Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1617: commit a sin

Chapter 1617

Mystery Palace.

The battle to encircle the Protoss is nearing completion.

All the sectarian forces, including the five fierce tribes of the Wu tribe, Tianyan tribe, Jinwu tribe, Xueteng tribe, and Raksha tribe, were deterred by the means of the real dragon and phoenix, and did not dare to act lightly.

Many Zongmen forces regained their seats.

At this moment, the priest of the God of Heaven frowned slightly, and seemed to feel it. He patted his palm in the storage bag, took out a broken rune, and was shocked!

Once this rune breaks, it means that Zongmen has undergone major changes!

If you have no choice but to do so, there is no problem with this rune.

The head of the Tianxun religion took a deep breath, glanced around, and secretly addressed some of the ancestors of the Tianxun religion around him: "Xuanguang, the ancestors have undergone great changes! Please rush back with several ancestors as soon as possible. Look at it! "

"Got it."

Xuanguang's ancestors stood still and slowly got up and said, "You, the race for the nations continues, and it is enough for me to leave a few ancestors to abide in the overall situation, and I will not wait here with some of my colleagues. "

As he said, the ancestor of Xuanguang stood up with several ancestors.


Xuanguang's ancestors faced the surrounding group repairs, and the major fierce clan slightly clenched their fists and nodded.

The major gate forces said nothing.

The development of this race of tens of thousands of people to this day is obviously not enough to affect the situation of the ancestors of the Tianyi religion. No one would care about their stay or stay.

"sit down!"

At this moment, Long Huang Zhen slowly spoke, and said coldly.

There are only two words, but there is no doubt about it!

Xuanguang's ancestor's expression changed slightly, and he smiled at Long Huang really, and said, "I don't know what the Buddhism Taoist command?"

"Since it's here, just stay here honestly."

Long Huang really said lightly: "This 10,000 ethnic group meeting, you want to come and come, want to leave?"

Xuanguang's ancestors' faces became extremely ugly, but no one dare to refute.

Souls of all races looked with emotion.

You know, these are Mahayana ancestors, who are almost at the top of the continent, but now, they are being counted by the real figure of Dragon and Phoenix!

Dragon Phoenix has this deterrent.

Even the Mahayana ancestors of the Mahayana religion in the full moon, were killed by the dragon phoenix, and the rest of the ancestors dared to conflict with the dragon phoenix.

Xuanguang's ancestors and others looked at each other and could only sit down again.

At this moment, a Mahayana ancestor moved his hand, wiped his palm in the storage bag, and took out a broken rune.

Fu Xun, the two sects who were in despair, broke!

And, the second one is teleported directly to the Mahayana ancestors!

Tianshenism must have suffered extremely serious calamities!

Xuanguang's ancestors couldn't sit still, stood up again, and laughed loudly, saying, "Friends of barren martial arts, this ten thousand ethnic group conference does not know when it will be held."

"And the bones of my ancestor Zongyueluo are not cold, we want to bring his corpse back to the ancestral gate, bury it, settle in the soil, and invite the Buddhism friends to complete.

"I said."

Dragon Phoenix turned his eyes and fell on Xuanguang's ancestor, slowly said: "No one can leave Xuanji Palace without my order!"

"Who dares to leave without killing!"

Xuanguang ancestors shivered.

At this moment, they really felt the murderous power of Long Phoenix!

Between Zongmen and his own life, these ancestors chose the latter, and sat down honestly.

Dragon Phoenix really knows every move of the martial arts deity, and naturally will not let Xuanguang ancestors and others go back.

After all, the martial arts deity is only a half-ancestor, and he can kill the grandson of that library.

On the one hand, it was because Elder Sun's blood was dying and he was about to die.

On the other hand, the practice of that elder Sun was just the beginning of the Mahayana.

The ancestors of Xuanguang and others not only have Mahayana mid-term, but also Mahayana late-term!

These Mahayana ancestors returned to the Temple of Heaven, and the martial arts deities had to be avoided!

Long Phoenix really was here, and she cut off the idea of ​​teaching the ancestors to go back!


Nature teaches.

Elder Battle Dragon shattered two emergency runes in a row, and no one returned, and he was a little confused.

The two ancestors around him were even more confused.

"Elder Zhanlong, what's going on, why hasn't anyone returned yet?"

A half-ancestor looked anxiously and urged, "No one will come back again. The library of our God of Heaven will be evacuated by this mysterious man in purple robe!"

"No response!"

Elder Zhanlong said: "I have run out of a few runes, no matter the leader, or a few ancestors, there is no response!"

"Then tell the Emperor Zongmen!"

A half-ancestor said: "Let the emperor come back with a single finger to crush this mysterious man to death!"

Elder Zhanlong almost fainted and yelled: "How the **** is I qualified to contact the Emperor? Are you stupid! Zongmen practitioners, Jin Dan, can you contact us?

The half-ancestor was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler and gradually calmed down.

With their status, at most they can contact some of the Mahayana ancestors at first, and they have no qualifications and means to communicate directly with the emperor.

This is the most basic rule of the major gate forces.

What is the most important thing about the lowest-level practitioners and monk-builders is reporting to Jin Danzheng, Yuan Yingzhengjun.

Level by level.

If he is a practitioner, he can communicate with Zong Men's powerful ancestors. Zong Men is afraid of messing up.

"I'll leave now, go to Xuanji Palace, and let me know about it!"

A half-ancestor said in a deep voice.

Elder Zhan Long rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth, "I didn't wait for you to reach the Xuanji Palace. Let's collect the library, I'm afraid we will be evacuated!"

Just then, the door of the library was reopened.

The martial arts master stepped out slowly, looked at Elder Zhanlong and others, nodding his head slightly, admiringly, "It is indeed one of the Immortals. This kind of heritage is really amazing."

After finishing speaking, the martial art deity leaped forward, his body flickered, turned into a streamer, galloped away, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Quick! Come in and see!"

The elders of Zhanlong rushed into the library.

Stepping into the library, the elders of the battle dragon all stupidly stumbled in place, as if they were ashamed, as if losing three souls and seven souls.

Up to ten feet tall, a full seven-layer collection of books, including Dan Dao, Fu Lu, refining tools, formations, everything, there are at least tens of thousands of ancient books and magical mysteries, all swept away!

The huge collection of bookshelves is empty, leaving only the vast dust!

No hair left!

"Go look inside!"

The Elder Zhanlong suddenly responded and said quickly: "There is a secret passage on the first floor of the Library, leading to the underground, where our ancestral door is truly unsecured!"

Elder Zhanlong walked a few steps and came to the depths of the Tibetan Book Pavilion.

The underpass was smashed by the bomber, and the underground chamber was empty.

"This is really evil! It's so hard!"

Elder Battle Dragon paralyzed, and wanted to cry without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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