Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1609: Time is like a knife

Chapter 1609: Time Is Like A Sword

"Well? No!"

Jin Zu's ancestor looked at the real dragon and phoenix on the battlefield and said something suddenly.

"This state ..."

Wu Tian's ancestor frowned slightly, thoughtfully, groaned a little, and exclaimed: "Episode! The barbarity is in epiphany!"

This voice sounded, causing a commotion!

No one had thought that Long Fengzhen was caught in an epiphany in such a fierce battle!

The state of epiphany is extremely rare, but it is impossible to meet. In this state, the monk's perception becomes extremely acute, and he can perceive many deep things!

But once destroyed, this state disappears.

Nowadays, Dragon Phoenix really lives on the line, no matter how rare the state of epiphany is, he should give up and immediately turn away to escape!

Li Ying's ancestor sneered, "I don't know how to live or die! He also expects to know what magical powers to reverse the situation?"

At this moment, under the gaze of many eyes, I saw the confusion in Long Huangzhen's eyes dissipated, and he resumed his sense of clarity.

Long Huangzhen was deep in his hands, and between his palms, a gray mist swelled, condensing and staying together.

With Long Huangzhen's hands pulled apart, this gray mist was gradually stretched and condensed into a long gray knife!

For some reason, the ancestors present felt a palpitation and a slight change in complexion when they saw the long gray knife.

No one knows what this long grey knife is.

But all Mahayana ancestors want to stay as far away as possible from the long gray knife!

An extremely horrifying magical power erupted from the body of the Dragon and Phoenix's real body, as if forming a storm, washing the internal organs and the six internal organs, with strange veins and eight veins, and baptizing the physical body, blood, and spirits!


Under the baptism of this magical storm, the power of the large seal in Dragon Phoenix's body collapsed instantly!

As if the yoke is broken, Dragon and Phoenix are truly out of the seal!

"This is ... Great magic!"

Wu Tian's ancestral pupil contracted, and his voice shuddered.

The power of this great magical power made Wutian ancestors and others feel a trembling heart!

"What magical power is this?"

"I don't know, I have never seen a great magical power with a long grey knife."

The Mahayana ancestors present were communicating quickly.

"I care what great magic you are!"

The ancestor of God Frost urged the Yuanshen to the limit, with a bit of snoring, he snarled loudly: "Under the envelope of darkness, he will destroy me!"

The huge dark vortex shrouded towards Long Huangzhen.

"Time is like a knife."

Dragon Phoenix's body looked indifferent, and moaned lightly, the gray long knife in his hand flew away, and chopped towards the dark vortex in front of him.

The long grey knife descended, ignoring the power of the dark vortex, and the dark vortex penetrated intact!

Neither darkness nor light can resist the passage of time.

God Frost's ancestor changed his face and wanted to step back.

The long gray knife fell directly on him!

"No, I'm dead!"

The ancestor of God Frost sighed sadly.

But soon, the ancestor of God Frost found that he was not harmed at all!

The long grey knife fell on him, and he didn't feel anything. His body was not shaken, and there were no scars inside or outside the body!

"All right?"

The ancestor of God Frost laughed suddenly, his expression excited: "Ha ha ha ha! I'm fine!"


Xu was laughing too quickly, and the ancestor of Shen Shuang coughed twice and looked at Long Huang Zhenshen with a mockery, sarcastically saying, "I am an amazing supernatural power. I didn't expect it to be a joke. , Ha ha ha ha! "

Dragon Phoenix really didn't laugh, but just looked at the **** ancestor quietly.

No one laughs when there are living people.

I do not know when, the people around suddenly became extremely quiet.

The laughter of God Frost's ancestors seemed extremely strange in this quiet environment.

After laughing for a while, the ancestor of Shenshuang also realized that something was wrong, and looked subconsciously around.

I saw all kinds of creatures looking at him with complex eyes, fear, horror, mockery, and mercy ...

"What are you looking at!"

The ancestor of Shenshuang sighed and gasped slightly.

Somehow, just laughing for a while, he felt a little short of breath.

"Frost, your face ..."

At this moment, the ancestor of Shendou pointed at the face of the ancestor of Shenshuang, and his voice showed inexplicable fear!

The grey long sword came, and there was no scar on the body of the **** ancestor.

But his gray hair was now pale.

Originally, there were only a few wrinkles on his face, but now these wrinkles have increased several times, like a scar carved in his face by the years!

Just for a moment, the ancestor of God Frost became an old man who entered the twilight!

His blood and blood had faded and he was sullen.

His breath of life also became very weak.

Even if you laugh for a while, you will feel breathless.

His primordial spirit was not even enough to support the Great Dark Technique. This great magical power had collapsed before he landed in front of Long Huang Zhenshen!

"How could this be?"

"How could this be!"

The ancestor of God Frost stared, feeling the little Shou Yuan left in his body, and a hysterical roar.

When he came to the mysterious palace, he had 50,000 years of life left.

It was cut a little by the barren, and was severely hit by the inverse scales. Just now, his birthday is more than 30,000 years!

But now, his birthday is thousands of years!

Thousands of years of longevity seem to be long, but for the Mahayana ancestor of 100,000 years of longevity, it is already a twilight year!

For 30,000 years, Shou Yuan disappeared at this moment!

To be precise, it is not out of thin air.

It was taken away by that long gray knife!

This knife is cut down, and 30,000 years of life is gone!

Not to mention the ancestors of the human race, even the fierce ancestors, a few can withstand the impact of this great magical power!

The ancestor of God Frost suddenly remembered the four words that Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen said when he released this magical power.

Years are like a knife!

This is the power of time!

The years are cruelest, no one can resist!

The spiritual practice of all races, most of them just want to live for a long time, live with heaven and earth, eternal immortality, but who can escape the passing of time from ancient times to the present?

"You, you, how can you control this power!"

The voice of God Frost's ancestors had shivered uncontrollably, a little hoarse, full of terror!

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened suddenly, but his pupils contracted!

I saw the gray mist rushing between the hands of Longhuang Zhenshen, and a gray long knife was condensed again, just like the only one!

"Time is like a knife."

Long Huangzhen shook the grey long knife in his hand towards the **** ancestor, and said quietly, "The knife is urging the old!"

The long grey knife straddled the void and instantly fell on the ancestor of Shenshuang, immersed in it, and disappeared.

This knife is 30,000 years!

God Frost's ancestors are less than 10,000 years old, and they dry up instantly!

Knife is old!

This is the last voice heard by the ancestor of God Frost.

The next moment, the ancestor of God Frost, with the attention of many beings, the dead body fell down from the air.

Like a dead leaf, falling and withering.

Some book friends asked, if one true body understands the supernatural power, will the other two true bodies also understand it? Answer: I don't understand. The three true bodies are three independent primordial gods. Even the things experienced must be notified to each other to know that one can understand the supernatural power, how can the other two understand. The three true body cultivation directions are completely different and each has its own way.

(End of this chapter)

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