Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1618: Cut the ancestors again!

Chapter 1618: Cut The Patriarch Again!

Mystery Palace.

The big battle with the Protoss has ended, and the dragons begin to clean up the battlefield.

The change that happened just now is not causing much waves.

Qinglian Zhenshen has broken through to the Mahayana realm, but has not awakened yet, still immersed in her perception and stabilized her realm.

This process is extremely important.

Just broke into the Mahayana realm, if you can't stabilize the realm, there is a great possibility that it will fall down!

Dragon Phoenix was guarded.


The Lord of the Di Shajiao moved in his heart and seemed to feel it. He took a picture of the storage bag and glanced at it with a slight change in his expression.

A rune broke in his storage bag!

The break of this rune means that Zongmen suffered a huge change!

The priest of Disha immediately hurried to the ancestor of the flying ancestor, and said, "The ancestor of Kailuan, something happened to Zongmen! The specific circumstances are unknown, but the zongmen's emergency call for help is broken!"


Flying off his ancestor frowned slightly and couldn't help recalling the scene that just happened.

It seems that there are some huge changes in the nature of Tianmao.

Is this just a coincidence?

Is there anyone who will target them at this time?

The flying ancestor remained calm, and his eyes fell on the body of Long Phoenix, not far away.

If he gets up and quits, Long Phoenix's true body will definitely stop him. At that time, conflict will inevitably occur. Whether he can leave is unknown.

If you want to leave, it has to be sudden!

By Mahayana's ancestors, tearing the void, you can walk through the space and come and go freely.

As long as Long Phoenix's response is slow, he can leave here!

Long Huangzhen had to guard his Qinglian true body, and could never chase him away.

Flying off the ancestor's eyes, half-open and half-closed, it seemed as if he was taking a nap, but in fact, he was watching the movements of everyone around him!

The most important thing is Dragon Phoenix Real Body!

In the perception of the flying ancestor, Long Huangzhen closed her eyes, seemed to be quietly adjusting her breath, and did not notice him at all.

In the eyes of the flying ancestor, there was a flash of ruthlessness, and there was a decision in his heart!


The flying ancestor got up and reached out his palm, and the void around him was fierce!

Stab it!

The void next to it was like a huge piece of cloth, but it was flying off the ancestor's palm, marking a huge crack!

It was cloudy and dark inside.

This crack is right next to the ancestor of Feiduan.

As soon as the flying ancestor's body shape moved, he stepped in!

This move was unpredictable, and many monks did not respond until the ancestor's body was broken and disappeared into its original position.

The whole process, like the flow of peers, tears the void and jumps in, almost simultaneously, without a pause.


At this moment, a mysterious roar sounded like a dragon and a phoenix in the mysterious palace, with endless majesty and anger!

I don't know when, Long Huang Zhenshen has come to that void crack!

The surrounding ancestral ancestors caught off guard and were closest to Long Huang Zhenshen. He was snarled in his ears by this roar.

In some places, the ancestors looked painful, covering their eyes, kneeling on the ground, and spitting blood arrows in their ears and noses!

Not to mention them, even the flying ancestors in the void are all shocked and in shape!

Dragon Phoenix's response was too fast!

This reaction completely exceeded his expectations!

At this moment, the ears of the ancestors flew off, and the voice of Longhuang Zhenshen sounded again.

"Time is like a knife!"

That horrible supernatural power!

Flying ancestors were shocked!

Normally, he takes a step first and has already entered the void, and he can absolutely avoid the killing of this great magical power.

But the roar of Long Phoenix Zhenshen sounded, making him a figure.

This instant stagnation changed the whole situation, and even determined his life and death!

This top powerhouse fights for the battle, and it is this moment!

A long grey knife dipped into the void crack and fell directly on the ancestral ancestor.


The knife fell off, flying off the ancestor's body without any scars, but he moaned.

Time is like a knife, 30,000 years!

The ancestral ancestor of Feiduan has been practiced to the Mahayana consummation, and now he is over 60,000 years old, and still has 30,000 years of life.

This knife fell down and almost killed him directly!

You know, years are like a knife. Although it only cut off the ancestor's birthday, the impact on him is not limited to this.

Originally, the flying ancestors were at their peak, their blood and strength were strong, their speed and even their combat power were at their peak.

But now, this sword is cut off, and the flying ancestors are stepping into the twilight instantly!

From 30,000 years of Shou Yuan, there are thousands of years left!

Qi and blood quickly decay.

His face was old, his speed, combat power, and even the power of the Yuan Shen were dying!

This instantaneous drop, even the ancestors of flying off, can hardly bear and adapt.

Flying off the ancestor's figure, he froze for a moment.

At this moment, a terrible and huge claw reached out from the crack, and in a blink of an eye, came behind the flying ancestor!

This is the claw of Dragon Phoenix!


The claws of the Dragon and Phoenix directly penetrate the flesh of the ancestor!

The raging flames almost burned the vitality of the flying ancestors!


The flying ancestor screamed.

Mystery Palace.

Under the gaze of the living creatures of all races, the flying ancestor suddenly tore away from the void.

The Dragon Phoenix really cut off with one stroke, and then extended the claws of Dragon and Phoenix, submerged into the void, and caught the flying ancestor directly!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Flying off the ancestor's body, completely penetrated by the claws of the dragon and phoenix, struggling and roaring, extremely painful.

If he had two or three breaths before, he would have the strength to break free, and even fight against Long Huangzhen.

But now, his life, Yuanshen, Qi and blood are exhausted, and his combat power is greatly reduced.

"I said, without my order, leave without permission, kill without amnesty!"

Long Huang Zhen said coldly, with her paws pinched and pinched!


In full view, the majestic Mahayana was completed, and the flying ancestor was directly pinched by the claws of the Dragon and Phoenix, and turned into a mist of blood!

This blood mist, before being scattered in the air, was burned by the flames of Dragon and Phoenix and turned into nothingness!

Fly off the ancestor, meteor!

"This desolate army is so cruel!"

"The two real bodies of Arima, one is worse than the other!"

"I heard that some of the top secret avatars can cultivate three avatars. It is fortunate that this desolate army has not cultivated any three avatars. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of **** storm it will cause!"

The three super-sects of Tianshenism, Dishaism, and Penglai Island first sent Mahayana ancestors to come, and even three Mahayanas succeeded, trying to kill the deserted martial arts.

Unexpectedly, these three Mahayana have been successful and two have died!

Today, only Xu Jing, the ancestor of Penglai Island, is left.

Xu Jing's ancestor looked ugly and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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