Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1621: Strong flame

Chapter 1621

Dragon Phoenix's true body looks unchanged, his hands waving a mysterious trajectory in front of him, urging the Yuan Shen, directly offering the shield of the spirit turtle!

At the same time, a bronze square tripod with a height of one foot flew out of his brows.

This bronze Fang Ding exudes an ancient atmosphere, with cracks all over it. It seems that if it hits casually, it will break into a pile of waste copper and rotten iron.

It's just the shield of the tortoise that can't stop the power of this Mahayana ancestral god.

Long Phoenix Zhenshen is ready to hide with bronze Fangding together with Qinglian Zhenshen.


At this moment, a cold hum came from the void!

Immediately before the golden sword had landed, the void opened and a crimson figure rushed out, smashing the golden sword!

This figure is tall and strong, covered in blood-stained battle armor, with thick chains wrapped around him, with a rough face and a mighty sky!

This figure exudes a violent and hot breath, and in the eyes, it seems that there are two groups of flames, staring at a group of protoss, murderous!

"Dragon Burn, are you?"

The Protoss patriarch stared at the figure and frowned slightly.

Long Ran is the red hair ghost.

"It's Lao Tzu!"

The red-haired ghost grinned and said, "Your protoss are really shameless. The grandpa gods in the later period of Mahayana want to kill my young master in the early period of Mahayana!"


The protagonist of the tribe said coldly: "What dragon tribe master, he is a human race! If you want to protect a human race, you will be harmed by the dragon flame! Can you afford this responsibility!"

"Fuck your mother!"

The red-haired ghost's temper is fierce and fierce, and he speaks with no scruples, cursing: "Long Mo is a taboo dragon, blinding your dog's eyes, he actually said he is human!"

The people of all races were stunned.

No one had expected that the strong man ran out of the Dragons did not have the slightest demeanor, and spoke like a hooligan in a city, without a word.


The Protoss patriarch was scolded with a dog blood sprinkler, his face was somber and sneered: "Let your dragon tribe come out, you are a waste dragon who has been imprisoned for 10,000 years, and you are not worth talking to me!"

"Lao Tzu is the Dragon Chief!"

The red-haired ghost laughed.


The Protoss frowned.

At this moment, behind the Red Hairy Ghost, the void cracked, and powerful figures emerged, all of which were elders of the Dragon clan retreat.

These elders, who have been repaired to the lowest, are also in the late Mahayana period!

Moreover, there are more than twenty statues, which is double the number of Protoss!

"Long Ran is my dragon clan leader, and all his decisions are my dragon clan decision!"

A dragon elder said in a deep voice.

The face of the Protoss is a bit ugly.

He did not expect that Long Ran was imprisoned at the bottom of the Dragon Valley for 10,000 years, and after returning to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, instead of being excluded, he became the chief of the Dragon clan!

"Oh, what a joke!"

An ancestral **** sneered: "The dragons have no head, and actually let a waste dragon who has been imprisoned for 10,000 years become the patriarch. I think your dragon family is over!"


The red hairy ghost laughed and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, okay! You protoss say to me that I am a waste dragon. Today, I will let you protoss come and go!"

"Kill me!"

The red hair ghost slammed, murderous, and long shouted, and transformed into the dragon form for the first time!

Hundreds of zhanglong dragons came out of the air. The dragon's scales were tightly arranged, flashing the cold brilliance, burning with flames, sharp claws, and rushing towards the ancestor who just spoke!



Behind the red hair ghost, more than twenty ancestors have also transformed into the dragon form.

Suddenly, twenty huge dragons hovered over the mysterious palace. The huge body hovered vertically and horizontally, almost covering the sky, and the pressure was rolling, all people were shocked!

Protoss face changed greatly!

He never thought that between them, only three or two words were spoken. Long Ran actually started to kill them all!

This is not a casual inquiry.

The dragons have transformed the ontology.

This is to kill everything!

Seeing this scene, thousands of souls are also shocked.

Wu Tian ancestors and others were stunned.

How could they never have thought that this seemingly crazy Dragon patriarch was even more powerful and overbearing by the barbarity!

Just say two or three words, we will kill more than ten ancestral gods opposite!

"Dragon Burn, you're crazy!"

The Protoss grew up and sang.


The Protoss patriarch held a golden shield and blocked the red-haired ghost's tail. He was shocked. He stepped back and forth for three steps, his face changed!

The power of the red hairy ghost erupted far beyond his imagination!

In his cognition, the Red Hairy is just the late Mahayana.

In the great battle of the great dry catastrophe, the red hair ghost was seriously injured and imprisoned for 10,000 years.

In his mind, if the Red Mao ghosts were still fighting, how could they be imprisoned and buried at the bottom of Longgu for thousands of years.

But he did not expect that after ten thousand years, the Red Hairy Ghost returned, and even stepped into the Mahayana consummation, the combat strength soared, and he could not even resist it!

The red hair ghost fluttered his tail and shook the protoss tribe, then opened the huge dragon's mouth, and a hot fire burst out!

The fire and rain came, many ancestors desperately dodged.

But the fire and rain were extremely dense. These ancestors could not completely avoid it. They were contaminated by a fire and rain, and a blood hole would be burned in an instant!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The thirteen ancestors screamed.

The red-haired ghost dived down and came directly in front of the ancestor **** who had just laughed at him.

"Sword of doom!"

The ancestral **** did not dare to hesitate, his hands formed a huge long sword, surrounded by darkness, which was very similar to what Su Zimo had seen in Kunlun Market.

This is a peerless supernatural power of the Protoss!

"Break me!"

The red hair ghost gave a swift whistle, pulled out the cricket's dragon claw, and grabbed the sword of doom directly, grabbed it and shattered the flame, and burned all the dark forces!

The red hairy ghost stretched out the dragon's head and swallowed the ancestor!


Longkou closed.

The golden blood stains splashed from the teeth of the red hair ghost, shocking!

Every drop of blood contained a terrifying atmosphere, descending in the void, and it caused the void to tremble again and again!

Thousands of creatures rushed away, fearing that they would get the golden blood.

This is the blood of the ancestors of the late Mahayana!

This drop can even recreate the power of fit!

The ancestor of the ancestral **** was swallowed by the red hair ghost, and even if blood bleeds out, he cannot be reborn with blood, falling on the spot!

"Dragon Burn, how dare you kill my ancestor!"

The Protoss clan sternly said, "Are you going to fight with my Protoss! Will your dragons endure the anger of my Protoss and the other five fierce races!"

"Angry your mother!"

Long Ran yelled: "I also want to scare Lao Tzu, I will kill you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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