Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1630: Advent of the Kings

Chapter 1630

This sentence is not what the Emperor Xiaoshi said, but someone else.

The Xuanji Palace Laolong stared at the empty space not far away, his eyes were sharp and dignified.

The void opened, and a tall man in a red-gold robe came out, his blond hair hanging down his shoulders, his eyes blue, as bright as a gem!

The man was extremely beautiful, with a faint halo behind him, but he stood in the air and stood with his hands up, and the people of all races wanted to worship!

This is a nearly perfect man!

What's more terrible is that the breath emanating from this man is far less than even the Emperor Xiaoshi and the old man in Xuanji Palace!

Protoss, Emperor God!

"Meet the Emperor!

Many protoss bowed their heads and shouted in unison.

Even powerful men like Xiaoshi Shenhuang are on one knee!

Thousands of people are so shocked that they can't withstand this pressure, and they all kneel!

"Sister, who is this person, so terrifying."

Xiaoyao murmured secretly, his expression frightened, and said, "I'm in the presence of this person, even with a finger, I feel difficult!"

"This is Emperor God."

Yin Lan's Divine Information, said: "Should be the strongest of the protoss in this life! And, it is most likely the strongest of the protoss from all ages! I heard that I have learned the four supernatural powers!"

The protoss comprehend the four peerless supernatural powers, and their combat power is equivalent to the human tribe emperor understands the six peerless supernatural powers.

What is this concept?

The ancient emperor of the year also only realized the six superb supernatural powers!

This is a terrible existence equivalent to the emperor of all ages!

Xiaoyao secretly pursed his tongue and quickly asked: "Sister, my strongest emperor of the Dai family, has anyone realized the four superb magical powers?"


Yin Lan said: "As far as I know, the strongest emperor of the Dai nationality has only comprehended three unique peers."

Xiaoyao said with disappointment: "Are there none?"

"How easy do you think it is?"

Yin Lan said: "Evil injustices like the Emperor of the Gods, from ancient to modern times, together are rare, only a few!"

"Do you know why I am not optimistic about the fate of Your Master and Terrans?"

Yin Lan asked again.

"Why?" Xiaoyao asked.

Yin Lan said: "Because of this world, among the six fierce clans, there are two horrible emperors who have mastered four peerless supernatural powers. In addition to the emperor, there are two gods! They are the Jinwu tribe, the Jinwu fire emperor and the witches Emperor! "

"In this life, the rise of the fierce tribe is the general trend, and no one can stop it!"

"Even if the human race gave birth to a peerless powerhouse like the Emperor of Ancient Times, this crisis may not be resolved."


Xiaoyao was startled, and asked, "Isn't that saying that every strength of these three fierce tribes must be above my Qiang tribe?"


Yin Lan said: "So, the clan has never stated its position and stood on the side of the clan. In addition, the clan leader has made a lot of promises to allow you to come, but you must not expose your bloodline of identity!"

"The three top emperors are all over the six fierce tribes."

Xiaoyao said anxiously, "This is not to say, Master, they have no chance?"

"Of course there are opportunities, but they are very slim."

Yin Lan said: "Unless you are two masters of the Master, and that taboo deity can grow up, maybe there will be a battle."

"But it's too difficult! The six gangsters won't give you too much time."

Happy escaped silence.

Yin Lan added: "The coming of the Emperor of the Gods, it is difficult to say whether your master can survive today. I estimate that the emperor of other fierce tribes should be nearby and will soon appear!"

"Brother, God, I didn't expect you to get there first."

At this moment, another void broke open, and a figure came out.

This figure was extremely burly. Although transformed into a human body, it was still blue-faced fangs and extremely ugly.

"Fengsha Rakshasa!"

Headed by the Raksha clan chiefs, many Raksha clan fell to the ground, shouted, and looked excited.

The King of the Rakshasa descends!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor came to Tianshen Emperor, slightly folded his hands, and greeted him with a smile.

Although they are also emperors, Fengsha Luosha Emperor is obviously lower than Tenjin Emperor!

The Emperor God nodded slightly to Fengsha Luosha Emperor, suddenly seemed to feel, turned his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Since the witch is already here, why not come out and see."

At the point where the Emperor of the Gods fell, a figure suddenly appeared.

This monk looked only middle-aged, wearing a dark green robe, green eyes, and was very conspicuous on the pale cheeks!

The pair of dim green eyes seemed to exude a strange magic.

Many monks just stared at this pair of eyes for a few moments, their eyes stagnate, as if losing three souls and seven souls!

Among the Dai people, even Xiaoyao opened his eyes wide and stared subconsciously at the eyes of this monk monk.

In his sight, it seemed that all things and all beings had disappeared, and in his mind, only these faint green eyes remained!

In Xiaoyao's sight, he watched these eyes keep close, seeming to break into the sea of ​​his knowledge!

He knew it was a bit wrong, but he was out of control.

"Don't look!"

Just then, Xiaoyao's ear came with a light drink!

Someone shook his body!

Xiaoyao was so shocked that he had no time to think about it, and closed his eyes quickly.

After calming down, Xiaoyao opened his eyes again, and did not dare to look up to see the witch monk, but glanced around.

This look, startled Xiaoyao!

At this moment, among the living beings of many nations, there were many living creatures standing still and standing still, there were no scars on the surface, but there was no vitality in the body!

Among these beings, there are even strong ancestors!

All are dead!

Just between these breaths!

"How is this going!"

Xiaoyao asked subconsciously, his face pale.

Yin Lan said in a deep voice: "That is the Hades, these creatures do n’t know how powerful Hades are, and dare to stare into Hades's eyes. It's up! "

Xiaoyao was so shocked that he had some fear.

Just now, if Yin Lan had not reminded him, I am afraid that like these creatures, he has already become a corpse!

Even if he has the blood of taboo, it is useless!

Until this time, Xiaoyao really felt the horror of these top emperors!

Even if he is taboo, but when he has not grown up, in the eyes of these powerful emperors, they are still like ants, and they can be killed casually!

No one noticed, just escaped from the disaster, and when he woke up, the Witch Witch in the air frowned slightly, and there was a green light in his eyes.

The Witch Witch took a deep look at Xiaoyao and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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