Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1610: The entire army was annihilated (three more)

Chapter 1610 Annihilation Of The Whole Army

Up and down the mysterious palace, silently!

The Mahayana ancestor of the fierce clan was killed by Long Huangzhen himself!

The two swords fell down, and the tens of thousands of years of life were exhausted in an instant!

This great magical power has brought the cruelty of years to the extreme!


The ancestors of the God-fighting stature flashed, their blood flew, and in a blink of an eye, they had come to Long Huangzhen's body, raised the golden sword, and chopped down towards Longhuang Zhen's body!

The ancestors of Shendou knew very well that they must not let Long Huang Zhenshen continue to release this great magical power.

Although he still has a lifetime of more than 100,000 years, if he is allowed to release the magical powers of the Dragon Phoenix for years, he will not survive!

Not to mention a few knives, is to cut off a knife, it is an unbearable trauma to him!

One sword is 30,000 years!

This is really years like a knife.

The ancestors of Shendou are extremely rich in combat experience and have bright eyes.

He can see that although this great magical power is terrifying, it is not without flaws.

This great magical power, every time condensed, can only condense a stalk of time.

There is a short interval between them.

In other words, as long as he can give the Dragon Phoenix real body enough pressure in the melee fight, and let the dragon Phoenix real body have no time to release this great magical power, he can be invincible!

Therefore, the ancestor of God fighting did not escape, but rushed to the front, his body was swollen with blood, his body burst out with golden light, and he was so imposing that he chose to fight close to Dragon Phoenix!

However, the old ancestors missed something.

Realizing this great magical power, Dragon Phoenix has experienced the baptism of the magical power storm, and the power of the great seal in the body has disappeared.

The physical body, blood, and power of the Primal Spirit of Dragon Phoenix are soaring!

Moreover, he can transform into the dragon and phoenix body at any time, and fight against the ancestors of God fighting!


The golden sword is cut off head-on!

Long Huang really did not flicker, her eyes were magnificent, and she suddenly extended her arm.

This arm was still in the air, and there was a burst of chaos, which instantly swelled and skyrocketed, becoming stout!

The raised muscles on the arm look like a spirit snake, and a moment of red dragon scales grow on it, like a burnt iron piece!

The palm has also transformed, becoming a sharp and huge Dragon Phoenix claw!


The claws of the dragon and the phoenix grabbed the golden giant sword directly in the palm of their hands, and Mars splashed!

The edge of the golden giant sword failed to break the scales of Dragon and Phoenix!

The ancestors of the gods subconsciously stepped back and wanted to draw back the golden sword.


The old ancestors looked slightly changed.

The golden sword was stunned by the claws of the dragon and the phoenix, and he did not move. He burst into full force and failed to pull out the golden sword!

The two were close at hand and started wrestling, and no one would let go.

Dragon Phoenix's eyes were cold and cold, so he stared at the ancestor of God fighting, the flame in the claw of Dragon Phoenix was flourishing!


The golden sword seemed to endure great pain and began to tremble slightly, making a sound of swordsing.

The golden light on the sword began to dim.

Not only that, but the sword body revealed a red light!

The people of all races looked at each other with a big grin, their expressions shocked.

This golden sword, under the burning of the flames of the dragon and the phoenix, the sword body was gradually red, almost transparent, exuding hot temperatures, spreading towards the hilt!

The hilt also started to turn red!


The palms of the ancestors were scorched, and white smoke burst out.

The old ancestors looked gaunt and stared round, still suffering this pain and refused to give up!

But the strength of Dragon Phoenix's true body keeps rising, the temperature of Dragon Phoenix's flame is getting higher and higher, and the sword handle becomes hotter!

In the end, the old ancestors couldn't bear it anymore, and released their palms.


Dragon Phoenix really sneered slightly, seized the golden sword, held the fiery red hilt, and chopped down fiercely towards the ancestors of God!

The old ancestors of God quickly raised the golden shield of the left hand and blocked it in front of them.


The golden sword fell on top of the giant shield, and a deafening loud noise erupted.

This golden sword was burned red by the flames of the Dragon and Phoenix and became extremely fragile. Now it collided with the giant shield, broke instantly, shattered into pieces, and splashed around!

The ancestors of the God Fight were shaken, such as being struck by lightning.

The strength of Dragon Phoenix's real body is obviously much stronger than that. He is irresistible!


The old ancestor's face changed greatly.

He finally reacted, the seal in Long Huangzhen's body disappeared, and he could completely imitate the body. At that time, the combat power would rise again!

At this moment, a large shadow emerged from the head of the ancestor of God.

Around him, the temperature rose rapidly.

The whole person seemed to fall into a huge volcano, and the surrounding flames were about to melt!

Godly ancestor looked up subconsciously.

I saw a mighty creature with burning flames all over the sky, looking down at him, dragon head and tail, with two pairs of wings on his back!

Below the wings, you can still see four ivory white ivory!

Those eyes were cold, and looking at him looked like he was looking at an ant, with no emotion at all!

Taboo Dragon Phoenix!

Although the ancestors of God fighting practiced to the middle of the Mahayana period, after the advent of the dragon and phoenix, they felt a trembling, small and humble!

This is an absolute suppression on the blood!

Even if the root of the Protoss is not on this continent, the Protoss can still feel a deep fear in the face of taboos!


Dragon Phoenix dived down, her huge body came down with terrifying taboo coercion.

The ancestors of God fighting are unavoidable and can only block the golden giant shield in front of them again!


A loud noise!

The ancestor's body shape, like a meteorite, fell directly on the ground, smashing a big pit!

That golden shield was also struck by Dragon and Phoenix, and I didn't know where it had fallen.

The ancestors of God's fight are all crumbling, and the whole person seems to be falling apart, struggling to get out of the big pit.

At this moment, the crimson shadow shrouded.


The dragon and phoenix descend, the claws of the dragon and phoenix are directly pressed on the body of the ancestor of the god, and the sharp and sharp claws instantly puncture the body of the ancestor of the god, and blood spews!


The old ancestor screamed, his body trembling with pain, almost spasms.

Each claw, like a burning iron hook, pierced into his flesh, the hot flames were constantly destroying his vitality!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The old ancestors of struggle continued to scream and scream.


Long Huang's voice sounded, filled with endless majesty.

Dragon Phoenix slightly bowed its head, and suddenly opened its mouth, a gush of red magma spewed down and poured down against the ancestors of Shendou!

Stab it!

The hot lava instantly drowned the big pit, drowned the figure of the ancestors of the gods, and billowed smoke!

The cry of the ancestors stopped abruptly!

It didn't take long for his breath to completely disappear into the lava, and the bones were gone!

At the end of the war, two Mahayana ancestors of the Protoss came, and they were all killed by Dragon Phoenix's body!

The remaining protoss are no longer scared and flee.

Wu Tian's ancestors and others looked at this scene, all pale and scared.

They know very well that these protoss are over!

completely annihilated!

Three more, good night

(End of this chapter)

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