Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1631: Chen Longhuang

Chapter 1631 Emperor Chen Long

At this moment, the tens of thousands of creatures have not yet calmed down from the horrifying fear brought by the Underworld Witch, but suddenly felt a burst of heat!

Hot, too hot!

This feeling is like everyone is in a huge furnace and cannot break free.

The internal temperature of the living creatures of all ethnic groups has risen suddenly, and they have been cultivated as living creatures with a low level, and some have passed out on the spot.

Other creatures are also sweating.

This is still in the mysterious palace.

Outside the mysterious palace, in the huge Tianyan Mountains, a raging fire has been set off, and the landslides have cracked. Numerous lava flows from the ground, as if the end of the world is coming!

Outside the mysterious palace, it almost became a hot lava world, refining all beings!

Many monks looked up subconsciously, and saw that there were two suns hanging above the sky, and the light emitted by them could not be distinguished!

A figure slowly came out in the second sun, exuding powerful coercion, not even weaker than the Tenjin and Ningwu emperors present!

Jinwu Fire Emperor is coming!

The dragon looks dignified, and the dragons are shocked.

The three most powerful fierce emperors in the world all came to the mysterious palace, and they felt great pressure!

Even many dragons are resigned.

The breath from these three emperors is terrible!

In this atmosphere, as Zulong, they didn't even have the courage to shoot.

Many monks looked desperate.

Until then, they really understood why the emperor of the human race did not show up and avoided it.

In the face of such a strong man, any human tribe who comes down will be ruthlessly suppressed!

Many emperors have cultivated to this realm, and just one step away, they can go to the sky. Who will lose their lives in vain?

Even in the eyes of Xuanji Palace Lao Long, there was a sorrow of sorrow and a deep sigh in his heart.

Not to mention that he is aging, even if he is at the peak, he can't resist these emperors and others!

No solution.

This is a dead end.

"Oh, some of my brothers came very early, and I'm going to wait a bit to see what kind of cards the Terran has."

A man in a white shirt walked slowly, with a ruddy complexion, good-looking and handsome, and looked more elegant than most of the people of the race who were present.

But many of the fierce tribes know that this is a ruthless man who kills without blinking!

Blood Rattan, Blood Emperor!

Almost all the blood rat races, after transforming into adult form, are full of vitality.

But there was no trace of blood on the blood emperor's body, and he looked like a normal monk.

But the more so, the more terrible the blood emperor was!

"I'm here too."

On the other side, a man in a black robe came over, his eyes were clear, but what made the people of all ethnic groups feel a trembling heart, but it was a black vertical eye on the eyebrow of the black robe man!

In this bloodstain, the breath of destruction emanated. Wherever he went, the void trembled and the world was shocked!

Tianyan Clan, Hei Tonghuang!

The top emperors of the six fierce clan, all come!

Normally, all three Fengsha Rakshasa Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Black Hitomi Emperor understand three supernatural powers, and their combat power is equivalent to the five supernatural powers of the human tribe!

These three emperors are already at the pinnacle of desolation, enough to push everything and suppress the people!

However, due to the appearance of the Emperor of the Heavens, the Nether Witch and the King Wu Wuhuo, the light of these three emperors has become somewhat dim.

The six emperors appeared, not to mention the practitioners present, even the fierce tribes such as the Dai, the Dragon and the Barbarian were completely suppressed!

The six emperors turned their eyes and looked around.

There was a pause in the body of Qinglian Qinglian, and some fell on the body of Long Huangzhen.

The six emperors did not change their looks, and did not take any action, but in their eyes, there was a touch of disdain and mockery.

Su Zimo's two true bodies, one is the natural green lotus, the other is the taboo dragon and phoenix, with unlimited potential.

But in the eyes of the six emperors, there is no threat at all.

As long as they want, they can kill Su Zimo's two true bodies at any time, one finger is enough!

Simply put, even the old dragon of the mysterious palace is nothing in the eyes of the six emperors!

"It's really old."

The old dragon in the mysterious palace sighed.

He is much older than these six emperors, but each of the six emperors stood out enough to suppress him easily!

"Old thing, you have too much control."

The emperor said faintly: "Since you want to get on the road sooner, I'll send you a ride!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Emperor Tian suddenly shot and stretched out a finger.

This finger, bursting with endless divine light, quickly swelled up, like a pillar of heaven, suppressing towards the old dragon of the mysterious palace!


The mysterious dragon of Xuanji Palace jumped up, collided with this supernatural pillar, and a loud noise broke out!


The double horns on the top of the old dragon head of Xuanji Palace were instantly broken!

Lao Long trembled with deep pain in his eyes, but he didn't say a word!

This pair of dragon horns is like the third foot of the Jinwu tribe. Once the Tianyan tribe ’s eye is broken, it is difficult to heal.

At this age, he was hit so hard, not to mention healed!

As a result of this shock, the old dragon in Xuanji Palace seemed to be much older.

The power of the Emperor God has not stopped, it seems endless!


Under the gaze of many eyes, the long body of the old dragon in the mysterious palace was severely suppressed and fell to the ground!

This is really just a finger of the Emperor.

But it was this finger that nailed the old dragon in the mysterious palace to the ground. No matter how the old dragon in the mysterious palace struggled, it was impossible to escape!

People are silent!

Many practitioners are ashamed.

This is the power of the Emperor!

A palm of the Emperor God fell down, let alone a living monk, the entire mysterious palace, I am afraid it will be turned into ruins!


Just then, a cough sounded old and hoarse.

Above the mysterious palace, an old man with a candle in his old age, leaning on his body and holding a broom, walked slowly, and it seemed as if the lamp would run dry at any time.

Suddenly the old man appeared, and there wasn't anything felt by the souls of the various races, but the emperor and other six fierce emperors were squinting and squinting.

"Let it go."

The old man raised the broom in his hand, and swept at the radiant fingers of the Emperor God, and said softly.


It was so gently swept away that the Emperor God shook himself, the light on his fingers trembled, and he collapsed quickly.

His fingers retracted subconsciously.

"Senior, you are here."

Long Huang Zhenshen quickly bowed and saluted.

This predecessor is the old dragon tribe sweeping the tomb in the depths of the ancestral land!

"Meet the Emperor Chen Long!"

When Long Ran and others saw the old man, they all showed respect and shouted in salute.

(End of this chapter)

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