Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1625: God advocate

Chapter 1625

Above the sky of Xuanji Palace, a huge gap suddenly cracked, and a burst of golden light burst out in it, covering the entire Tianyan Mountains!

A terrifying coercion came down.

Even the patriarchs of the major fierce tribes present all changed dramatically!


"The breath of the emperor?"

"how is this possible!"

"How could a Terran have such a powerful Emperor!"

The heads of the major fierce clan trembled, looking up subconsciously.

In this crack, a huge scroll with a length of more than ten feet exuded, shining with golden light, and the names appeared faintly on the scroll.

This ten-foot-long scroll is suspended above the mysterious palace. If the emperor comes in person, he will coerce the wanton and suppress the barren land!

Even the big fierce powerhouses are pale under this huge scroll!

"Magic list!"

Some ancestors of the Xuanji Palace were exulting and exclaimed.

Magical powers come down!

The strong men of the fierce tribe squint their eyes, urging qi and blood, and resisting the coercion of this supernatural power, showing fierce light.

You know, the magical list is an ancient battlefield list, established by the exquisite fairy.

But this list of magical powers is actually tempered by the Emperor himself, but it is a real weapon!

This magical list has always stood in the battlefield of ancient times.

The major fierce powerhouses cannot enter the ancient battlefields. In addition to the ancient battlefields, they have extremely powerful seals, also because of the existence of this magical list!

Since the Battle of the Ancients, the magical power list has never left the battlefield of the Ancients.

No one expected that at this juncture, the Shentongbang actually left the ancient battlefield and landed in the mysterious palace!

The spirit of Dragon Phoenix was shocked, and he said secretly, "Is this the second hand of Xuanji Palace?"

You know, old storytellers never showed up from beginning to end.

Dragon Phoenix really believes that even if all the emperors abandon the human race, storytelling elderly will never give up!

"It's just ridiculous to break the list and want to suppress our six gangsters!"

An ancestor of the Raksha clan shouted, his body flickered, the wings behind him stretched out and turned into a ray of light, holding the double knives in his hand, and rushed towards the magical power list!


The magical power list shook a bit, and a golden light burst out, and it fell directly on this dark light.

The figure of the ancestor of the Raksha clan was instantly revealed.

Under the eyes of everyone, the physical body of this Raksha tribe's ancestor burst instantly and turned into a mist of blood!

Thousands of creatures shake and change color!

The ancestor of the Raksha clan, but in the late Mahayana period, his own strength is equivalent to comprehending a peerless supernatural power, and he can fight against the human emperor.

However, the ancestor of the Raksha clan was chopped into a blood mist by a golden light from the magical powers!


The primitive **** of this Raksha clan ancestor flew out, ran the blood rebirth technique, quickly condensed the flesh, and had a lingering fear.

Fortunately, he responded fast enough, otherwise, the golden light could only wipe him out completely!


The magic power list shook again!

Another golden light is coming!

The physique of this Raksha ancestor has just condensed out. Before he could react, he was pierced by this golden light, his body was broken, the Yuanshen was dead, and he died on the spot!

An Mahayana ancestor of the Rakshasa, meteorite!

Many practitioners cheered for a burst of excitement.

They have been suppressed for too long by the breath of the major fierce ancestors, and they are almost out of breath, but now, the Emperor's Magical Power Ranking has come down, so that they are energized!

"A group of ants, what's their name!"

An ancestor of the Blood Vine tribe was furious, urging hundreds of Blood Vine and rushing towards the practitioners of the major gates.


The magical powers shook and drew down every golden light!

These golden lights, as dense as rain, shrouded in the direction of the strong of the six fierce clan, filled with extremely terrible breath!

boom! boom! boom!

Numerous ancestor ancestors quickly released their magic weapons, worked their blood, exploded magical powers, and shook these golden lights.

Void trembles!

Some fierce clan can't resist, the golden light that came down from the magical power list, killed on the spot!

Although some fierce ancestors can escape the calamity, the flesh is also pierced by this golden light, the primordial spirit comes out, reunites the flesh, and turns pale.

The chaos of the six fierce clans!

Seeing this scene, Dragon Phoenix really looked uplifted.

The red hair ghost whispered: "This magical list should be controlled by someone! No accident, it should be the emperor of your people."


Manfeng nodded his head and said, "This supernatural attack is obviously targeted, and it didn't strike us."

"The power of this magical chart is too strong!"

Long Ran felt for a while, then suddenly said, "I estimate that only ten emperors can control this emperor!"

"It's just a pity, if only this magical list is enough."

Manfeng shook his head slightly.

The magical powers shivered continuously, and golden lights came down.

The patriarchs of the six fierce clan teamed up to run their respective talents, resisting most of the offensives, and have been able to stand on the list of magical powers without falling into the wind!

The Jinwu tribe said coldly: "No wonder these people's emperors did not show up. They turned out to be hiding in the dark and sacrificed the imperial weapon!"


The patriarch of the Wu tribe sneered: "This emperor's weapon was left by the emperor of that year. The power of your emperor of this world is not enough to control it!"

"I'd like to see, how long can you, the tribal emperors, support!"

The major fierce patriarchs joined forces to counterattack, and a burst of powerful divine light erupted, constantly impacting the magical power list.

The brilliance on the magical power list is trembling, and the power does not seem as scary as it was at first!

At this moment, above that supernatural power list, a phantom suddenly appeared, permeating the ancient atmosphere, facing back to the people of all races!

Looking at this back, the major fierce powerhouses suddenly trembled, their expressions startled, and they seemed to see something terrible!

"this is……"

"This breath?"

At this moment, this figure slowly turned back, staring at the strong men of the six fierce tribes, with deep eyes and supreme will!

The moment this figure turned back, all was silent!

The pupils of the six big fierce kinks shrink sharply!

Many strong men in the late Mahayana period were so scared that they couldn't control their body shape, fell from the air, and fell heavily to the ground!

Even Long Ran and Manfeng were shocked, and there were endless shocks in their eyes, and they murmured, "Eternal Emperor!"

Long Huang Zhenshen also looked at this phantom, and there was an incredible color in her eyes.

He has seen portraits of emperors in many ancient books.

But nowadays, the emperor of ancient times actually appears in front of him, shocking 10,000 times more than the portrait!

Many practitioners worshipped and looked excited.

thump! thump!

Not only are people ’s cultivators, but also people of all races bow to the ground!

Among the six fierce clan, they could not bear the pressure brought by the virtual shadow of the emperor, and fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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