Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1620: Protoss Patriarch

1620 Divine Clan Patriarch

As soon as the deity of the martial arts left, a gap was opened over Penglai Island, and a terrifying breath came down!

There was no figure flashing in this void crack, but there was a dim light in it, suddenly bright and dark.

It's like an extra eye in the sky, visiting the entire Penglai Island!

But the martial art deity has departed. In this eye, no figure of the martial art deity was found, but he just stared at the direction in which the martial art departed.

A little later, in this crack, a brilliance suddenly burst out, and the five-clawed dragon and Taikoo Teng snake on Penglai Island instantly disappeared into nothingness and disappeared.

Later, the eye gradually narrowed and the cracks closed.

Above the East China Sea, a leaf boat floats.

On the flat boat, a fisherman in a robe was lying, and Zhang Yunet was piled randomly under his feet. A blue urn covered his face.

The fisherman removed the cyan urn from his face, exposing an unsharp face, his eyes flashing with a strange blood.

This fisherman is exactly a smoker!

"What a keen sense! I sensed danger and escaped first!"

Yanbo Ke slowly got up and murmured.

"This is **** the sword."

Yanbo Ke groaned: "Is it Jianzong? Someone in Jianzong has cultivated the land killing sword trick to this level?"


Yan Boke frowned slightly, and said, "On Penglai Island, there is no magical breath at all, is it not the Mahayana ancestor?"

"But if it was not the Mahayana ancestor, how could you suppress Penglai Island and tear the void away?"

Yanboke thought for a while, and then chuckled, and said, "I don't believe it, you can escape from my palm!"

As he said, Yanboke's hands waved in front of him, and his fingertips made a mysterious rune in the air.

Subsequently, the scene that just happened on Penglai Island quickly passed in front of Yanboke!

But looking at these scenes, Yanboke frowned again.

In these scenes, he could only see a purple figure. The face of this figure seemed to cover a layer of fog. He could not see at all!

"I don't believe it, and I can't figure out your origin!"

Yan Boke's eyes glowed with a hint of mist, and the tricks in his hands changed more frequently and mysteriously.

Around him, he has been shrouded in numerous runes!

After half a ring, Yanbo Ke shook, the fog in his eyes dispersed, and the runes around him shattered and scattered in the sky.


Yanbo Ke narrowed his eyes and blood surged.

But not long after, he laughed, stood up, sprinkled the fishing net under his feet into the ocean, and murmured: "It's interesting, I didn't expect that there would still be people out of my heaven on this deserted continent network!"


Mystery Palace.

Because of the advent of Dragon Phoenix, the powerful suppression of the Protoss, Xuanji Palace fell into a short period of silence, without any sectarian power, and dare to act lightly at this time.

But everyone knows that this is just the tranquility before the storm. Next, the mysterious palace is likely to endure a storm!

The rainstorm is coming, and it may even drown the mysterious palace!


In the void, a huge gap was opened, and a burst of golden light burst out from inside.

Then, more than a dozen figures emerged.

The terrible coercion came down, and the people of all races trembled like chills, looking at the dozens of stars on the sky with a horrified look!

These figures stand in the air, like real gods!

The creatures of all races can't even see clearly. The faces of these figures are just the light of God.

Although the faces of these figures can not be clearly seen, but the lives of all the races are clear, the Protoss is here!

Although there are only a dozen or so Protoss this time, each Protoss is stronger than the Protoss who died in the hands of Dragon Phoenix Realm!

"The real test is here."

Yin Lan said to Xiaoyao: "The head of the protoss is the Mahayana consummation. The 13 protoss around him are also in the late Mahayana period!"

Xiaoyao was startled.

He was very clear, let alone the Mahayana patriarch's patriarch, even a late Mahayana protoss, would be enough to kill Dragon Phoenix!

This is exactly two levels of power.

If the fierce clan grows to the late Mahayana period, it means that their blood, flesh, Yuanshen, all kinds of power, can be compared to the comprehension of a peerless human master!

Even more often, because of the strong blood of the fierce tribe, the fierce tribe in the late Mahayana period can suppress the emperor who only comprehends a superb supernatural power!

Long burning thousands of years ago, that is, the red hairy ghost, is actually the late Mahayana.

It is such a Mahayana ancestral dragon that caused a huge catastrophe!

A large empire in the Northern Territory turned into ruins overnight.

The super sects of the two great Buddhist gates are also destroyed!

This is the destructive power of a Mahayana ancestral dragon.

Now, there are a total of 13 Mahayana ancestors in the later period, and a Mahayana consummation, the patriarch of the Protoss!

Such a terrible battle had to frighten Xiaoyao.

Wu Tian's ancestors and others saw this scene and finally felt relieved.

As long as the patriarchs of the major fierce clan come, Dragon Phoenix can't afford any storms!

As for mysterious palace ...

Even more fearless.

You know, the Mahayana's ancestors have the power to comprehend the two superhuman human emperors.

Because of the blood and flesh of the Protoss, perhaps only the human emperor who understands the three superb supernatural powers can fight one.

The Emperor of the Xuanji Palace did realize three supernatural powers.

But there is only one Emperor Xuanhuang, which is not to be feared at all!

"Sister, let the patriarch come quickly!"

Xiaoyao hurried to say.

"What is the patriarch coming to do?"

Yin Lan shook her head slightly and said, "If your Master has no good reason, we Dai people will never take risks with him!"

"You see the attitude of the barbarians, too."

"The barbarian has been slow to move, and hasn't stated his position, just waiting for the barbaric to see what cards he will have."


The head of the Protoss tribe stood down, looked down, and couldn't help but sank, and said coldly, "Who did this!"

"It's him!"

Wu Tian's ancestors and others quickly stepped forward, and stated what happened just now.

Before the ancestors of Wutian and others finished, an ancestor could not bear it and shot it outrageously!

This ancestral **** was in the late Mahayana period.

Rubbing your hands in front of you, you instantly gathered a dazzling golden sword, and chopped it down towards the forged Qinglian and Dragon Phoenix real bodies!

The sword came, the trembling in the void, to kill all the two real bodies of the barbarous here!

The power of this sword has completely exceeded the realm of Dragon Phoenix Real Body!

(End of this chapter)

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