Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1624: despair

Chapter 1624 Despair

"Ha ha."

The Protoss sneer sneered: "Only you two, and thirty or more ancestors, want to stop our six gangsters from joining forces?"

The strength gap between the two sides is too great, even if the brute peak rushes over, the situation cannot be changed.

"Dragon burning, pretty peak."

The Matriarch of the Wu tribe suddenly chuckled and said, "The two of you are really interesting. This desolate force is obviously the pride of the human race. The ancestors of the human race did not come to protect you. Instead, you tried to protect him.


The patriarch of the Raksha clan grinned and said, "The ancestors of the human race, one by one timid as a mouse, are scared to hide on the battlefield in ancient times and dare not come out!"

"What patriarchs are our blood food."

The blood rattan patriarch also laughed and said, "In the battle of ancient times, it was just to let these blood eaters find their way out. Do they really think they are qualified to become the Lord of the Famine?"

"Dragon Burn, these ancestor dragons are the top powerhouses of the Dragon Race."

Wu Tian said with a smile: "For a human race, let these ancestors behind you die, why not?"

"The horror of the human race, the ancestors of the human race did not come out to guard, but let your dragons come to die, really ridiculous."

Wu Tian's words are more terrible than any magical power!

The group of dragons can fight to guard the taboo dragon and phoenix, but the group of dragons is not so determined to protect the true body of Qinglian.

In these words, behind the burning of the dragon, the looks of more than thirty ancestors all showed some strangeness, looking at each other, as if they were conveying sounds.

"Patriarch, we don't have to fight for life and death for this desolate human race?"

"Yeah, this human race of Arima should be guarded by the tribe's ancestors."

Some Zulongs also started to complain.

Long Ran looked ugly.

Wu Hua's ancestor took a deep breath, stood up, and hugged his fist: "You, this race of nations is held in my Xuanji Palace. Thanks to the advent of the strong, can we not sit down and talk?"

"On the continent, there were wars and blood flowing into my river. My Xuanji Palace did not want to see the horrible scenes of ancient times."

Wu Hua's ancestors haven't finished speaking, and there is a black light in the air!

"Be careful!"

Long Huang Zhen shouted softly.


In the crowd, a sudden blood burst out!

A big skull, flying high, to see that appearance, is the glorious ancestor of the mysterious palace!

Just now, Wu Hua's ancestor was still talking, but in a blink of an eye, his head was cut off!

too fast!

The patriarch of the Rakshasa shot!

The Mahayana's successful Rakshasa clan is equivalent to comprehend two superb magical powers. Even if the ordinary human emperor comes, they must be buried here!

Not to mention the glorious ancestors in the early days of Mahayana.

There is no resistance!

Dragon Phoenix really felt the crisis just by relying on the horrible spirit.

Wu Hua's ancestors did not respond from beginning to end!


A huge blood vine came out of the air, directly penetrating the head of Wu Hua's ancestor, and blood was splashing.

The ancestors of the Wuhua ancestors failed to escape, and were killed by the Bloodvine tribe chiefs!

Wu Hua's ancestor's body fell down with a plop.

There was an uproar in the crowd!

It was not until this time that the creatures of all races reacted.

The patriarch of the Raksha clan laughed and said, "Why do you people, peace talk with our six wicked clans? You are a group of ants, what qualifications do you have!"

"Ha ha."

The blood rattan patriarch also laughed and said, "The emperors of your tribe are a group of rat generations, shrinking in the ancient battlefield, and dare not come out. Do you still want to negotiate with my six fierce clans?"


"The Emperor cannot be shamed!"

The ancestors of the Xuanji Palace couldn't bear it and shouted loudly.

Many practitioners also look angry.

In any case, the emperor of the human race has a very high status in the realm of cultivation, and cannot be insulted.

Now, the dignity of the emperor has been trampled on by the six fierce families!


The celestial patriarch's celestial eye opened, and a ray of light burst out, instantly puncturing a ancestor of the tribe.

The human ancestor's flesh exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

The patriarch of the Wu tribe also chanted secretly.

The eyes of a tribal ancestor were suddenly sluggish, with a stiff look, and the vitality of life in his body dropped sharply, and he fell straight.

The human ancestor had no scars on his body, but the Yuan Shen was dead!

From his celestial cover, a mist of green mist drifted away, wandering towards the clan chief.

The Matriarch opened his mouth slightly, swallowed the mist into his mouth, pursed his lips, and sighed, "It's too weak."

"If it is the Yuanshen who devoured the personal clan emperor, it might be interesting."

That's it, this time, three ancestors of the human race have fallen!

The Mahayana ancestor of the human race almost stood at the peak in the cultivation world, but in the hands of these fierce patriarchs, they looked like ants.

Casually, you can easily die!

"Dragon Burn."

The Matriarch of the Wu tribe smiled and said, "So many people, do you have to protect the dragon?"

The Jinwu patriarch shakes his wings, grabs a tribal ancestor in the air, tears it into pieces, and sneers: "Do you want to join the tribe with the tribe? Hahahaha! It's really interesting! The dragon tribe actually wants to join with a group of ants! "

Long Ran silent.

Manfeng said, "Long Ran, let's give up. In this life, the human race has run out of luck, and it can't stop the rise of the major fierce races."

"This is the fate of the human race."

The eyes of many practitioners seemed to be able to spit out anger.

But at this moment, no one can stand up.

Even the ancestors of the human race could not stop the tricks of the major fierce patriarchs. They stood up and just died.

"Are you angry?"

An old Rakshasa sneer sneered, and said, "Angry is useless. The emperors of your people's life are a bunch of waste!"

Many monks were silent.

The dignity of the human race was trampled on by the fierce race, but no human emperor appeared.

The anger in the eyes of many monks gradually disappeared, and finally turned into disappointment, into sorrow, and finally lost.

What if the emperor of the human race comes?

Ordinary human tribe emperors cannot stop these fierce tribe strongmen at all.

More importantly, the emperor's emperor has not yet appeared!

If the fierce emperor appears, who can resist it?

Perhaps the emperor of the human race has given up the human race on the continent.

Perhaps the emperor of the human race is ready to roam in the ancient battlefield and leave this land.

Perhaps this is the life of the human race.

The practitioners of the various sectarian forces stood in the mysterious palace, their eyes were dull, and deep despair was revealed in their eyes.

Only Long Phoenix really clenched his fists.

He didn't believe that all human emperors would abandon the world for life!

Someone must stand up!


The world is shaking!

(End of this chapter)

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