and it was extremely difficult to heal.

The magical power of this great cure can only save the lives of the two ancestors and stabilize the injuries.

In other words, although the two ancestors of the Protoss saved their lives, the Yuanshen was severely damaged, and future cultivation cannot be advanced!


The eyes of the ancestors were filled with endless resentment, and said in a cold voice: "You will do me bad things, and I will crush you to death!"

He is at its peak and has a lifetime of more than 100,000 years.

If there is no such accident, it will surely be in the late Mahayana period and even Mahayana success!

The emperor is very likely, and the future is expected!

But now, Long Huang Zhenshen this inverse scale, but cut off his future hope!

If you realize some kind of peerless supernatural power, he may be able to heal the wounds of his god.

But the problem is that his Yuanshen suffered such a heavy blow. Not to mention understanding the supernatural powers, it is difficult to get to know a great magic power!

"kill him!"

God Frost's ancestor squinted his eyes and said with a grudge.

He had already passed the peak and had 50,000 years of Shouyuan left, but just now, after experiencing barren cuts, he was hit hard again by this inverse scale, and Shouyuan had only 30,000 years left.

In these two breathing times, the whole person is much older!

God Frost's ancestors urged the Great Darkness and shrouded towards Long Huangzhen.

Long Huang Zhen stood in place, motionless, confused, wondering what he was thinking, and seemed to have given up the resistance.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tian's ancestors and others breathed a sigh of relief and finally relieved themselves.

"Oh, this desolate army has missed its last chance to escape."

"That's right. If Mo Wu releases the inverse scales, hitting the two ancestors, and pulling away, there is definitely hope to escape the birth. Now it's too late."

"That being said, this desolate martial art is indeed terrible! The two Protoss ancestors in the middle of the Mahayana, with so many great magical powers, almost died!"

On the battlefield.

Of course, Long Feng Zhen Shen cannot give up, he just fell into a wonderful state.

He understands the spell of barrenness so far, it has always been unfavorable!

Ignoring the realm, this spell can infinitely attenuate Shouyuan, and it is irreversible, and it is also feared by countless strong ones!

But in the end, this desolation is just a spell.

The barren power has reached the extreme of magic!

Spells, after all, cannot reach the level of supernatural power.

In the Mahayana battle, Mahayana ancestors lost tens of thousands of yuan, and even some fierce ancestors may have more than 100,000 yuan. The impact of desolation on them is obviously decreasing.

To this day, the great magical power released by the ancestor of God Frost has devoured the barren power!

Looking at the barren that was gradually being swallowed up, Long Huang Zhenshen passed a trace of loss.

But in his heart, it was more unwilling!

Desolation is just a spell, and it can have such a power that all ancestors are afraid of it.

If the barren can go further and become a magical power, what kind of power will erupt?

Under such a crisis situation, on the contrary, it has inspired all the potentials of Longhuang Zhenshen. Over the years, all the sentiments of cultivation and desolation have come to mind!

Desolation, reducing Shou Yuan, in the final analysis, is actually a release and control of the power of time.

The fundamental is to accelerate the time flow of monks!

Let the monk's longevity be quickly consumed in a short time and quickly depleted!

Long Feng really frowned.

Each sensation hovered in my mind, almost breaking through that barrier and entering another level of power!

But he has always been unable to conflict with this obstacle.

How easy it is to feel the magic!

Many monks, feelings, accumulation, precipitation, hundreds, thousands of years, may not be able to control a magical power.

"A little missing!"

Among the flashes of light and fire, Long Huang's real body's brain is running fast, constantly remembering what he has learned in this life, like a scene after scene.


There was a flash of light in Long Huang's mind.

Suddenly, he seemed to return to the preaching place, sitting cross-legged beside the stone statue of the half-ancestor.

There he stepped back into the virtual world.

There he once accepted more than thirty stone statues and deduced martial arts.

Around this stone statue, the time flow becomes extremely fast!

Practicing there for a year, only a day outside!

In fact, this is also a force of time passing!

No matter if you are an ancestor to Daojun or an emperor, you will never be defeated by age, you cannot escape aging!

The years are most fair to all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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