Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1628: Battle of the Kings

Chapter 1628 The Battle Of The Emperor

Over the mysterious palace.

The Protoss Emperor descends, and all the nations are intimidated!

Many practitioners are desperate.

Xuanji Palace has made such a big movement, and even sacrificed the magical power list from the ancient battlefield. Even the emperor's virtual shadow was manifested, but it was still ruthlessly broken by the protoss emperor!

After all, in this life, the human race will still be suppressed by the six fierce races?

Will the human race return to the Archaic era, the tragic years of being enslaved by the six fierce tribes as blood food?

"Meet the Emperor Xiaoshi!"

Many protoss strong shouted.

Xiaoshi God Emperor stepped from the sky step by step, walking slowly, but no one dared to urge, showing impatience.


The Emperor Xiaoshen sighed coldly and said, "You can't suppress the repression of a group of human ants. You're so capable!"

"The Emperor Qihuang Xiaoshi."

The head of the protoss clan pointed at the red hairy ghost and said, "It's not that I'm waiting for incompetence, but the dragons came forward to stop and kill the war. Otherwise, we would have suppressed these peoples already!"


The God of Xiaoshi turned his eyes and fell on the red hair ghost, slowly said: "Since the Dragons are determined to go to war with my six fierce clan, then it's nothing! Today, I will destroy your dragons!"

The red-haired ghost mocked and shook his head: "A conference of thousands of nations has made such a big move that even the emperor was alarmed. How many emperors of yours are in the neighborhood, why don't you all show up!"

"Since I'm here, the six gangsters don't need to show up for any emperor."

Xiao Shi Shenhuang said lightly.

"I am enough to sweep all the emperors of the human race! Whoever dares to come out will kill me!"

In the tone of the Emperor Xiaoshi, with a strong self-confidence, he proudly said, "Today, the mysterious palace of the holy place of your human race must be surrendered at my feet!"

Up and down the mysterious palace, the crow and bird were silent.

No one dares to refute, no one dares to question.

Protoss, there must be more than one emperor.

The Xiaoshi Emperor is not the most powerful emperor of the Protoss.

But even so, the combat power of the Emperor Xiaoxiao is enough to suppress all the emperors of this world. No one can fight against it!

Many practitioners dropped their heads and looked blank.

They knew in their hearts that it is likely that from today, the human race will return to the ancient times, the dark days of darkness!

Because of the battle of the ancient times, the end of the human race is likely to be even worse!

"A big breath."

Just then, an old voice sounded.

Thousands of souls are shocked!

Under the mighty coercion of the Emperor Xiaoshi, some people dare to say such words!

Who has this qualification!

Even if the emperor of the human race in this life, I am afraid to use such a tone to talk to the emperor Xiao Xiao!


The Emperor Xiaoxiao's eyes narrowed, and Han said, "Who is talking, get out!"


Throughout the Tianyan Mountains, a sudden shock came from all over the world. The lives of thousands of people were unstable and their bodies were shaking.

The land of the Tianyan Mountains has cracked a huge gap, which exudes a horrible ancient atmosphere!

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone, a huge divine dragon rushed out of the ground of the Tianyan Mountains, shaking the body of thousands of divine dragons, countless sand and stones falling, and the dust billowing!

This Shenlong hovered above the Xuanji Palace, exuding heart-breaking peerless divine might, and even suppressed the breath of the Xiaoshi Emperor!

The King of Dragons!

"this is……"

The group of dragons stared at them, watching the scene incredibly.

Even they didn't know that there was such a terrifying dragon in the ground of this mysterious palace!

Fatty, Ji Fairy and others naturally know.

At the beginning, they fought outside the mysterious palace, and this old dragon appeared once.

However, this dragon looks a bit old, I don't know how many years have lived, all the dragons have been grayed out, but the eyes are still condensed with the light of God, bright and spirited!

"who are you?"

Xiaoshi God Emperor frowned, and drank softly.

The longevity of the Dragons is longer than that of the Protoss.

With the knowledge of the Emperor Xiaoshi, this old dragon is not recognized!

"You don't care who I am."

Lao Long said slowly: "As long as you know one thing, as long as I'm still in the mysterious palace, you have to be honest, let alone step into the mysterious palace."

The tone of this old dragon is flat, but the words spoken are even more overbearing than the Emperor Xiaoshi!

"Old thing, your blood and blood are dying, how much life is left?"

The Emperor Xiaoxiao sneered slightly, and said, "I advise you, still go back and lie down, do not worry about it! Be careful of your old bones, tossing apart!"


The old dragon also laughed and said: "If you come to the **** of the gods of your tribe, maybe you are still qualified to say this to me, you little boy is still far behind."

Xiao Shi Shenhuang's face sank.

As an emperor, he was actually called a little doll under the eyes of everyone, and naturally felt lost face and insulted.

"Old thing!"

Xiaoshi God Emperor slowly said: "Be careful of your words, don't force me to kill dragons!"

"is it."

The old dragon sighed slightly and said, "It's been many years, and no one dares to speak to me like this."

The voice did not fall, the old dragon shook the body of thousands of feet and suddenly dived down!

A tragic atmosphere came to his face, a large shadow came, and the look of the Emperor Xiaohuang changed greatly!

He did not dare to carelessly, promptly urged the blood, limped his feet, jumped up, and rushed towards the old dragon.


Xiaoshi God Emperor and the old man slammed together, a loud noise broke out!

The world is shaking!

Thousands of creatures fled, evacuated, and kept away from the battlefield.

The power of the two emperors, Yu Wei, was enough to shatter the lives of thousands of people into broken powder!

Even the Mahayana ancestors accidentally get involved, it is difficult to live out!


Then, with countless gazes, a figure slammed on the ground fiercely, smashing a large pit, and sand and stones splashed!

This time, it was the Xiaoshi God Emperor who fell behind!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful emperor among my dragons."

An Zulong whispered softly, "How come, you never heard of this old dragon before?"

"I'm afraid this old dragon is older than your grandpa!"

The red-haired ghost groaned a little, and said, "I guess, he is a strong man of an age with the clan dragon emperor!"

Qunlong was shocked.

Chen Longhuang, an ancient name, is a powerful existence that many dragons don't even know!

But many ancestors know that Chenlong Emperor is the strongest dragon clan in this world!

The Chenlong Emperor is the three most powerful emperor in this world!

(End of this chapter)

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