Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1626: Emperor's might

Chapter 1626

After all, this is just a ghost image, and it can never be the true body of the emperor.

But even so, this phantom stands out from the sky, looking down at all beings, with deep eyes, containing the mighty power of the emperor!

This coercion is by no means the force that can realize the two or three peerless supernatural powers of the human race!

This is the true power of the Emperor!

Emperor, dominate the emperors.

Under the coercion of the emperor, no matter the emperor of the clan or the emperor of the fierce clan, they must bow their heads!

It is just that the magical powers come down, and it is difficult to suppress the strong of the six fierce clan.

But after the emperor's virtual shadow manifested, even the chiefs of the six fierce tribes showed endless fear in their eyes, their hearts shuddered!

This phantom completely awakened the fear in the memory of these fierce powerhouses.

In the ancient books of the fierce tribe, there are also many legends about the emperor.

For all the fierce tribes, the Emperor of the Ancients is even more terrible than taboo!

In the war of ancient times, the emperor almost used his own power to suppress the emperors of the major fierce clans, turned the tide into the downfall, and helped the building fall.

For all the fierce tribes, the emperor of ancient times is a nightmare and persists.

Even in this life, the strong men of the major fierce families have never seen the Emperor, nor have they fought against the Emperor, but the fear of the Emperor has already penetrated into the soul!

thump! thump!

The strong men of the fierce tribes all fell to their knees, looking scared.

Among the fierce tribe, there are only the chiefs of the major fierce tribe!

"How could this be?"

"This is the breath of the eternal emperor. It can never be wrong!"

In the minds of the chiefs of the major fierce tribes, there was a mess and a pale face!

Although they were still able to stand, they did not dare to look up to see the tall and majestic figure, let alone face each other.

"The Emperor is not dead!"

You know, the Emperor is a peerless power in ancient times. I do n’t know how many years have passed.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor was alive!

What's more important is that the movement of the Wanzu Conference seems to have shocked the Emperor, and even a phantom came down to deter all parties!

Even if it is just a ghost, who dares to act lightly!

The power of the Emperor, fear from ancient to modern!


In a palace deep inside the mysterious palace.

There are six figures sitting cross-legged, motivating the Yuanshen, exuding a strong breath, permeating the royal coercion!

A total of six Terran Kings!

One of them is the storyteller of Xuanji Palace.

Except for the storytelling elders, the other five emperors' robes are different, obviously from different ancestors.

Standing next to the six emperors, there was also a gray-faced monk without a white face, which was Lin Xuanji.

At this time, the six emperors urged the Yuanshen at the same time, through the void, to perform the secret method, and controlled the magical power list over the mysterious palace!

This supernatural power list is exactly the storyteller old man and others who have taken it out of the ancient battlefield!

The faces of the six emperors were all pale, sweaty, and trembling slightly.

This list of magical powers is an emperor's weapon.

Normally, in order to manipulate this magical list, at least ten human emperors are required.

In this life, although the human race declined and luck was declining, there were also 20 or 30 emperors.

But not every emperor can abandon life and death, and desperately oppose the six fierce clans!

Many emperors have cultivated to the realm of emperors.

Going one step further, they can leave heaven.

But there is no chance of winning the battle with the fierce!

If it is badly hit, it will be hopeless.

If it falls in this war, the deeds of these years will be destroyed and vanished!

Lightweight and easy to choose.

In fact, even in the ancient times of that year, not all the emperors could gather together to fight the fierce tribe.

It was only because the emperors of all ages were born in the air that they were able to shock the heavens with supreme combat power, and they were able to unite the emperors!

In this life, the storytelling old man obviously did not have the prestige of the emperor.

But even so, over the years, there are still five Terran Emperors who are willing to stand up and fight for Terran, and do their best for that slim hope!

The storytelling elders know very well that in this world, if the human race and the major fierce tribes are hard-hitting, they will be defeated without any chance of success.

At this race of the nations, they added up to only six emperors.

Once it appears, it will be besieged by the fierce royal!

Therefore, the old storytellers sent this secret method to the five emperors, and jointly sacrificed the magical list to suppress the powerful enemies.

For the six emperors to control the supernatural power list, it is a great burden for them!

It was only a moment when confronted with the major fierce powerhouses that the six emperors could not support it.

If you forcibly manipulate the magical power list and explode the divine power, the six gods' primordial gods will probably be broken in one step first and be hit hard!

Lin Xuanji rubbed his hands aside, looking anxious, but couldn't help anything.

At this moment, a change came from above the mysterious palace, and a huge imagination came down, overlooking the heavens and earth, the coercion swept for nine days, and the earth and earth shook!

Seeing this phantom, the six storytellers, including the old storyteller, were shocked and looked very excited, almost tears came out!

"Eternal Emperor!"

"Is the emperor aware of the crisis of the human race, only to manifest his immortal signs, come to the sky, and save the world!"

"It must be so! The human race is saved!"

The emperor's heart was agitated and he stood up.


At this moment, the storyteller gradually calmed down and shook his head: "This is indeed a phantom of the Emperor, but it seems to have nothing to do with the Emperor."

"How could it have nothing to do with the Emperor!"

An emperor said loudly: "I can feel the breath of this ghostly body is the breath of the emperor!"

"Except the Emperor, who can manifest the Emperor himself, even the breath is exactly the same! This coercion, this momentum, except the Emperor, who can manifest it!

The other emperors nodded.

"Still not right."

The storyteller frowned slightly, shaking his head and saying, "This imagination emits the same breath as the emperor of ancient times, but does not seem to manifest the emperor's way and law."

"What's more, if the emperor really manifested, he would have taken the repression of these fierce tribes long ago, how can he be motionless there?"

Several emperors also frowned.

The imperial shadow of this man came, although he exudes powerful and unmatched coercion and deterred all the people, but he never did anything.

This is indeed weird.

"But if it is not the means of the ancient emperor, who can manifest the emperor's phantom and be so realistic, even the breath is the same?"

An emperor asked.

The storyteller groaned a little and said, "There is a treasure that can cause such a sight."

"Since ancient times, the Emperor's Palace has appeared eight times, and this is the eighth time in this life. The descendants are the deserted Wu and the magical girl Ji Yaoyan."

"When the seventh time of the Emperor's Palace came, about 40,000 years ago, a treasure passed down from the Emperor's Palace was the Emperor's Mirror!"

(End of this chapter)

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