Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1619: To kill!

Chapter 1619: Murderous!

The ancestral fall of the ancestors completely quieted all the living beings present.

Originally, some ancestors who were eager to move did not dare to act lightly.

The ancestors of Wutian, Jinyu, and others were still motionless, waiting for the Zongmen strong men to come and preside over this race of nations.

Xu Jing's ancestor was also secretly determined: "No matter what happens, I can't leave here, and I can't give Arima any reason to shoot!"

He could see that at least Long Phoenix would not kill people for no reason, and there was no indiscriminate killing.

As long as they stay here honestly, Dragon Phoenix will not bother them.

Another half hour passed.

When the owner of Penglai Island moved, he seemed to feel something. He quietly opened the storage bag and glanced inside.

"not good!"

The main owner of Penglai Island was shocked, and he quickly said to Xu Jing's ancestors, "Zongmen encountered a change!"


Xu Jing ancestor secretly said.

He guessed it.

He noticed some of the changes that took place in the area of ​​Tian Cai and Di Shajiao.

In his opinion, this is no coincidence!

This should be a calamity against their three major gates!

However, he couldn't guess where the Zongmen forces behind this shot were.

He didn't expect that it would be Penglai Island so soon.

The lesson in front of the car is right in front of him. How can Xu Jing's ancestors remember Zongmen, and they will not leave here, attracting the murderous spirit of Long Phoenix.

Xu Jing's ancestor's palm gradually touched the storage bag.

There is a rune in his storage bag, which can directly inform the emperor of Penglai Island!

He will not choose to leave, but he can inform the King of Penglai Island!

No matter what sect's forces are against Penglai Island, as long as the King comes, it will be enough to suppress everything!

Xu was shocked, his palm had touched his storage bag.

"Xu Jing, what are you doing?"

Just then, a voice sounded in Xu Jing's ears.


Xu Jing's ancestor took a breath, and looked up subconsciously. I don't know when Long Huangzhen actually came to him, looking down at him, his eyes were like a torch, and his tone was awesome!

Being watched by this gaze, Xu Jing's ancestor was almost frightened, his palms slammed for a moment, and he quickly collected them.

"No, no, nothing."

Xu Jing's ancestors' voices trembled.

He doesn't look like an old ancestor, but he can still bear the time sword of Long Phoenix.

His birthday is less than 30,000 years.

As long as he fell down, he died directly!

"be honest."

Long Huang Zhen said quietly: "The next time ..."

Long Huang Zhenshen did not continue to talk, between her hands, surrounded by a gray mist, faintly condensed a long gray knife.

"No, I dare not!"

Xu Jing's ancestor's heart seemed to stop beating, his eyes filled with fear.

In his eyes, this long grey knife is not a knife of time, but a knife of death!

This knife will not make you old, but will directly kill him!

Long Huang Zhenshen ignored Xu Jing's ancestors, turned around and left, and returned to the underworld blue lotus. He sat down and continued to close his eyes and repose.


Among the Dai people, Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders and slammed the Yin Lan around him, and said, "How is my Master, terrific?"

"Don't look at the early days of Mahayana, you can't beat my master!"

Xiaoyao said in a bullish manner, a little excited.


Yin Lan snorted, without refuting.

Her arrogance is the arrogance of the Dai people, and she has never served anyone in the same ranks.

But at this time, she also had to admit that Xiaoyao was telling the truth.

If Long Phoenix really relies on the blood of taboos, Yin Lan won't really admire it.

But the blood visions and the long grey knife that Long Phoenix had released just now convinced her.

Among the Dai people, there are some records about taboo dragon and phoenix.

But there has never been such a powerful method!

Xiaoyao smiled and secretly said, "Sister, should I be a matchmaker for you and introduce you to my master?"

"Go, what are you talking about!"

Yin Lan gave a slight whisper, but there was a slight wave in her heart.

But soon, Yin Lan calmed down and said, "Don't be proud, the real test is still behind. If I expected it well, the chiefs of the major fierce tribes should be coming soon!"


East China Sea, Penglai Island.

In mid-air, a dazzling array of magical lights broke, innumerable avenues broke, woven into a heavenly net, and hit a purple robe figure in mid-air!

The island was already full of bones, and the flames of war raged.

Around Penglai Island, the blood has stained a large area of ​​the sea!

"Who the **** are you!"

A Penglai Island ancestor sang, "Leave me the mystery of Penglai Island, otherwise, even if I die here, I will never let you go!"

"I fulfill you."

Budo said faintly.


The martial art deity stepped forward one step, as if over the endless void, came directly to this half-ancestor, raising his hand was a punch!

This punch was fierce.

It's like a martial arts flood furnace, suddenly burst, bursting out of power!

The half-ancestor couldn't resist it, and even with his natal weapon, he was blasted by the martial arts deity, turned into powder, and scattered!

"kill him!"

Some monks on Penglai Island, still unaware of fear, rushed towards the martial arts deity.

The deity of the martial arts has obtained all the secrets and techniques of Penglai Island. He wanted to leave, but was blocked by the monks of Penglai Island.

Penglai Island surrendered to the six fierce clans, and the martial art deity did not destroy Penglai Island.

These Penglai monks do not know the life or death, and naturally the martial arts demon will not hesitate.


The master of martial arts pinched his sword finger and cut it slightly forward.

The heart-warming murderous spirits came out, and the world shook!

To kill, the dragon and the snake set off!



This sword finger of martial arts fell down, the ground of Penglai Island trembled, and the ground cracked, and a huge ascension snake was drilled out, burning with flames and rising into the air!

In the sky, a dragon groan came!

A five-pronged dragon, dived down, rushed into the crowd, and killed the Quartet!

This sword of martial arts deity, cut out the dragon and snake!

Even the semi-ancestors of Penglai Island could not stop the five-clawed dragon, the slaughter of Taikoo snake, the sky bleed, and thousands of miles away!

On Penglai Island, magma spilled and fire and rain filled the sky, as if the end of the world came, many ancestral powers fell from the air, leaving no vitality!

Finally, these monks on Penglai Island were afraid!

Many monks began to collapse and fled.

No one will dare to stop this mysterious man in a purple robe!

At this moment, the martial arts master frowned slightly, seemed to feel a little, groaned a little, and suddenly his expression changed greatly!

In this world, there are not many things that can change the color of martial arts deity.

The martial arts master stretched out his palm and made a stroke in front of him, tearing a crack in the void, jumping into it, plunging into the void, and disappearing in an instant!

Tear the void, this is the means that Mahayana ancestors can have.

But the martial arts deity is in control of the ancestral kingdom, and he already has control!

Today is the birthday of the leader, Little Apple. Happy birthday to Little Apple ~

(End of this chapter)

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