Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1632: wake

Chapter 1632: Awakening

"Chen Longhuang!"

Xiaoyao quickly asked: "How is this Chen Long emperor better than Tian Emperor?"

Yinlan said: "As far as I know, the Emperor Chenlong, the Emperor of the Heavens, the Witch of the Witch, and the Emperor Jinwu Fire all comprehend the four superhuman supernatural powers, and their combat power is equal to the human superpowers of the six supernatural superpowers.

"It's just that you can also see that this Emperor Chenlong is old, his blood is dying, and he is no longer at his peak. He is definitely not an opponent of the Emperor Tianshen and others."

When Xiaoyao heard this, the hope that had just emerged was shattered again, and said, "The advent of the Emperor Chenlong is useless, and the six emperors of the Heavenly Emperor join forces, and the Emperor Chenlong is no longer an opponent."

Yin Lan said: "However, you have to be clear. After all, the Emperor Chen Long has realized the four supernatural powers. Even if the six emperors join forces and want to kill them, I am afraid that someone will pay a small price."

"Cultivate them to this state, only one step to the sky. If the robbery fails because of the heavy damage, this is worth the loss."

"So, I guess Emperor Tianshen and others are also afraid of Chen Longhuang."

When the two sisters Xiaoyao secretly communicated with each other, Chen Longhuang had come to the old dragon of Xuanji Gong, tapped with his fingertips, and a power of supernatural power fell into the body of Xuanji Palace Laolong.

The old dragon's injury was temporarily stopped, and he transformed into a human figure, which looked much taller than Chen Longhuang.

But the two old men were both gray and wrinkled.

The two looked at each other with complex looks.

"You came."

Xuanji Palace Lao Long said.

Chen Longhuang nodded and said with emotion: "We haven't seen each other for many years. At this age, those grievances before, just forget it."

The creatures of all races were stunned.

Even Dragon Phoenix was shocked!

The ancestor of Zulong is four times that of the human race emperor. The Chenlong emperor is almost 400,000 years old!

The old dragon in the Xuanji Palace turned out to be a dragon family of an era with Chen Longhuang!

Moreover, there have been some grievances between the two!

Most likely, it is because of these grievances that the old dragon of the mysterious palace left the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, and has not been back for many years!

Xuanji Palace Lao Long smiled and said, "The two old men who are about to go into the soil, what more grievances to talk about."

The two old men smiled at each other, and the past grievances disappeared at this instant.

I am afraid that no one will know about these grievances except the two.

"Chen Longhuang, you are all this age, not staying in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, why are you here?"

The emperor Jinwu fired a chuckle, with a playful tone.

"Your juniors are showing up, and naturally I can't wait any longer, so I came here to move my muscles." Chenlong said.

"Don't go around."

Fengsha Luosha Emperor sneered slightly, and said, "Between us, see the door open! Your dragon clan is hard-hearted and you want to intervene in this matter?"

"What's wrong with the coexistence of all races?"

The Emperor Chen Long did not answer, but asked: "Saigu, isn't it enough from the lessons of the two ancient wars?"


The Emperor God said aggressively: "Chen, you are old! Even if we fight alone, you are not my opponent!"

"If the six of us join forces, it will be enough to kill you!"

Chen Longhuang was a little silent, nodded, and said, "You're right, I'm old, and I may not be able to beat you alone."

After a pause, the Emperor Chen Long slowly raised his head, and in his eyes he uttered two divine rays of light, saying absolutely: "However, if I fight my life, I can definitely hit one or two of you.

"Six of you emperors, whoever doesn't want to cross the robbery and take off, might as well shoot now!"

The Emperor Witch King, the Golden Wuhuo Emperor, and others remained calm, but in their hearts, they were a little daunted.

Chen Longhuang lived to this age, nearly 400,000 years old. No one knows what powerful cards he has.

A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff.

What's more, Chenlong Emperor is not dead yet, he is still a top emperor who is not weaker than them!

"Barbara, barbara, come out two of you!"

At this moment, the Witch King suddenly said: "It's all about this situation, why hide behind."

Be quiet.

The void above the sky broke apart, and two figures emerged.

A tall and mighty shore, like a mountain peak, has a bare upper body, thick hands and feet, and an ancient wild atmosphere permeates the body.

The Emperor is here!

On the other side, a beautiful woman with dark hair and black robe appeared.

Although she is a woman, the body of this glamorous woman faintly exudes terrible blood and vitality!

The barbarians, whose bodies are among the nine fierce tribes, can be ranked first.

The Qiang nationality, among the nine fierce clan, has the most vitality and blood, and its life is longer than that of the Dragon clan.

The ancestor of a ancestor is as long as 500,000 years!

The Emperor is coming!

Until this time, the top emperors of the nine fierce clan have gathered in the mysterious palace!

Such a huge battle has never occurred since the battle of antiquity.

"What do you two say, barbara and barbara?"

The Witch King asked lightly, "Do you want to join forces with the Dragons and fight against my six fierce tribes?"

The Huanghuang and Huanghuang looked at each other and shook their heads.

"So, do you want to join forces with my six gangsters?"

The blood emperor smiled slightly, and spread his arms, saying, "Our nine fierce tribes are coexisting together. Welcome to join."

The Emperor and the Emperor shook their heads again.

The emperor emperor's face sank.

In the end, the pretty emperor spoke first and said cautiously, "This is a bit complicated, and we have to wait."

"Wait! What can you wait for!"

Jin Wuhuohuang could not help but yelled.

"We are waiting for a truth."

Xi Huang said slowly.

"What's the truth?"

Hades and others frowned.

"The truth about the Archean War!"

Xi Huangning whispered.

The emperor's brows frowned, and the killing of his eyes surged, and he quickly converged, and said blankly, "What's going on in the ancient war? It is well known that there can be any so-called truth."


The blood emperor also said with a smile: "Speaking of the ancient war, at the time, in the face of the horrible existence of taboo gods, our nine fierce tribes never flinched and joined forces to fight the enemy."

"How come you are hesitant to face a group of human ants today?"

Hearing here, Ye Ling's eyes flashed a bit of resentment, and slightly fisted.

The Emperor Chen Long suddenly said, "I remember, we were the eight fierce clan at first, did the Protoss slowly rise after the War of the Ancients?"

The emperor looked cold.

"What does this little detail have to do with the War of the Ancients?"

The Golden Emperor of Fire heard something inexplicable.

At this moment, the good fortune Qinglian behind Emperor Chen Long swayed gently, diffused a ray of glow.

Su Zimo opened his eyes and rose to his feet. The natural Qinglian under him turned into a ray of light, submerged into his body.

"Let me tell you the truth about the Archaic War!"

Su Zimo said word by word.

Recommend a new book, also the theme of Xian Xia, eternal emperor, author Xiang Hongming

(End of this chapter)

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