Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1627: Breaking the ghost

Chapter 1627: Breaking The Shadow

"People's Mirror?"

The emperors frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

One of the emperors said: "I have heard of this treasure. You mean that the heir to the emperor's palace, sacrifices the emperor's mirror, and reflects the illusion of the emperor emperor over the palace ? "

"It's possible ..."

The storytelling old man paused for a while, and then the words turned around, and said, "But, forty thousand years ago, the heir who got the Emperor's Mirror should have died."

"Who is this person?"

"The disciple of Daming Temple, Daming Monk."

"It turned out to be him. It has really fallen for many years."

An emperor replied, "That's the treasure, which has fallen into the wrong hands and fell into the hands of others."

Another said: "No matter who is in charge of the Emperor's Mirror, he can stand up at this critical juncture and help the people, how many times better than those who hide away!"

"I worry about another thing."

The storyteller said anxiously: "Since it is a phantom of the emperor's mirror, it means that there is no combat power at all."

"I can see the flaws in it, I am afraid that the major fierce royals can also see it."

"The phantom of the Emperor suddenly came and deterred these fierce tribes temporarily, but no one knows how long this situation can last."


Another emperor sighed, "It can be delayed for a while."

"What if the emperor of the major fiends comes?"

Another emperor asked suddenly.

In the hall, there was a moment of silence.

After a while, the storyteller smiled, and seemed to have made a decision. He waved to Lin Xuanji and said, "In the future, you will be the storyteller of this life."

"Old man, you ..."

Lin Xuanji has realized something and seems to want to persuade.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old storyteller, saying, "No need to say more, I have decided, this may be the last hope of the human race."


Mystery Palace.

Thousands of living creatures fell to their knees with a look of horror, and did not dare to look at the figure in the sky.

The patriarchs of the major fierce clan can stand on their bodies, spur the blood, and resist the powerful coercion of the Emperor's virtual shadow!

"The Emperor is a ghost ..."

But after a while, the red hair ghost took a peek at it, frowned slightly, and seemed to notice something wrong.

The six fierce emperors also began to look up.

"The Emperor is not dead!"

"It was the emperor who felt the crisis in the mysterious palace, and then he manifested his avatar. He came to the sky, and the advent of the magical power list was what the emperor did!

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, causing a commotion.

The people of all races were a little at a loss at first. I don't know what happened to the imperial ghost.

This sound brightened the hearts of all races.

The major patriarchs are shocked!

Originally, they thought that this supernatural power list was a ghost behind the human emperor, but did not expect that it was the human emperor's shot!

Among the crowd, only Long Fengzhen heard this voice, but was even more skeptical.

Because, he heard, this is Lin Xuanji's voice!

What Lin Xuanji said was definitely not the truth!

At this moment, Lin Xuanji changed his position, changed his voice, and shouted, "You are so brave, you have seen the Emperor, and you are not kneeling!"

Xu Shi heard Lin Xuanji's words. In the air, this majestic figure moved a little and took a step forward!


The world is shaking!

Supreme Divine Power came down, and the magical power list once again radiated a divine light.

The patriarchs of the major fierce clan raised their heads subconsciously, and when they touched the eyes of the emperor, their faces changed greatly, almost scaring their souls.

Under the breath and coercion of this emperor, they couldn't support it, and they all fell to their knees!

Even the Red Hairy and Savage Peak knelt down.

The majesty of the Emperor is too strong!

Even in the past years, only a phantom manifested, and no one dares to despise it.

If this phantom inherits the way and law of the eternal emperor, I am afraid that with one finger, the fierce powerhouse present can be killed!

"Who dares to say that my people are not qualified!"

Lin Xuanji roared.

The races of various ethnic groups have not been able to negotiate peacefully, because, in the hearts of the six fierce tribes, they have not regarded human races as opponents that can be negotiated at all.

In the eyes of the six fierce races, the human race is the ants, and they are not qualified at all!

But now, the Emperor's virtual shadow manifested, and he descended on the mysterious palace, only to laugh at the fierce powers of the human race, all have to kneel to the ground!

Lin Xuanji accepted as soon as he saw it. Without continuing to persecute, his body flickered, and he came to Long Phoenix's true body.

"Brother Lin, this emperor's virtual shadow, is it your move?"

Long Phoenix asked.


Lin Xuanji shook his head slightly and said, "I don't think it will last long, and it can be delayed for a maximum of a while."


Just then, a cold hum came from the void.

A figure filled with the dazzling light of the whole body appeared in the sky above the Xuanji Palace out of thin air, standing opposite the imperial shadow of the Emperor, exuding a terrifying atmosphere!

This figure is flowing with golden blood, and there is a divine light on his body, like a god, cannot be stared at!

King of Protoss!

The movement on the side of the mysterious palace has finally provoked the Protoss Emperor!

Even the most common fierce royal emperor, in terms of strength, is equivalent to comprehending the three superhuman supernatural masters.

The real combat power is even more terrible!

"It's over!"

Lin Xuanji looked at this scene and grinned, "I'm afraid I can't hide it."

This protoss emperor confronted the emperor's virtual shadow, and there was no fear on his face, and the momentum did not fall.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

The Protoss Emperor stared at the Emperor's Xingying for a long time, determined that there was no danger, and then sneered and shot violently!


The Protoss Emperor came to the Emperor Xuying and punched him out, smashing the Emperor Xuying directly!

Many monks looked up subconsciously.

They watched with all eyes, the majestic figure of the Emperor of the Ancients was just smashed by the protagonist and turned into nothingness!

The hearts of many monks gradually sank.

The light in his eyes gradually faded.

This punch seemed to shatter the last hope of the human race!

"What a shame!"

The Protoss Emperor looked down at the many fierce men who bowed down and shouted, "They all stood up for me. This is just a trick to the eyes, and it scares you like this!"

Although he said this on his mouth, in fact, the moment the Emperor's virtual shadow came, he was startled and almost fell to the ground!

When the Emperor's shadow shattered, in a hidden cave in the Tianyan Mountains.

A man with long hair shook his body and groaned.


The long-haired man sighed, and his long hair fluttered, revealing a bloodstain on his brows.

The man slowly put down an ancient mirror in his hand and murmured, "I have tried my best, and the rest, I can only let it be."

(End of this chapter)

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